The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 332: Vengeance Gotha Duck

After understanding Aoki's intentions, Miyamoto didn't hesitate. Now his life was pinched by Aoki, and he didn't mean to rebel.

In his opinion, Aoki's potential is still good. If he can become the first place this time, the one who follows him will definitely be reused!

Becoming a captain at that time may be a start.

In this way, Aoki and Miyamoto are separated here, and each goes to find points.

This may be more efficient, but the security level will be greatly reduced!

After Miyamoto completely disappeared into the woods, Aoki gathered all the elves.

"Let's go, dumb beasts and see what's going on there." Aoki said to the dumb beasts.


The superpowers of the dumb beast surging up, because the distance is very long, so it takes longer to locate the coordinates, and it also needs to gather a lot of superpowers to move instantly.

Aoki stretched out his hand and pressed it on the back of the stupid beast. There were few superpowers in the body to communicate with the stupid body.

Can make the dumb beast's consumption of teleportation to a maximum.

It took ten seconds of preparation time to move the dumb beast.

With a violent wave of superpowers, Aoki and the foolish beast disappeared.

When he opened his eyes again, Aoki summoned the Dark Crow and Paula to ensure his safety before observing the surroundings.

It was found that now it was in a gloomy cave, and there was a curtain of water at the entrance of the cave.

Really returned to the water curtain cave where the stupid beast had been conquered.

"Yeah ~~" The dull beast's cry was a bit weak.

This instantaneous movement of the extreme distance also takes a person, which consumes him a lot.

Almost all the superpower energy stored in him is now exhausted.

This is still a foolish animal that has grown a bit recently, otherwise it may faint directly.

"Dummy, you meditate first and restore your superpowers." Aoki said after feeding a few energy blocks to the monster.

The stunned beast nodded and closed its eyes and began to meditate.

After this super power is exhausted and cultivated, it will actually be a faster growth rate for the dumb beast.

The Dark Raven and Paula didn't take any action, and they stood in stance to guard the foolish beast.

Although there should be no wild elves here, they do it subconsciously.

After waiting quietly for more than half an hour, the dull beast recovered in meditation.

"Okay, the dumb beasts have recovered, let's go out," Aoki said.

The dumb beast looked at the cave with some memory, and then left the cave with Aoki with super powers.

Now Aoki can be sure that the lake here is absolutely the same as the river that has been walking before.

"Remember, the Goda duck we met at that time?" Aoki suddenly smiled to the dark crow and the foolish beast after walking outside.

At that time, Aoki just conquered the foolish beast. When walking by the river, he strayed into the territory of the Gotha Duck. A 38-level Gotha Duck rushed out of the water to launch an attack against them. Only with the dark crow's guard and the dumb beast's momentary movement can he escape safely.

At that time, one man and two elves were added, but they were determined to return to revenge.

I didn't expect to come back here now, so what I said at that time needs to be realized now.

The Dark Crow and the foolish beast also thought of what happened at that time, and the two elf's eyes flashed fiercely.

While we are weak and bullied us, now we are powerful and come back to revenge!

Although Paula didn't know what was happening, he saw that his trainer and his two companions were so aggressive, he was eager to try it!

A friend's enemy is my enemy!

"Stupid beast, you go into the water to take a look. The Goda duck is still there. If it is! Drag me to the shore!" Aoki smiled, but her eyes were cold.

Hearing Aoki's words, the dumb beast went straight into the water and went looking for the Gotha duck.

With the current strength of the dumb beast, there was not much pressure to deal with Zeng Jin's Gotha duck alone, and he was dragged up just to let the dark crow vent.

It didn't take long before I saw a blue elf flying out of the water and falling directly on the shore. Then, the dumb beast also flew directly out of the water and suspended directly on the water with super powers.

He looked coldly at the scared Gotha duck lying on the shore, with a cold face indifferently.

The Dark Crow saw the Gotha duck also flew directly, and fell in front of him and looked at him coldly.

A little later, Paula also walked over to prepare for a fun.

Aoki found that after three months, the reachable duck had almost no change, and the foolish beasts had grown from the former ten-level little guy to be able to abuse his existence. .

Although he may no longer recognize them, they have a deep memory.

"Take care of him. He was your goal in the past. Now that you have achieved this goal, let him leave." Aoki said.

This Gotha Duck had put so much pressure on them, if they didn't move instantly, they might even be killed directly.

In just three months, a huge reversal was completed.

Can you say that Gotha is not growing?

It's not ~ ~ Gotha Duck is also growing, but his growth rate is so different from foolish animals.

Why is the gap so big?

It is because of the existence of trainers.

The elves in the wild want to improve their strength. If there is no special opportunity, they can only rely on time and talent to accumulate slowly.

But if there is a trainer who knows you, the growth rate will change like a rocket.

Goda Duck didn't even have a chance to respond, and was directly killed by the Dark Crow and the foolish beast.

Originally, Paula wanted to participate, but was stopped by Aoki.

This Gotha duck is the first opportunity for the Dark Crow and the foolish beast to become stronger, and letting them resolve on their own can strengthen their confidence and the direction of their efforts.

Make them feel like they are growing up and stick to it.

After solving the Gotha Duck, I can clearly feel that the confidence and fearlessness of the Dark Crow and the foolish beast are even more surging.

Aoki smiled and summoned the stinky mud, and absorbed the Gotha duck.

Before Miyamoto was here, Aoki was also reluctant to expose the particularity of the stinky mud he found, so he had previously wasted a lot of elven bodies.

But now it's separated, Aoki need not worry.

The two stinky mud purchased in Dead Leaf City, one light green and one green, have now all grown to the green qualification. The original green stinky mud is only a step away from the dark green. I believe Promotion can be completed in two days.

At that time, it will depend on the dark green qualification of the stinky mud, and how much time and resources are needed to promote to light cyan.


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