The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 834: Evolution, kodola

The strong chicken who was not afraid of the fire opened his way in the front, and was followed by Coco, which was helped by Kira and combined with the electromagnetic suspension.

It's like a silver cannonball.

The platypus beast saw the powerful chicken that rushed over, and the hot air sprayed from both hands was stronger.

It's just that the speed has reached the extreme strength and the chicken does not mean to shrink back in the slightest.


Hit him fiercely with duckbill beast.

The energy storage fire strike skill hit directly on the duck's mouth beast.

Although it did not cause much damage, it interrupted his hot air skills and blasted his double fists.

The platypus beast now opens the door!

The strong chicken took advantage of the resistance of the platypus beast to retreat, and the ingenious wall of the body opened Cocodola rushing from the back.

The dragon god's coat was attached to Cocodola's body, his body collapsed, and it hit the face of the duckbill beast straight.


The platypus beast has withstood the Dragon God's dive ability without defense, and staggered backwards, and is about to fall to the ground.

Cocodola also regressed because of the rebound force, and the dragon coat on her body was eliminated, but there was a trace of fiery red on her body. The characteristics of the duckbill beast burned Cocodola.

But this is not all Cocodola's attack.

Cocodola, who flew upside down, still maintained the electromagnetic suspension, and flew down to the strong chicken.

The strong chicken grabbed Cocodola's hind foot directly.

Then the muscles on the arm suddenly swell, and even through the feathers, the muscle lines can be seen.

Directly with Cocodola, treat it as a burden, and throw it away towards the duckbill beast again.

It turned into a cannonball again and was blessed by the powerful chicken, faster than when it was blessed by Kira.

Cocodola's head appears with two horns made like rocks, and the sharp corners gather the energy of the formed rock system.

Double-edged hammer skills!

This is a skill that Cocodola has learned in heredity, but it has not been used in combat so far, and this is also the first time.

One hundred and fifty points of powerful rock-based skills, if hit, will cause great damage to platypus beasts, after all, platypus beasts are double-restrained by rock-based abilities.

At this time, the platypus beast is still shivering, and it cannot form effective protection at all.


He slammed the platypus beast directly and fixed it on the stone wall in the cave behind.

The double-headed hammer skills are powerful, but will rebound damage, but Cocodola's characteristic is hard head, so it will not be counterattack damage.

This is a real rock hitting the flesh!

The platypus beast's tongue almost spit out, his eyes rolled over, and he slid off the rock wall directly, losing his combat ability.

Aoki threw an elf ball in time to conquer the platypus beast of this flame body.

Not to mention, it is definitely good to form a nanny combination with a big milk tank.

There was a redness on Cocodola again, and the body of the fire burned his body.

Aoki immediately took out a spray from the storage space and immediately treated the burn on Cocodola's body.

It was just that Aoki had just finished using the spray, and after the red mark on Cocodola's body disappeared, a white light directly covered Cocodola.

Aoki was surprised.

Cocodola's level had reached level 31 before, so there was not much surprise about its evolution. Aoki was just surprised that after defeating this duckbill beast, Cocodola began to evolve.

Before the battle, Aoki wanted to let the mosquito-repellent frog emperor participate in the battle, so it would be easier to fight, but Cocodola stopped Aoki, saying that his three elves could do it.

From this point on, Cocodola probably had a hunch of himself at that time.

Knowing this battle may be important to yourself.

It was also very active during the battle.

It can be said that Codola took half of the credit for defeating this duckbill beast.

Whether it is the Dragon God dive or the double-edged hammer, it has played a good effect.

At the same time, even if the platypus beast is a characteristic of the flame, Cocodola has no fear at all and rises to the challenge, reducing his inherent fear of flames.

Being able to overcome its own difficulties should be one of the reasons for Cocodola's evolution.

Kira and Lizhuang chicken trot over.

I saw a deep envy in Yila's two small eyes.

Is really envious.

The elves of the second echelon, once formed by Aoki, have all evolved. Only Kira himself has not evolved.

Fortunately, there was a baby dragon and Mohai horse, and Kira gave a little emotion, but accepted it, and then blessed Cocodola more.

However, it seems that Lalulas is the youngest now. That little guy has just ended her growth period now. Her growth period is much longer than that of ordinary elves.

Not too far from Kira's ideas, Aoki took out Cocodola's qualified potion and fed it to him orally.

Fortunately, the sight is ready, otherwise this time Aoki would not dare to summon Cocodola to fight.

The mosquito-repellent frog emperor also came over, and his upright hands opened downward, and the water system energy poured out from him.

It is impossible for him to change the whole environment, but if he just makes some adjustments to the environment around Cocodola's body, he can still do it.

Evolving in such an environment with so much fire system energy is still not very friendly to Cocodola of the steel system, but if there is some water system energy to neutralize, at least it will not affect him much.

"Enclose!" Coco Dora said thankfully.

Immediately closed his eyes and focused on evolution.

For Cocodola, she was also a little excited.

After waiting for so long, it is finally time to evolve. Looking at the elves who are weaker than him, they have advanced, and it is impossible to say that Coco Dora is not in a hurry.

As Coco Dora's voice fell, the white light on his body became even worse, and he was completely enveloped.

You can see that in white light, Cocodola ’s body is getting bigger, and it has doubled more than once. There seemed to be a strong layer of armor.

The limbs also became stiffer, sharp metal claws appeared on the limbs, and the original round blue eyes were cute, and the test became fierce.

The appearance of the big monsters is rampant.

This evolution is fast and smooth.

The white light gradually dissipated, revealing what it looked like after evolution.



After the evolution, Kodola's mouth became obvious, and he growled and shouted at last, spreading his momentum completely.

The whole body is metallic, but some places are bright metal and some places are dark metal.

Even the teeth were silver-white metal steel teeth, which enabled him to chew some hard-to-bite ore.

The speed of eating diamonds will be much faster in the future.

Codola has evolved successfully, Codola is alive!


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