The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 356: Capture elves

"This is the real look of that elf, isn't it?" Alec's expression was a little weird, because the elf didn't look very strong, even a little bit cute, a bit dumb.

"People who don't understand him treat him as waste, and those who know him treat them as treasures." Aoki said something strange.

Obviously, this pot did not understand its own fighting style, so after being trapped by the wave of superpower water of the stupid beast, it could not break free or resist.

This shows the importance of the trainers, because many wild elves do not understand how to fight before they are conquered, which is the best fighting method for them, so there is only one sentence.

Without the elves commanded by the trainer, combat effectiveness may drop by more than half.

This is even more apparent in Huhu.

Of course, after the level of the wild elves is high, there will still be a set of their own fighting methods. Although it may not be the best for him, it is the one he is most familiar with.

So if many trainers are not necessary, many times they will not choose to conquer the elves who have already formed their strength. It is because it is difficult to correct the fighting methods they have used for many years. In the end, it takes a lot of time for trainers to correct him. A weak one raised from zero.

Soon, the pot that was twice restrained by the water system, although struggling in the water for a long time, eventually had no effect. When it fell to the ground, it had lost its ability to move.

"Submit him, after I subdue, I'll tell you what kind of spirit this is," Aoki said.

Alec nodded, took out the elven ball stored in Guga's belt, and immediately conquered this pot. No accident happened in the middle.

Aoki put away the point card on the ground, and then took Alec and his elf to move on.

Also explained to Alec.

"You may be familiar with the elves in Fengyuan area, and this elf is relatively rare in Chengdu. After all, few people will use him. His name is Huhu." Aoki gave Alec a little explain.

After all, someone with a certain background knows a lot about the elf's knowledge. Although it was the first time I saw the elf like Huhu, but after explaining it to Aoki, he quickly understood his fighting method. .

"This ... this is really a strange elf. It would be extreme to use him or not." Alec sighed after listening to Aoki's explanation.

He really didn't think about it, after combining skills with this elf, such chemical changes would occur.

Of course, Aoki just told Alec about the fighting method of this pot and pot. He didn't tell him the most perfect pot and pot fighting method in his heart. After all, that kind of pot and pot was difficult to encounter.

"If you use it well, it's not a problem to drag one of Yangping's elves. If the elves in the back are still pretty good, maybe you can drag two elves!" Aoki said.

Alec, who had no confidence at all, had gained confidence in an elf who dragged Yangping after conquering the pot!

"Maybe, I can revenge indirectly!" Alec thought secretly, maybe he could kill a flat spirit, and it was part of his revenge.


After that, in the afternoon, both of them were on the journey to find the score card, and they were able to win over some of the fairies that had been in the past for Alec, and they had some advantages in the attributes.

Because Alec's scoring device was snatched by Yang Ping, all points earned belonged to Aoki.

Besides, Alec now has no meaning of earning points. As long as Aoki becomes the first place, isn't it a matter of taking him out?

He had never considered what to do if Aoki won, without taking him out.

From his current loyalty and future use value, Aoki has no reason to give up such a good subordinate.

After finding all the points cards on that map fragment, Aoki got a total of 80 points, plus the previous ones, which now have 707 points.

It's already close to a thousand minutes.

It may be very good for others to get eighty points in the afternoon, but for Aoki, it is average.

Still killing people come fast!

Kill the arson gold belt!

However, this afternoon, he helped Alec to subdue three elves, one of which was the worm and the rock, and Alec had gradually mastered it.

A light-green qualified, large-billed bat with a rank of twenty-nine is an ordinary elf.

On this day, there were not many flying elves, but those elves were either of relatively ordinary qualifications or of less than ideal grades, so they could only subdue this big-mouthed bat in front of them as a spare.

Then there is a little green horse with a grade of thirty, which can be said to be an accidentally harvested elf.

Green qualifications are relatively rare even in Trial Island.

The location of the last score card displayed on the Aoki map fragment is in a relatively small number of small horses.

Originally, after walking in the forest for a day without encountering the fire-elves, Alec had to give up ~ ~ but did not expect to encounter a group of little fire horses here.

Overjoyed, Aoki also found that one of the little firehorses had reached the green level, so he decisively helped Alec arrest.

It's just arresting. As for how to subdue him, it still depends on Alec's own means.

In this way, one day, Alec harvested three elves again, and his strength was restored.

I have to say that in a place like Trial Island where there are elves everywhere, if a strong person can help capture the elves, then the relatively weak one will definitely grow at a rapid speed.

The premise is that the weak trainer can completely conquer the captured elves.

Wild elves are not very resistant to becoming trainers, but many times, whoever defeats them, they will automatically obey that person's words, but after this defeat is handed over to another person, the elves ’resistance is Relatively large.

In this regard, Aoki did not want to care.

He wasn't a nanny, helping Alec to subdue the elves was all about helping him while he was fighting Yangping.

If it weren't for this, there was a high probability that Aoki would let it go and let them grow up.

For example Skye and Fox.

Aoki never thought of helping them.

If the person who takes the lead in everything is arranged properly, then what else is needed?

As a chief executive, you have to leave things to the people below to do it, so that efficiency is high, and leading talents have time to accelerate growth!

Aren't all those who tried to build power on the island?


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