The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 289: status quo

Aoki's hands were strewn with stinky flowers, and he looked down at the respectful person below.

Several corpses were lying in the middle of the hall, and blood was slowly flowing out of them, but no one ignored them.

Pinewood's head was casually dropped on the ground by the dark crow, standing on the back of the Aoki chair, organizing the feathers on his body. He had stained some of the blood with his feathers, and combed away a little.

"Skye, tell me about the situation on the trial island now." Aoki said slowly.

After hearing the words, Skye sorted out his thoughts and said, "Now there are 98 people on the trial island. Oh, just now, the adult killed eight. If you count on you, there are still trial islands left. The next ninety-one people.

It is still the same as it is divided into four forces. At present, we have a small number of people, and we have only fourteen people. We are also the weakest. One of the top ten, two of ten to twenty, and twenty to fifty. Of the seven, there are three left after the 50th, of course, you are not counted as adults.

Then the strongest was Guga, a total of 28 people, one killed by adults, 27 people left, four people in the top ten, Guga first, one seventh, one ninth, There is another tenth.

The group with the largest number of people was a temporary patchwork of the soloists, a total of thirty-eight people, temporarily led by Alec, ranked third in the last test, two of the top ten, and one ranked eighth.

The group with the least number of girls was only twelve, but there were three in the top ten. Jasmine ranked second in the last test, one ranked fifth, and one ranked sixth. "

After listening to Skye ’s brief introduction to the test of Aoki on the island, it is not surprising that Aoki has such a development for other forces. It is unexpected that Skye can be able to reduce this weakness in such a disadvantaged situation. The forces are preserved.

Seeing Aoki's eyes, Skye smiled bitterly and did not conceal. He continued, "It was only when we joined the other two forces that we were barely able to compete with the forces of Guga, although we were in the top ten overall. There are two more people than them, but the forces are only cooperative and do not trust each other.

Moreover, those organizations where the lone walkers temporarily joined together were not very harmonious. Alec was also suppressed by virtue of its strength. But I heard that the eighth-ranked person has no small dispute with him. Today Guga definitely sent more than us. I am afraid that those who are alone are his ultimate goal. Maybe tomorrow, their number will be the largest. "

Aoki was clear. Although Abu Snake of Guga was not neglected by him at that time, if he had the help of his brother, he would be able to recover quickly.

According to Ying Ying, the only captain of the quasi-king king peak who sent someone in should be Guga's brother, and the people behind Jasmine and Alec should only be two relatively ordinary captains.

I want to touch the tiger's whiskers of the cadres, and I don't know how they will die in the end.

However, Aoki was quite surprised that Skye could stabilize in the fourth place. Before leaving, he quickly entered the top ten ranks with the gas bomb that originally belonged to Soros. Stable in the top ten, it is estimated that the resources brought together by this small force are also a large part of the reason.

Only in this regard, Aoki no longer delves into it. In that case, Skye had not chosen to betray himself, so this person is still OK, and Aoki is willing to pay the cost.

It can be said that now Skye is barely recognized by Aoki.

"Who are the top two people here?" Aoki continued to ask.

There should be three of the top 20 in the past. The person named Pine was one of them, but it was only solved by Aoki.

Hearing Aoki's words, the two stood up.

"Master Aoki, it's his subordinate, Fox, who is currently ranked 14th!" The first one who came out was actually Fox among the two who were simultaneously subdued by Aoki. I didn't expect such a timid person now It can also be ranked in the top 20, but it is somewhat unexpected.

"Master Aoki, his name is Tian Zhen! He is currently ranked sixteen!" Another person also stood up, but this person Aoki did not have much impression.

However, Aoki observed very clearly that this person belongs to a person who is loyal to himself, because when he killed those people himself, the person's face had no other expression except for understanding and excitement.

And looking at his five big and three thick looks, it is obviously a rectal person.

After learning about the situation, Aoki continued to ask, "Are you starting to cultivate a second elf now?"

As for those in the lower rankings, although Aoki didn't ask him about his situation, he was afraid to express it.

But what they didn't know was that before Aoki let the chip write down those who have the heart and the courage.

Regardless of strength, if you can't be loyal, it won't help if you ask for it.

Still Skye said, "Began to cultivate. After you left half an adult, the Viper Instructor let us start to cultivate a second elf, saying that it will be used during the final trial. As for the cultivation of elf If you have any qualifications, you have to catch them yourself. "

After speaking, Skye threw an elf ball, and a large-mouthed bat appeared in the hall.

Aoki's eyes flickered slightly, and the information of this big-billed bat was scanned by the chip.

Level 28, light green big-billed bat ~ ~ No wonder it has been stable in the top ten. This big-billed bat has been cultivated fairly well, and its qualifications are acceptable among the trainees. Already.

At the sign of Aoki, Fox and Tian Zhen also released their elves.

Either dark yellow or light green, the grades are okay.

It seems that the elves caught by these people were selected by themselves. Otherwise, even if there are more qualified elves on the island, they will not have one.

"Looks like everyone else?"

"Almost, the top ten people are about the same as the two elves, and the top 20 people have a focus on the cultivation of the elves. As for the people after the twenty, the main thing is to cultivate an elf. Limited, "Skye replied.

Aoki nodded, and had a general understanding of the strength of the people on the island.

The top ten should almost have the strength of the Rockets captain, but the number of elves is a little small.

The people in the top ranks are relatively stronger, and in the captain level, they should be considered good.

It's like Skye, as long as he gives him two more qualified elf, he has a proper captain level combat power.

Just don't know how Guga's strength is. With his brother's full training, Aoki doesn't believe he only has two elves now.

"That, Master Aoki, Guga now has four elves, each of which is not weaker than the Aber snake, which has now evolved into an Aber monster."

Sure enough, Skye talked about Guga's strength.


Paying off debts even more! Today is the last day. Hibiscus is about to burst out. Ask for a monthly pass. Do n’t waste the brothers in your hand. Hurry up and vote for Hibiscus!

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