The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1188: Sloppy thought

Genji confronts Water Indus, and thousands of miles confronts Chiyanmatsu!

Two wars are about to start!

Fire Village and Izumi looked at each other and wanted to direct their elves to help.

The help of the two of them can still have some effects.

But when they were about to launch an attack, two people appeared in front of them.

"Sorry, I'm afraid your opponent is us!"

I don't know when the elves of Aoki and Ogo were called out again.

But Fire Village and Izumi suffered heavy losses due to the outbreak of the scale-tailed dragon.

The original Fire Village and Izumi had this strength advantage, but now they are gone.

And they can't, like the red flame pine and the water indus, spend a lot of money to train multiple elves.

They are now the most dependent, and they have not yet reached the limit.

Follow Aoki and Ogo's previous assignment.

Ogo went directly to Shanghuo Village, while Aoki went directly to Chuan.

In fact, Aoki understands both of them.

It's just that the last time he dealt with them was Genji, and this time he became himself.

This is a growth.

At this time, the remaining elves in Quan were a giant tooth shark, an iron chew lobster, and a fang sea lion.

Of the three water spirits, the strongest of them is her Emperor Sea Lion.

This Diya sea lion has broken through the level of senior Tianwang and entered the semi-championship level.

Pokemon: Diya Sea Lion (Light Blue)

Gender: Female

Level: 76

Attribute: Ice system + water system

Features: thick fat

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: playing with water, yawning, water ring, belly drum

Basic skills: Frozen Teeth, Bluff, Bite, Round, Fine Snow, Scream, Water Gun, Roll, Again, Ice Hockey, Salt Water, Aurora Beam, Mount Tarzan, Sleep, Snoring, Hail, Snowstorm, Absolute Zero

Teaching Skills: Waves of Water, Blocking Road, Lame, Iron Tail, Frozen Wind

Skill Learner: Frozen Beam, Hold, Earthquake, Rock Block, Echo, Breath, Dream Talk, Surfing, Waterfall Climbing

However, this Emperor Sea Lion suffered a lot of injuries when he just fought with the scale-tailed dragon.

A person's strength can reach 70%, it is already the limit.

However, the three water spirits are still a great threat to the spirits sent by Aoki now.

The idiot king, lady Huajie, bangla, boscodora, flaming chicken and giant marsh monster!

The battle between Ogo and Fire Village has begun. Between the two men, but also the enemy, of course there is not much to say.

The battle between Genji and Senri has also become heated.

Genji squeezed the water sycamore and beat him out of breath.

And Qian Li and Chi Yansong you come and go, and we can not see who has the advantage.

Thousands of miles of leave leave has not yet erupted, but it is estimated that Chi Yansong also has a hole card that has not yet been used.

Aoki looked at Quan and suddenly laughed. "Quan, it's not our first time to meet."

Izumi glanced at Aoki and found that he was not in a hurry to fight, so of course she was also happy to allow her elf to recover for a while.

He frowned at his blue hair, "Is this younger brother Aoki so interested? Still looking for an older sister to chat before the fight?"

Quan itself is a beauty, so when she speaks like that, she is charming.

In the Ocean team, I don't know how many people coveted her beauty.

Just because of her identity and strength, she didn't dare to say anything.

"It's nothing. I just want to find a cadre of Quan to fight in another place. I can't show it here." Aoki didn't mind that Quan called himself like that.

It is indeed much younger than her in age.

"Oh? I don't know where Brother Aoki wants to fight?" Izumi's expression became very ambiguous.

But in her eyes, there was a hint of disgust.

She was clearly thinking a little.

But there is no way, living in that environment every day, crawling from the lowest level to this position, and still being able to maintain her own heart, she is not only capable, but also principled.

Much like Aoki's rose now.

They are all people who seem to be on the surface, but in the bottom of their hearts, they have cleanliness.

"Then I'll invite cadres to come with me." Aoki said with a smile.

Don't bother to explain anything.

Rushing towards a side tunnel.

Fighting here, he can't perform, and no matter what the other party thinks, he will lead the talk first.

There was a hint of killing in Quan's eyes.

There really aren't many good birds in the league. Only a person of this age can think so.

However, Quan followed him with his elf.

She still has confidence in her own strength, especially after seeing Aoki's current elf and confirming his strength.

Even if he is more proficient, his elf strength is stronger.

The rest were busy fighting themselves and didn't notice the disappearance of Aoki and Izumi.

The two cascaded forward and came to a tunnel.

No one can interfere with their fighting here.

"Well, let's get started, then," Aoki said.

"I'm going to see what medicines are sold in your gourds." Quan curled her hair again and her expression became cold.

It looks a bit like Cona.

Aoki smiled and said nothing.

It looks like a tunnel here, but it is actually a different space laid in advance by Aoki.

It seems that the two just walked into the tunnel, but actually just crossed the space barrier of the different space.

It's just that this different space is not much different from a tunnel arranged by Aoki.

Unknown totems have this ability, but Aoki is not commonly used.

"I heard that your marine team believes in the **** of the ocean, Gaoka."

Izumi was ready to fight.

I did n’t understand what Aoki was going to do, but still nodded, with a touch of reverence in his eyes, “The **** of the sea, Gaoka, is the greatest existence of all gods and beasts. Although the land is not small, the most is the sea. Isn't he great enough? "

Aoki did not refute her, but nodded sympathetically, "It is indeed ~ ~ On this planet, the largest area is the sea."

Immediately the words turned, "But what does the God of the Sea have to do with you?

The sea is always the sea. In addition to a small number of sailors, as well as your marine team, how many humans can survive in the sea? "

On hearing that, Quan frowned.

"What do you want to say?"

Aoki grinned, "As one of the top cadres of the Marine Team, Shuiwutong's powerful men, how much do you know about Shuiwutong, and how much do you know about his purpose and goals?"

Unlike the Lava team, the Lava team knows the goals of Red Fire Pine and the purpose of finding Gulado.

This is not the case for the Ocean Team, because the ambitions and goals of Water Indus actually violate some of the human and elven world survival rules.

"What the **** do you want to say ?!" Quan asked sharply again.

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