The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 864: Divine Beast Qualification

Even if it's little locia, that's locia!

He may be relatively young at this time, but he has a horrible parent.

Even the large organization of the Rockets, after arresting the small Rockia, can only be obediently let go of the elves.

If Rocia knows that she's forcibly conquered Little Rogia, she's farting.

Since he couldn't conquer, Aoki was bearish.

Just don't know how much strength this lodge has.

Aoki was the first time to see the existence of such a first-class god. Although it is a **** beast with no priesthood, it is estimated that there are not many such beasts in the world.

Rochia looked suspicious again. Just now he clearly felt malicious from this human, but suddenly the maliciousness disappeared again.

Is there an illusion?

Lokia flapped her wings slightly and flew to Aoki.

The first time I saw an elf such as Lokia at such a close range, Aoki started scanning the chip.

The original chip should not be able to fully obtain the data of the beast such as Lokia, but it will be different after the upgrade.

Pokemon: Lokia (Light Purple)

Gender: No gender

Level: 69

Attribute: Super Capability + Flight

Characteristics: oppression

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: None

Basic skills: blowing fly, weather ball, wind, dragon's dive, supernatural power, rain, water cannon, cyclone attack, punishment, primitive power, mysterious guardian

Teaching Skills: Iron Tail, Dragon's Wave, Ultimate Drain, Water Flow Tail, Loud Sound, Iron Head, Frozen Wind, Downwind, Water's Wave, Divine Slam, Mind Move

Skill Learner: None


After seeing the data of Little Rockia, Aoki was really lucky.

Fortunately, I didn't make a fool of myself, and didn't do anything when I saw Little Lokia.

Where is it that he has a horrible parent, even the younger Loki itself, not Aoki can deal with.

There is also the qualification of Little Rockia.

From the moment Aoki started the chip, to now, the highest qualified elf I have seen is blue, not even dark blue. Even Dr. Ogi's fast dragon, the championship-level strength, is only blue.

There are also future regional champions such as Ogo, Girona, and Caruna. Their ace elf has the most qualifications only in blue, and no dark blue qualifications have yet appeared.

But now the little Rockia in front of Aoki has reached the purple level.

Although it is a light purple, it is still a purple level, and there is an essential difference between it and the blue level.

Just as there is a huge gap between light blue and dark blue qualifications, the gap between light purple and dark blue qualifications is even more exaggerated.

As long as the qualification of the elves has reached the light blue, they have the qualification to impact the championship, and to what extent the light purple qualified elves can reach, there is no specific concept in Aoki's heart.

Probably ... there is no upper limit.

It can only be said that it is worthy to be the descendant of the first-level god?

The first-level **** who can have descendants, so far, it seems that only Lokia has it.

The rest did not have descendants, such as Guladuo, Gaioka, Fissure Seat, or Diya Luka and Paluccia in the Shen'ao area.

Fully converged to capture the heart of this little Roachia, this qualified elf is not so easy to conquer, if there is no matching strength, don't even think about it.

He didn't even use the Rockia behind him, and this little Rockia alone would not be inferior to any Heavenly-level elf.

Even some old-fashioned Heavenly-level elf can't take much advantage in the face of Little Roachia.

Some gaps in the level, the small Rockia in terms of qualifications and racial values, can already wipe out.

Aoki and Little Rockia just stood there for a minute or so.

Little Rockia's eyes are full of curiosity, while Aoki is looking more at the existence of Little Rockia.

The dull king stood aside without any action. Facing the little Rockia, he had the illusion of being suppressed instinctively, and he didn't feel any threat from the little Rockia.

"Laru ~~" And Laluras, who was interrupted by Aoki in his arms, interrupted their gaze.

She was still asleep, woke up, and groaned with a lazy waist.

Hearing Larulas' cry, Little Rockia looked at Aoki in surprise.

Aoki also showed a hint of embarrassment.

Because La Rulas's cry was just shouting ... "Dad".

Unexpectedly, I have a daughter, which is still very strange.

Larulas stretched his waist and saw little Lokia, and suddenly showed a surprised look.

The two flat red horns on the head of this elven Lauras can feel the emotions of humans and elves, and she feels close from the young Rochya.

It's like children and children will be close to each other.

Although it looks very big and has a high grade, it is actually a very small child in terms of age.

"Lalu ~~" Lalulas screamed again gently.

Little Rockia, who understood what La Rulas meant, hesitated a little, flapping her wings again, and approached Aoki.

Aoki can almost see the lines on the skin of Little Rockia.

La Rulas blinked red, his eyes slowly drifting from Aoki.

In the growth stage, after a period of teaching from the Dao Wang, she has been comfortable with the use of super powers.

Floating directly towards Lokia.

The two elves were suspended in mid-air, and looked at each other, smiling at each other.

La Rulas crawled on to the back of Rocia, and the young Rocia did not reject it, leaving La Rulas to ride on his back.

This cow is estimated to be able to blow a lifetime!

Lauras rides Rocia!

Although it's just playful.

Little Rockia showed a happy smile, just as he could feel the subtle malice on Aoki, and he could also feel the pure joy of La Rulas.

There is another kind, it seems a little familiar and a little strange, a sense of will?

I found a good playmate too!

Aoki did not stop La Rulas and Little Rockia from playing.

Why can't you reject things that can bring closer relationships?

I did it directly on the sand, and the dull king also sat aside ~ ~ watching the little locia carrying Larulas flying around in the sky, and from time to time, he got out of the barrier, After a while he got into the barrier.

The laughter of the two elves spread through the area.

In order not to waste time, Aoki sat on the ground and began to cultivate her super powers.

When the night came, the two little boys were tired.

Aoki asked La Rulas to invite Little Rockia to enjoy dinner together.

Aoki once again exhibited his most powerful ability, made a dinner for the young Lokiya that he had never eaten, and completely conquered him.

After eating, I immediately erased the bad impression of Little Rockia during the day.

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