The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1177: homesick

In the face of this situation, in the end it still depends on Kevin of the Marines.

Water Elf Trainer.

"The mosquito coil warrior! Iron lobster! Megalodon! Use surfing around!" Kevin ordered to his elf.

Hearing the order of his trainer, the three elves acted immediately.

Rich water-based energy hovered under their feet.

Seeing his captain's actions, the three members of the Ocean team immediately let their elves use water skills.

The purpose is very simple, that is, to increase the humidity of the sand through the interference of water, so that the sand can no longer fly.

The gravel passing through their cheeks made a mark on their faces.

Eyes could not be opened for a short time.

But after the surfing currents and the infusion of water skills, the sandstorm did slow down.

Seeing the effect, members of the Ocean Team immediately showed joy.

As long as the sandstorm disappears, they will not be so passive.

But the facts tell them that there is actually no difference between sandstorms.

In the face of them, the main role of the Bangui Sandstorm is to clean up some elves who can't stand their strength.

Don't waste too much time.

Even if the members of the Ocean team spurted water in a frantic way at the end, Bangla was able to control the dry sand and stun several weaker elves first.

If Aoki feels necessary, there is a steady stream of sand in the soil.

The rate of output is much faster than the speed at which they wet the sand.

It's just that the remaining elves are not simple sandstorms to solve, and it takes too much time.

In such a thick sandstorm, the Flaming Chicken and Dragon King Scorpion will also be affected.

Might as well just be positive.

So when the other party thought it was effective, it was Aoki that made Bangirah not need to continue to absorb sand.

Enough, it has become the main battlefield.

The sandstorm faded away.

Just when the two captains thought they could do their best, the two giants, Bangila and Boscodora, were already in front of them.

Have you seen a big punch in the sandbag?

Bangila has studied with the ape for a while, although it is not like turning ape, turning every joint in the body into a weapon.

But he can exercise a limb that can obviously be used into a weapon.

For example, the tail.

Now Bangila is found. The place where the most powerful body is in the tail is the tail.

A stream of water flew across the tail, and the swept elf was either killed or injured.

Boscodora is even more frightening.

Since mastering the skill of lightening the body, he is no longer the strong shield but slow moving meat shield.

Just ask, has the whole body surrounded by metal armor, has anyone seen the rampant iron cow?

Boscodora relied on his hard-headed character to maximize the ability of the double-edged hammer.

No matter what elves are on the other side, no one can hold on to being hit by Boscodora.

As for the flame chicken.

He had a different approach from Bangira and Boscodor.

The elegant movement and flexible body make the opponent almost unable to catch his whereabouts, and the flame chicken will become faster and faster with the length of the fighting time.

Often only he can attack the opponent, but the opponent has no way to take him.

The problem is that the flame of the flame chicken is not acceptable to everyone.

The lava team's Spitfire camel believes that it is also a fire elf, and has a good defense, and can face the flame of the hard steel flame chicken.

But Flamingo taught him a lesson.

What is called, the gap between flames.

Relying on the Taiji thoughts and inch-strength ideas taught by Aoki, four or two pounds of force, a flame punch!

Not only did the Spitfire camel fly with extreme self-confidence in its own tonnage, it glides on the ground for a distance of three or four meters, but also left a perfect mark on a hump of the Spitfire camel.

A jet black looks like a scorched fist print.

The spitfire camel lay on the ground painfully and tried three times and failed to stand up.

He felt that his entire hump should be abolished.

Giant marsh monster.

The way he fights now is very simple.

Earth Blast Hammer!

He has successfully integrated the arm hammer and the power of the earth into every attack.

If you hit Hi sometimes, you can replace Earth Power with an earthquake.

Not only is it more powerful, it also has a range of attacks.

However, there is not much space here, and it is easy to cause accidental injury by using an earthquake, so he is not often used.

The final Dragon King Scorpion felt as if he had not been inserted into their battle.

Not because the dragon king scorpion is weak, but because the dragon king scorpion is too strong, he somewhat looks down on those opponents who are dragged into the air by Bangila and treated as toys.

too weak!

Not even the power to deal with the four elves of Bangla, let alone him?

Therefore, the Dragon King Scorpion abandoned the battle after drilling into the sand and simply killing an elf of a lava team member in a simple triple attack.

Skimming his mouth came to the sound of Aoki.

No way, there are too many monks.

Aoki also knows the idea of ​​the Dragon King Scorpion. Now he is on the verge of breaking through the senior Heavenly King level, and needs a strong opponent to make a whetstone, not these "terrestrial tiles".

Gently patted the dragon king scorpion's arm ~ ~ motioned him to be calm and not impatient.

This war with the Lava and Ocean teams has just begun, and there is always a chance for him to play.

McCley of the Lava team and Kevin of the Ocean team looked at the majestic Banguila, their faces were ashamed.

Their elves, facing the elves of Aoki, did not have much resistance at all, and it was a one-sided slaughter.

Watching Bangila and Boscodora punch, they were able to beat their elves in a horrible manner. Do not move.

Neither the defense nor the attack is a hierarchy.

As for the flaming chicken, it was too much, and they were not touched during the whole process. Their elves were being beaten.

The worst thing was the Spitfire camel. He only provoked the Flaming Chicken a little and was targeted.

At this point, the two volcanic hump-like hump of the camel came out swollen.

Do you know what it feels like to have two huge black buns with a black flame and a scorched camel?

Spitfire came to tears.

The Flaming Chicken was complacent about its masterpiece.

The only thing that could be harmed was the giant marsh monster who was chaotic like a lunatic.

Yes, it can indeed cause harm, and harm can also see results.

But the cost of damage to the monster monster is too high.

This giant marsh monster didn't know what had been struck. His fist wrapped with yellow energy was scrambling everywhere. Any elves who encountered it were bombed.

At this time, there are no marks on the tunnel wall, which is caused by the monster monster.

Four elves.

With just four elves, they destroyed nearly fifty elves.

Mom, I miss home

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