The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 340: Successful abduction

As long as the trial island is out, then the sky is high and the birds fly, and the sea is wide.

At that time, Aoki, who has a dream demon, may have a stronger guarantee of his own safety.

It is only from the current situation that this dream demon has survived here for so long, it seems that they will fight. Even if they go out at that time, it is estimated that they can only bully and bully some lower-level elves, or just put them It acts like that, scary!

Hearing Aoki said Elf Ball, the dream demon was lost in thought.

She knows that entering the elven ball may be restricted, but from the images given by the dumb beasts before, it seems that the elves outside need to use the elven ball.

"Woo!" After figuring it out, the dream demon nodded.

Seeing the promise of the dream demon, Aoki was ecstatic, and even the expression on his face was somewhat uncontrollable.

Even if it is a King-level elf who can not fight, it is also a King-level, and the elves under the quasi-king level are crushing, and they have no ability to resist.

But don't look at Aoki who talks well with the dream demon now, but now his strength is not enough, it is estimated that it is difficult to command the dream demon.

Before conquering the tropical dragon, it was based on food persuasion. Recently, he gradually gained the ability to command him.

Humans choose elves, and elves also choose humans. If the trainers are not strong enough, they may not obey the command even if they conquer the powerful elves.

Such things are not uncommon.

Aoki took out the super ball and motioned to the dream monster.

Now the best pokemon ball on him is only the super ball. After leaving this time, he is going to change the pokeballs for the elves collectively, change the living environment better, and give the dream demon a more advanced pokeball, at least Can't let her in and out at will.

Seeing the super ball in Aoki's hand, the dream demon hesitated, and slowly touched the button in the middle of the elf ball.

Immediately after a red light, it was directly taken in.

Soon, after a bang, the dream demon was subdued.

A huge stone fell in Aoki's heart.

When I first saw this dream demon, Aoki was very worried, and was accidentally destroyed by the other one. I didn't expect to subdue her now.

Although it was only because she was small-minded, she could be regarded as half-turned and half-deceived, but as long as she cultivated her feelings, she might not be able to command her a day of fighting.

Aoki did not manipulate the super ball, it opened by itself, and after a flash of red light, the dream demon appeared again in the cave.


The dream demon crooked his head and cried curiously.

The previous place was really weird. It clearly looked like a small ball, but the space inside was quite large. She was accustomed to living in this cave, but she didn't feel trivial after entering.

The lack of strong phantom energy in the superball made her a little accustomed to it.

"Dream Demon, you are welcome to join my team, we will be companions in the future! They are friends!" Aoki said with a smile.

He knew that this super ball could not stop the dream demon, so it was no surprise that she came straight out.

"Companion? Friend ?! What is it? Is it delicious?" The dream demon asked by telepathy.

If after conquering the dream demon, the only thing that makes Aoki more embarrassing is that the dream demon really does not understand anything and asks everything, and sometimes the things asked are very simple, so simple that Aoki does not know how to answer.

"Friend, companion means one thing. For example, I grow up and fight together with foolish beasts! We eat together and sleep together! We live together night and day, we are inseparable, and we trust each other, that is friends, companions, and you Join us in the future. "

Aoki thought for a while and could only explain it this way.

But in fact, it may be heard by the dream monster, but it still does not understand.

But all of a sudden I heard Aoki say so many words and so many unheard words, I felt very powerful.

"Woo ~~" Dream Demon didn't understand, but it didn't prevent her from being happy.

I do n’t know how many years I have been here. She has always been an elf and has not communicated with anyone. The arrival of Aoki and the foolish beast made her realize that there is such a vast world outside, and she wants to go out. Check it out!

Now I can finally go out, how can I be unhappy.

I just hope she doesn't run around after she goes out.

There was some helplessness in Aoki's heart. The King-level elf had no ability to restrain him at all.

"Dream demon, we are going out, I still want to remind you again, after you go out, you must listen to me, I must go back when I return you to the poke ball, so that you can always have delicious energy cubes to eat." Aoki can only use his own tricks, the temptation of food.

Seeing that Aoki once again took out an energy block, the dream demon's eyes lightened, and quickly nodded.

I hope you understand what it means.

Aoki smiled bitterly.

But soon he was not excited to cover it up. This is a Uranus-level elf. If they can be used properly, people under the quasi-Uranus will not have any resistance to Aoki.

"Then you go back to the elf ball first, and I'll release you later," Aoki said.

"Woo?" Dream Monster wondered, but nodded.

Then Aoki put it away with a super ball.

"Stupid beast ~ ~ let's go out."

The dumb beast has been staying beside him without any extra actions. The King-level elves have suppressed him relatively much, and they are still ghost spirits. For the super-powered dumb beasts, they are even more like natural enemies.

Of course, it's just pure restraint.

"As for this, the Heavenly King-level dream demon is just a beneficiary. The secret here is too great. Don't touch it now, lest you don't know how to die." Aoki murmured.

Soon, the dumb beast could sense the coordinates of the space left by it, and one person and one elf disappeared in one place.


However, after Aoki and the dumb beasts teleported away, a sigh suddenly appeared in the cave, wandering in the cave, I do not know where it came from.

Appeared next to the stone pillar again, Aoki still had a lingering fear.

Almost scared to death.

But the gains this time are really big.

Conquered a King-level elf. Although it can not be used for fighting, it is still very good to scare people.

And also got two high-quality dark stones, one of which is the top-quality dark stone that Aoki dreams of.

With it, the Dark Crow will be able to evolve perfectly. At that time, whether it is qualification or strength, it will be greatly improved!

At present, Aoki does not plan to evolve the Dark Crow immediately, and he needs to prepare for it at least, at least to upgrade his qualifications to dark green, anyway, now there is only a frontier, and maybe he can be promoted in a few days.

At that time, with the top dark stone, it may even be able to impact the cyan qualification.


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