The Dark Raven fanned its wings a few times, creating small whirlwinds, repelling all powder.

But the furballs' offense has just begun.

The eyes of the first hairball light up, and the development emits a faint red light. Then, all the hairballs light up their eyes.

"Mi Mi !!"

It seemed as if something was felt, the blue light on the dumb beast soared, resisting the red energy of the hairballs.

Aoki's face changed slightly.

Although the hairballs are worms of the worm and venom system, they are naturally gifted with super powers.

Adult hairballs can learn directly the mental ability and the phantom light super power, and the red shimmer just emitted from them is the mental ability.

If there is only one, the dumb beast can still deal with it easily, but in the face of these nearly a hundred fur balls, the dumb beast also falls into the wind instantly.

The hair ball that is also losing is not a super-powered spirit, otherwise, with the super-power of a foolish beast, it is estimated that such a large number cannot be stopped.

Fortunately, the Dark Crow, as an evil spirit, is directly immune to these thoughts.

"Dark crow, wings attack, give them some color!"

In the next second, the dark crow who got the command of Aoki fluttered his wings and flew away. Whether it was mental power or phantom light, all were ignored by the dark crow, and those powders could not approach the dark crow.

In the gloomy forest, the black feathers of the dark crow are integrated with the surrounding environment. The first thing is to solve the hair **** standing on the tree.

One fur ball failed to withstand the impact of the Dark Crow and fell off the tree.

There is also a part of the hair ball that is worried about the sudden attack of the Dark Crow, and the mental ability of the stupid beast can not output it wholeheartedly.

To the dumb beasts has relieved a lot of pressure.

However, under such a dense wave of super powers, the dumb beast's instant movement cannot be used. If you want to escape, you can only use your feet.

After the pressure of the dull beasts reduced, Aoki took him slowly and went in the other direction.

In the opposite direction from Aoki's departure, a group of gray-white insect elves gradually appeared.

"Dark Crow, retreat first!"

The dark crow, who was still wanting to attack, heard Aoki's order, and looked at the Moru moth that was about to appear in the forest. He turned around and merged with Aoki.

In this forest, even Moru moths are in groups, and Aoki no longer has the idea of ​​entanglement.

The situation is okay now, but if it is entangled by a group of Moru moths, it is really dangerous.

Trial Island really is not that simple.

Aoki threw an elf ball directly, and a strong elf appeared.

One step over his back, and the dumb beast blocking the attack of the mind also got on the back of the tropical dragon.

"Tropical dragon, go!" Aoki hurriedly patted the tropical dragon's back.

The tropical dragon looked at the surrounding environment, then looked at Aoki, and those smart eyes seemed to say, is it just a bunch of little bugs that are running away?

Aoki patted his head bent with a bad expression, "Look over there, change your expression again."

The tropical dragon looked at it in the direction pointed by Aoki, and his expression froze instantly.

He fluttered his wings and rose with a strong wind.

But because there are huge trees and ubiquitous branches around, tropical dragons can't lift off at once.

But a group of Moru moths is about to reach the battlefield.

Even the forty-level tropical dragon felt a huge threat. He could feel that one or two of the molu moths made him feel very dangerous.

"Dark crow, tailwind, speed up the tropical dragon!"

Traveling through the woods, the speed of the tropical dragon cannot be exerted, and the Moru moths are relatively small in size, and the complicated terrain does not affect them.

Approaching at a rapid pace.

The dark crow screamed, an air current appeared around the tropical dragon's body, and the downwind air flow increased the speed of the tropical dragon.

Unfortunately, it is now traveling through the woods, with lush branches and leaves on it. The tropical dragon cannot break through the tree cover at once, and the sun cannot reach the tropical dragon. Therefore, the characteristics of chlorophyll can not exert his due effect.

Although the speed of the dark crow has increased the speed of the tropical dragon, there is still a little gap compared with those of the molu.

Especially the first few Molu Moths approached faster.

Aoki obtained the information of the leading Moru moth through the chip.

Pokemon: Moru Moth (Green)

Gender: Female

Level: 44

Attribute: Insect + Toxic

Characteristics: scale powder

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: harsh, poisonous

Basic Skills: Wind, Butterfly Dance, Insect, Silver Whirlwind, Impact, Immobilization, Penetration, Ultrasound, Mind Power, Poison Powder, Phantom Light, Paralysis Powder, Signal Light, Hypnosis Powder, Vampire, Mind Head

Teaching skills: insect bites, clear fog, hiccups

Skill Learner: None

Aoki's face was ugly when he saw the strongest existence of this molu moth.

The grade reaches forty-four, and it is still green. No matter it is in grade or qualification, it leads the tropical dragon a lot, and because of its small size, it is easier to shuttle in the woods than the tropical dragon.

Of course ~ ~ If it is just an elf, Aoki is not afraid. He is afraid of the dozens of Moru moths that are behind him, forming a siege, even the momentary movement of the dumb beast cannot be used , Then it is really fierce.

Aoki took out the weight-bearing controller on the Dark Crow and lifted the load on him.

"Dark crow, go ahead and make way for the tropical dragon!"

The Dark Crow is faster than the tropical dragon, and the Dark Crow is smaller than the Moro moth, so these branches have little effect on him. Let him destroy all the branches in front of the tropical dragon, so that the speed of the tropical dragon can rise.

But this is not enough, because tropical dragons can relax and fly more easily.

"Stupid beasts, use mental strength to create a barrier for them, as long as they can delay." Aoki said to the beasts around.

"Yeah!" The dumb beast nodded. In order to resist the frustration of a group of fur balls, he was under great pressure and had time to recover after reaching the back of the tropical dragon.

Just waking up from meditation, the superpower energy in the body slightly recovered.

A blue superpower barrier suddenly appeared in front of Moru.

Immediately afterwards, the leader of the Molu Moth was blocked for a moment, after all, it was a poisonous spirit, and the ability of the super power was twice restrained.

Even though the molu moth can use super powers' moves, it does not prevent the dull beasts from restraining them.

After the speed of the Moru moths was slightly rewarded, the tropical dragons had time to breathe.


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