The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1216: Training plan

Aoki roughly divided the elven training mission into three stages.

The first stage, that is, the first ten days, mainly completes some self-training, such as combining what you have learned during the battle some time ago to master it flexibly, and at the same time combining the experience you have gained with the absorbed energy. There are many hard power improvements.

The second stage, ten days in the middle, allowed the elves to run in with each other, mainly to let the two cores try to combine to achieve a complementary effect.

Ten days at this stage may not be enough, and the delay can be adjusted appropriately.

In the last stage, that is, in the last ten days or less, find a few good opponents, conduct simulated battles, and strive to achieve your own ideas.

Aoki has some clues about this last candidate.

This is roughly such a plan. Of course, there will definitely be some time deviation in the middle. Aoki needs to make adjustments by himself.

After summoning the elves, give them training tasks one by one.

Among them, the dull king and Bangui La were the two elves who were left behind by Aoki and were specially emphasized.

At this time, the level of the dull king has reached level 72. In this month, after digesting the battle harvest, there should be one or two levels of improvement. At that time, plus Aoki's superpower infusion, say no There is a possibility of impacting the prospective champion.

And as the most battled in the Meteor Falls, but also beat the most opponents Bangila, at this time the level has reached 69.

There is still a month left. There should not be many problems in impacting the senior Heavenly King. At that time, maybe there will be two or three levels of improvement.

It is a pity that super evolution cannot be used, otherwise, with the potential and explosive power of Bangla, the innate advantage of quasi-god spirits, and the strength of quasi-champion after super evolution, it is not impossible.

If the dual cores can reach the quasi-champion, then even if the remaining elves of Aoki are weaker, they can also face some of the weaker four heavenly kings of hard steel.

For example, Du, who has just become the Dragon King.

However, superevolution cannot yet occur. Whether it is Aoki or the alliance, or the forces of all parties are not ready to meet this special ability.

Aoki has let the Flash Flames start to collect superevolutionary stones in secret, and Jarzos, the first minister, also received this order in Azot.

As for the final result, it depends on how hard they work.

The dull kings of the water system and the super power system, and the bandages of the rock system and the evil system are actually not particularly good combinations, but now they are the best elves in the Aoki team.

The abilities of the dumb king can be combined with the rock system of Bangla.

"The dull king, do you still remember the super power net of Shanaiduo?" Aoki asked looking at the dull king.

Hearing Aoki's question, the dull king nodded.

Super ability net, he can weave, but can not reach the level of that Shannai Duo.

"At this time, your goal is to weave a superpower net that is larger and denser than that of Xanadu. I know it will be a bit energy-intensive for you, but do n’t worry, I ’ll just wait Make a super energy block for a month of special training for you. "Aoki said.

The dull king nodded immediately, eager to try.

Shanai Duo left a deep impression that day. He was the first time that he was suppressed by all parties when facing the super-elves.

"Don't forget your water system, you can try to integrate your super powers into your water flow, and then distribute this water in all corners of the venue, this will be more conducive to weaving your super power network."

After giving Dao Wang a little inspiration, let him go and learn by himself.

Elf superpowers that are not pure superpowers are not so pure, but correspondingly, they have more fault tolerance.

"Bangira, your energy control has always been your strong point. You can control the sand and stones in the storm, but this is not enough. You only need to move your mind a little bit. Be able to make sand behave as you want.

Instruct Rugao to truly exert the power of your Sandstorm King.

And in the sandstorm, your sand is a kind of reliance to your companions, whether it's offense or defense, can play a great role.

You are standing in the middle of the sandstorm, and you need to see and hear all directions.

At the same time, we must slowly learn to master dual sandstorms. "

To Benjila, it can be said that Aoki now has the highest hope in his own hands.

Even though Tianxi and Maji Yana have higher potentials than current Bangui La, Bangui La is still the most hopeful elf of Aoki.

Because at this time in Aoki's mind, all plans were created with Bangila as a prototype. Only with stronger Bangila can Aoki's ideas and lineup be perfect.

In the future, there may be a second and third elves that are also so highly hoped, but there is still only Bangila.

class! !! !!

Bangila nodded and understood that Aoki's expectations for him were clearly felt.

Aoki, who is also a friend and a teacher, is the reason why Bangila has worked hard and struggled in his life. For Aoki, and to make Bangira's name known throughout the world, he is willing to bet everything.

Aoki patted Bangila's arm with relief, "You can, believe in yourself.

When training, you can start with relatively heavy rocks, get used to big stones, and then change to smaller stones, and then turn into sand. In this way, there should be a good concept for the combined amount of sand. "

If you change from a little bit of sand to a big stone, this can also improve your control, but this is relatively slow and not very suitable for the current Bangla.

It is very tiring at first to load the heavy medicine directly, but it will relax later.

"You don't have to worry, it will give you a special energy block." Aoki relieved.

Bangila nodded and went to train vigorously.

In fact, not only the dull king and Bangila, most of the elves of Aoki will have special energy blocks for this month.

The material of these energy cubes is that Aoki called Sakagi before and exchanged them with those elves.

The four senior Heavenly-level elves who taught God men, except the Shanai Duo, all exchanged resources.

What a huge amount of resources the four senior Heavenly Kings can get, but they are compressed by Aoki to consume points in a month.

From this, we can see how much luxury Aoki is going to make for them ~ ~.

Certainly there will be a waste of waste to varying degrees, but for the sake of the Four Heavenly Kings, this consumption of Aoki is willing to bear.

It is believed that even with the Zvuchi family as the big backer, in this month, Dawu will no longer be more advanced than the materials and materials used by the elves.

With her own ability, Aoki barely caught up with the full support of the big family within a month.

Even a family as large as Zvuch would not always be able to consume Dawu like this.

Although the family is large and has many resources, there are also many people and large expenditures.

Aoki now has an underground force such as the Sky Team entangled in Zijing City, and is fully cultivated with this ability to absorb gold, which is barely maintained.


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