The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 348: King Nido

By this time, the big needle bee, Alidos, and big flower of Guga had been lying on the ground.

Aoki only had a circling bear lying on the ground, unknown to death.

The big-billed bat is being attacked wildly by foolish beasts, and I believe it won't last long.

Paula blew a freezing wind at King Nido, trying to slow down the opponent.

I saw a crazy smile on Guga's face, "Even if all my elves are dead, I will drag you down!"

"King Nido, get rid of that Abai monster! Release my Abai monster!"

Although the frozen wind of Paula produced some boulders on King Nido, he had completely absorbed the purple pills and was not affected at all.

With purple light in his eyes, he strode to the battlefield between the two Aber monsters.

Holding one Aber monster's tail in one hand, the two entangled Aber monsters were directly separated.

Abba blame such a muscular elf, after being entangled, he was directly separated by King Nido in this way, showing his great strength now!

Slightly distinguished the Abai monster in his hand and placed the Gujia one directly on the ground, while the Abai monster in Aoki was caught by King Nido in his hands.

Aoki saw King Nido's changes so quickly, and shouted, "Dark Crow! Ghost Stone! Paula! Go and save Aber Monster!"

Now that the Dark Crow and Ghost Stone have been completely liberated, Paula has also been successfully liberated.

Guga chuckled, "King Nido! Hit me fiercely!"

"Aberby, go and drag Paula and the Dark Crow!"

The Aber monster just got rid of the entanglement, and the only remaining eye exuded a cold light, and climbed directly in front of Baola, blocking his actions to rescue.

Before the Dark Crow and the Ghost Stone arrived, King Nido stunned him as a whip under the terrified eyes of Aoki from Aoki.


Beat directly on the ground, just like whip!

Looking at King Nido's behavior like a diamond, Aoki was a little shocked. He did not expect that King Nido and the purple pill could achieve such a degree. It is necessary to know that his own Aber monster did not pass his own Training and training, but also the elves reaching level 33!

And it is not a garbage qualification, at least it is currently the pinnacle of green qualification! You can almost return to the dark green qualification!

It can be seen how terrible the increase effect of that purple pill!

Pokemon: King Nido (dark green) (abnormal state)

Gender: Male

Level: 32 (35)

Attribute: Poisonous + Ground

Characteristics: Stinger

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Assault, Poison Tail, Iron Tail

Basic skills: stare, peck, gather gas, two-kick, poison needle, random strike, corner collision, help, gradually break,

Teaching skills: Lightning Fist, Frozen Fist, Fire Fist

Skill Learner: Hold, Venom Shock, Earthquake, 100,000 Volts, Awakening Power · Water

Seeing King Nido's skills, Aoki was a bit surprised. Guga actually invested such a large amount of money into this King Nido. Just the value of the skill CD, there are millions. Counting the three skills of the farmer who taught the skills, in order to let other elves teach the skills of King Nido, it must have cost a lot.

What's more important is that King Nido's display is actually abnormal. From the chip's point of view, although the purple pills have given Nido Wang a huge increase, it is still an abnormal state, even a decrease. Benefit status, but the reduced data Aoki can not see, only saw the strength of King Nido.

In addition, after the thirty-two kings of Nido, after using the purple pills, they now show the level in the brackets, reaching the thirty-fifth level. No wonder Abaiguai was used as a whip by him.

That purple pill should be more effective than the last one that Guga gave to Aberdeen.

Fortunately, although Paula and the Dark Crow were stopped by the Aber monster, Ghost Stone came directly to King Nido without any hindrance.

"Ghost Stone, Continuous Shadow Ball!"

King Nido's physical attack has obviously been greatly strengthened, and Ghost Stone, as a ghost spirit, is most afraid of general physical attacks.

The continuous shadow ball was condensed out by him in a series and directly attacked King Nido.

King Nido finally let go of Aber monster's tail, but at this time, Aber monster was almost losing his ability to move.

"King Nido, leave him alone, use the earthquake!" Guga smiled a little, and didn't hide his madness when he gave the order!

It is necessary to first discard a few of the elves of Aoki!


King Nido heard the order, hammered his chest with one hand, and roared. With the outburst of anger, his foot fell to the ground fiercely.

For a time, dense lines appeared on the ground, and then a violent earthquake began to spread around King Nido's center. The Aberber monster lying at his feet suffered the greatest attack.

Lost the combat ability directly!

At this point, Aoki's ring bears and Aber monsters have lost their fighting ability.

However, in contrast, the big mouth bat that has been under attack and unable to counterattack has also been attacked by the foolish beast and has lost its fighting ability. The dark red blood continuously flows out of its huge mouth, lying on the ground and losing its fighting ability.

"It is indeed the king of Nido after the increase in the hole cards. The attack is so powerful."

"But! That's it!"

The corners of Aoki's mouth rose slightly. Even if the two elves lost their fighting ability, the rest of the elves were in good condition. Aoki's main force was still there.

Guga had only one violent King Nido and a half-disabled Aber monster!

"Duckling beast ~ ~ Remove the Aber monster and the circle bear, see if there is any rescue, and then use the mental shock to the one-eyed Aber monster to disturb him!"

"Big milk cans, use healing ringtones on Aberdeen and Hoop Bears, and feed them milk!"

"Ghost Stone, use Poison on King Nido!"

"Para, use boulders on Aber monster! Skate state!"

"Dark Crow, united Paula, first solve the Aber monster, evil waves!"

The one-eyed Abbot and the Dark Raven are old opponents. The only snake eye left in the Abbot monster is staring at the Dark Raven tightly, and even the pull of the condensed ice knife is ignored by him.

The poisonous effect of Ghost Stone does not have much effect on King Nido, who is now full of toxins, and can only reduce his physical strength a little.

The Dark Raven and Guga's Aber monster smashed together, and pulled aside, throwing ice skates frantically, and the spirit shock of the dumb beast bombarded the one-eyed Aber monster's brain from time to time.


At last, in the extremely unwilling roar of Abaiguai, he fell to the ground with madness and unwillingness in his eyes!

He was now the trump card of Guga, but after one eye was abolished, although Guga still treated him as before, he could feel that Guga's center of gravity was no longer on him, and Guga had already seen When he failed, he focused on the King Nido that he later subjugated.

Even this opportunity to try the purple pills was not given to him, but to King Nido.

As a result, he now sees his deadly opponent, but there is nothing he can do!

Abbot is extremely unwilling! But there is no way!

Slowly softened to the ground!


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