The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 353: Alec's surrender

"Then what did you come to me for?"

Although Aoki can't see the kind of person who kills people simply, he doesn't have the virgin to the point of revenge for Alec.

"The girl with orange hair said, you will find trouble with Yang Ping, if you want revenge, it is right to come to you." Alec whispered.

Aoki's eyelids are slightly picked, Qingfeng said?

Just so determined that you're going to trouble Yangping? Did anyone mention it to her? Miyamoto?

Or, Qingfeng guessed it by herself?

Do Athena's men work so well?

"Then what?" Aoki did not deny, nor did he admit it.

Hearing Aoki's words, Alec seemed to be losing strength. Every time he moved his body, some wounds were gradually cracking, blood was flowing, and his face was a little white.


Alec sat down straight down, and didn't care about any uncomfortable stones, grass, or branches on the ground.

But when he sat there, many wounds on his body were cracked directly.

The big wolf beside him was sobbing, sticking his tongue out and licking the wound on Acrylic body as if trying to stop him by drooling.

"It's okay, Great Wolf Dog." Alec showed a very ugly smile. After his half of his face was burned, he let his muscles move casually, and it was very painful.

Then he faced Aoki squarely. The pain on his body did not affect his heart, but Yang Ping's humiliation passed him, and he was firmly engraved in his heart.

"If, if you can kill Yang Ping, from now on, my Alec, I will only obey your Aoki order! I respect you!" Alec said lightly, but the firmness in his words was beyond doubt.

"Oh? Don't you worry about the captain behind you, to trouble you?" Aoki said with a smile.

Alec said after a silence, "He ... he's been solved by the man behind Yang Ping!"

A captain has been solved by the cadre Lunda behind Yang Ping?

At this time, are those cadres already impatient?

Aoki did not say that he did not want to fight Yangping.

There is no need to deceive himself or others. He doesn't have a good impression of Yang Ping and the person behind Yang Ping.

If you want to test yourself, if it is not your own strength, it is estimated that they will be solved before returning to the test island.

In addition, if you want to be the first place in the trial island, let the film see enough use value, otherwise you can't go out alive.

Yang Ping's goal is also the first place in this trial, so Aoki and he must have a battle, sooner or later.

"How much strength do you have now? Why do you think that in the future, you can help me a little!"

"Although you don't show up often on the Trial Island, you have subscribed to a few more loyal men, and you have given them some resources to prevent them from dying on the Trial Island. .

You are not an ordinary person. You always feel that you are not like a civilian trainer. Everything you do has your own plans and goals.

You, Aoki! It will never be unknown in the Rockets!

Since you want to climb up, loyal and powerful men are a must, and I! Alec, has such loyalty and potential! "

Alec uttered such a long list of words, and he was panting a bit when he spoke.

"You see it quite thoroughly. There are no idiots who can mix in the top five on the trial island! Even if there is support from behind you, no one can be selected." Aoki admired invisible With a sound.

"And ..." Alec paused and continued. "Also, my initial elf was a great wolfdog. Are you surprised?"

After hearing that, Aoki gave him a surprised look, and it seemed that Alec knew more than he thought.

"Tell me."

"You may have heard of the big wolf dog. He is not an elf in the Kanto region or Chengdu, but an elf in Fengyuan. I am the only one on the island who has an elf in Fengyuan Of course, many people must be surprised, and should include you. "

Whew ...

There was a shortness of breath.

"That's because the captain who supported me behind me was one of the first members of the Rockets to send to Fengyuan!"

The first person sent to Fengyuan area?

The Rockets have not tried to invade the Fengyuan area once or twice. The captain behind Alec is the first person?

These are the secrets that many people don't know. As the leader of the captain's line, Alec must know some.

"And the first place in this trial will have the Rockets support, lurk the Fengyuan area, and create forces. Finally, the internal and external pinch will help the Rockets to enter Fengyuan's right. It is because of this right that those who let Cadres and prospective cadres flocked in, and even some big captains let go. "

"But those captains are either frustrated or have the support of some cadres. The one behind me, he has no chance of choice, just because he was the first Rocket to invade the Fengyuan area. Captain! "

"So, he was also the first captain to be solved by the cadres!"

"This is also the main reason why Yang Ping treats me like this. He wants to get some information about me from the rich area ~ ~ As long as I kill Yang Ping, I can tell you everything, even I can help You are desperate to enter the Fengyuan area, I can help you take root faster and develop faster! "

"Although the captain behind me failed to complete the invasion, some resources and connections were established. Before I entered the trial island, he guessed that he might be unlucky, so he told me in advance, and these things Is what Yangping wants most! "

"Give me a day to recover! I help you kill Yangping! I know your goal is to be number one!"

Alec uttered many things directly.

No wonder Yangping treats him like this!

"So you survived with that information?" Aoki asked.

"Oh, I gave him some half-truths. He didn't dare to kill me. He was afraid to kill me. He killed me before verifying the accuracy of the information, and he got it again later. That invaded Fengyuan area. , It is even more difficult, so I took the opportunity to run out! "

Aoki nodded, but Alec still believed it.

There should not be many falsehoods, which also explains why Alec did not want to form a force on the trial island because he was only for self-protection and did not want to participate in the first place.

"Take this pill and take it slowly. Remind you that this pill is poison. If you do not take the reliever I gave for a period of time, the internal organs will fester and die. You think about it yourself." Aoki took out to Miyamoto The pill I've eaten.

Alec talked about him.

Without hesitation, Alec grabbed the pill in Aoki's hand and swallowed it.


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