The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 309: Really stupid

When Aoki finished making the energy blocks, the elves had cleaned up all the garbage on the ground, leaving only two bodies of the elves with some temperature, which were left on the ground as a capital of shock and warning.

Aoki watched two bears frozen in the ice.

Now that they are captives, it's all up to Aoki to deal with them.

In fact, these two bears that look like five big and three thick hoops are a good coolie. If you can control them, it will make Aoki less troublesome on this island.

At least a lot of cool work can let them do it, and when walking in the forest, if you see two circle bears, the average elf will not want to take the initiative to attack.

Even if the elves are more powerful than hoops, they don't want to go to hoops.

The five big and three thick elves don't seem to use their brains well. If they can not conflict, it is better not to conflict.

The silly big man in the forest is talking about being them.

Of course, it's not that they don't have the brain, and they can think of the trouble of finding Aber strange to please the elves of the new king, but they will still think.

Just thinking is one thing, the blood rises, and the brain is not very useful.

However, if it can be conquered, it will be good to give a few of your followers to improve their combat effectiveness.

According to the data scanned by Aoki after seeing their elves before, they know that none of their strongest elves has reached level 30, and their qualifications are relatively average.

Although these two circle bears are relatively ordinary in Aoki's view, they are already relatively precious elves, and they have a level of thirty. As long as they are conquered, they can become trump cards.

"Drag, get them out."

Gong nodded and nodded. The two crampons condensed on the hand, and struck two knives on the large ice cube to cut the ice cube directly.

The ice cube was divided into two halves, and two circles of bear molds were completely painted.

After the two circling bears came out, they still didn't move, they just stayed in place.

Looking at them, Aoki suddenly laughed. "Haha, dumb beasts, give them warmth and spray flames."

There was a hint of jokes flashing in the eyes of the dumb beast, and a jet flame was used directly at them.


The cold and hot alternately awakened the two ring bears directly from the cold.

As bears, if you are a wild animal, you need to hibernate. Although hibernation is not necessary as an elf, for them, the cold is really the most terrible.

Part of the hair was burned by the jet flame of the dumb beast, and they did not respond, only waking up from the freezing, a little excited.


Aoki coughed gently, reminding them of the situation.

The two circling bears only reacted, and some of them looked at the more adorable dull beasts and the small clever, and did not expect that two such elves could actually have such a strong combat effectiveness.

The ring bear with a scar on his chest snarled and wanted to launch another shock, but before he had lifted his foot, he was stopped by the ring bear with a scar on his eyes.

He pointed to the dead bodies of Kairos and the big-billed bat lying beside him, who had lost their temperature.

They knew the two elves, and in the same forest, several elves with similar strengths knew each other.

Kairos, who had not expected to attack with them, was already lying on the ground, and the big-billed bats, who were compared to them as "Old Yin", were also lying together. It can be seen that the opponent's fighting power was better than they thought Much stronger.

The eyes of the two bears communicated with each other. At this time, it can be seen that the two of them are based on the one with scars on their eyes.

Slowly backed away, and at the same time his face showed a smile that seemed very natural.

But he took a step back and was blown back by two strong winds.

Turning around, they saw a dark crow flying behind them, with taunts in their eyes.

The two hoops were stiffened, and they knew what they were in now.

Then the ring bear with scars on his eyes saw the Aber monster lying on the ground in the distance, and immediately had a solution in his heart.


The ring bear with the scar on his eyes fell directly on the ground, and at the same time he pulled another ring bear around him and let him do it.

Then there was a scene that made Aoki feel very funny, and the two gigantic hoop bears were lying on the ground like this, begging for mercy.

"Who says bears are stupid? Isn't this very smart?" Aoki said with a smile.

Two ring bears chose to surrender under the onlookers of a group of elves in Aoki.

Aoki threw two elven **** directly and took them in.

Without any resistance, the two ring bears were directly subdued.

When Aoki released them again, they saw them reaching out and holding their heads, wondering what had just happened.

It just felt like I suddenly entered a small space and then came back here again.

"You have now been conquered by the Elf Ball, there is no possibility of running away." Aoki showed two elven **** ~ ~ in the hands of Aoki but the puzzled expression made Aoki speechless.

Who said they were smart just now?

Take it back!

To cover it up, Aoki showed them two elves in turn.

The circle of bears who understood it pulled his head, looking like a fate.

But when the ring bear with scars on his eyes lowered his head, his eyes were turning, thinking that Aoki couldn't see it.

Shaking his head, he took out two red pills from the ring and threw them away.

"These two pills I made myself, eat them."

The two ring bears swallowed the pill synchronously, and Aoki continued.

"Although these two pills have a healing effect, this is only an additional effect. His real effect is that I have added various poisons to it. If I do not follow our order, there are no antidote to me. These two pills Will it melt directly in your stomachs, do you know how it feels to be corroded? "

It was said that the two bears reacted and shook their heads.

"So do you want to feel it?"

Quickly shook his head again, faster.

"Oh, if you don't want to, just follow my orders, or ... let you feel it!" At the back, Aoki's face cooled down, and the two bears couldn't help but fight. A chill.

Even the Tyrannosaurus Rex, who was watching the show behind, suddenly trembled, glanced at Aoki with a dread, and then felt very grateful for two circles of bears, and a sense of superiority was born. .

The foolish beast witnessed all this and shook his head.

Two stupid bears, and a stupid dragon.

It's really stupid!


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