The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1192: Aoki VS Izumi (final)

The sword of the cliffs of Bangla is more and more like the sword of the cliffs of Gurado.

This series of attacks did not directly defeat the Diya Sea Lion, but it did not allow the icicles under his control to chase the lingering king again.

The dumb king also came to a respite.

Crazy superpowers converged from the scattered space, forming three long dark knives again, flying towards the attracting iron lobster.

The Eye of Miracle allows the dull king to see through the nature of the evil spirit. The iron-crusted lobster has simply withstood the dull king's three swords and was seized by the dragon king scorpion and giant marsh monster.

The triple thunderbolt reappeared, and the two pliers of the Dragon King Scorpion clasped the two pliers of the iron-claw lobster, and then their teeth bit a hot yellow current and bit on the hard shrimp-cray lobster shell.


The shrimp shell cracked, and current flowed along the teeth of the dragon king scorpion to the iron lobster.


The giant marsh monster on the side is also seizing the opportunity, like an orangutan, walking away from the ground, holding hands tightly and holding it tightly, the energy wrapped around the ground, the strength of the whole body quickly agitates to the arms, the two arms are raised, the muscles The membrane is agitated, shifting the center of gravity from the center of the body upward, so that the power can be fully expressed.

boom! !! !!

The earth blast hammer formed by the arm hammer and the force of the earth smashed the iron lobster directly into the soil.

Embedded in the ground, the current on his body has not disappeared.

The iron lobster's eyes rolled over and it lost its fighting ability.

Chamo! !! !!

The dragon king scorpion shouted with his arms raised, his momentum rose, his level increased, and finally he entered the senior heavenly king level!

The second elf lost his fighting ability, and Quan had only one emperor sea lion!

The trend is gone.

The original desperate fight allowed Aoki to direct the elves to rescue Wei and attack Zhao Quan. He simply let the Diya sea lion transfer to save his trainer and cracked it.

Icicles fell out of control and fell on the ground, splashing with ice crystal snowflakes.

The Emperor Sea Lion was lying on the ground, his smooth skin had been cracked, showing a lot of burn marks, and the combination of the sword of the cliff and the rockfall made him drink a large pot.

In this chaotic battle, Geng Gui transferred the sniper characteristics of the Dragon King Scorpion to so many elves. As long as he can trigger it once, the power is still quite scary.

Di Ya Sea Lion struggled a few times on the ground, but still couldn't stand up.

Aoki will certainly not give him another chance to stand up.

Today, the Diya Sea Lion is not in its heyday, otherwise it will not be so easy to deal with.

Moreover, the other three elves of Quan were also unable to send out battles because of injuries, otherwise Aoki and her were just facing each other and could not achieve this level.

There are indeed some gaps between the two.

But everything else is useless.

The lurking Geng Gui emerged from the shadow of the emperor sea lion, his eyes stared at each other, and the tired emperor sea lion failed to stop Geng Gui's hypnosis.

The snoring sounded, Geng Gui used Dream Eater directly, making him lose his combat ability.

At this point, Quan's three elves have all lost their fighting ability.

The spring standing in place was prepared when the Diya sea lion was bombarded and the iron lobster lost its combat ability, but it was not expected to come so soon.

Although Aoki sent a total of eight elves, Quan did not feel uncomfortable because of this.

Just as Water Indus can use nine elves to fight the source of the battle, this is a battle of life and death, not a house.

Lost, but dying

The opponent obviously knew very well what this real combat should do. The last way to rescue Zhao and attack the trainer himself was to prove this.

Hate can only hate that he is not strong enough.

Aoki took his elf, walked slowly to Quan, and smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Izumi was not afraid and looked at Aoki coldly. When she chose to join the Ocean Team, she was ready to face this situation.

"I planted it in your hands, and I recognized it." Quan's cold voice sounded.

Aoki just looked at her with a smile and didn't answer.

Chuan's expression was slightly stiff, "If you want to kill you, let me kill you!"

Aoki still did not speak, just looked at him, his eyes appeared inexplicable.

But the more Aoki was like this, the more rigid Izumi's expression became, as if I thought of something bad.

Immediately pulled his clothes and shouted back in two steps, "What do you want to do?"

Seeing her movements and expressions, Aoki suddenly realized that she wanted to crook.

"I'm just thinking what to do with you."

Before she could talk, Aoki said to herself, "Actually, you aren't considered to be extremely ferocious, but still have some bottom line."

With that said, move forward two more steps.

The distance between the two is very close now.

Quan's expression was stiff and she didn't know what to say. She found that her body couldn't move.

I saw an elf emerged from Aoki's shadow again.


The soft murmur seemed to bring some special soothing effect, so that Quan's uneasy heart gradually calmed down.

Aoki raised her hand and whispered, "Don't resist."

Talking, a palm was patted on her forehead.

Falling in response, Izumi's body was stiff, and she fell straight towards the back, but under the control of Aoki's super power, she did not fall to the ground, but floated in midair.


When Quan's eyes opened again, the scene had completely changed.

With an incredible expression, Quan raised his hand and looked at it, but found no abnormalities, and then immediately took an elf ball from his waist and saw the imperial sea lion in good health inside. Relieved.

Only then can you calm down and observe the surroundings.

Dim lights and rock walls all around

In a cave.

And on the surrounding rock walls, there are drops of water. As a member of the marine team that deals with water all year round, of course, it is known that this is because the humidity is too heavy and the water vapor is too full.

Then I noticed that there was a small pool directly in front of me. The light in the entire cave was shining from this pool. I do n’t know if it was because of the water in the pool or because of these halos. Light blue, sparkling with the flow of water in the pool.

this is

Before she could think about it, footsteps came from behind her.

The vigilant Quan immediately turned back to ~ ~ tightly holding the elven ball of Diya Sea Lion in his hand.

She didn't breathe a sigh of relief until she saw someone.

Water Indus!

And the tide and drops that are also the top cadres of the marine team.

They were all in their original outfits, giving Quan a little peace of mind.

But I felt like there was something wrong, it seemed like I forgot something, and I was stuck in my head, I couldn't think of it.

The voice of Water Indus interrupted her thoughts.

"Quan, doing a good job, we finally found the legendary god!" Between the words, his eyes glowed hot.

Not to Quan, but to the God he said!

Or, beast!

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