The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 895: Flame Chicken Super Evolution Stone

When he heard Aoki's words, Limone stunned slightly.

Immediately said, "Don't say, if you ask at other electrical stores in Miare, you may not find it, because this kind of thing is beyond the scope of electrical appliances, but it is not here for me!"

Aoki froze and almost didn't stand still.

After speaking for a long time, you did n’t have it here, so what else do you say.

Feeling some brain pain.

"Hahaha, although I don't have it here now, but if you want, I can make it." Limone got up again, patted Aoki's shoulder, and gave it to me without any problems.

Aoki felt that there should be some black lines on his head.

It's no wonder that in the future, after Hitlon became the owner, he would not go home very much.

This dad looks strange.

When his son was less than ten years old, he began to help him find his wife, and he has been encouraging him to find more female and good-looking friends.

Let's go straight to the topic, lest you be taken aback.

"If I can, I still need it."

Aoki nodded and continued, "Yes, one of the purposes of this visit is for this, and would like to ask, has Mr. Limone recently seen some strange stones?"

"It may be a bit absurd to ask this question, but my friend Dago is a stone-collecting person. When I heard that there are some strange things in your store, I wanted to ask."

The reason is a bit far-fetched, but it also depends on who is facing it.

It might be a little weird for someone who is as thoughtful as Du.

But people like Limone would probably not feel anything.

Sure enough, after hearing Aoki's question, Limone showed a clear look.

People of this character, no matter in what world, should be the protagonist, the aura with the protagonist is suitable for this kind of person, otherwise it is estimated that they will die quickly.

"Strange stones, there are a lot of strange appliances here, but strange stones." Limone was lost in thought.

Suddenly patted the brain.

He immediately rummaged on his messy workbench.

Tools and parts were thrown to the ground by him.

It took a long time to figure out a metal box from under the deep pressure.

"found it!"

Blow the dust off the box.

An iron box, like a sugar box, opened to reveal its contents.

There are several ball-shaped candies, and among them, there is a stone that looks similar to the candy.

Aoki narrowed her eyes subconsciously, and immediately returned to normal.

Looking down, I could not see the change in Aoki's expression.

"If it ’s a weird stone, I guess it's the only one here. My son Hitron found it. When he was playing on the ground, he thought it was a candy he likes, and he almost broke his teeth. Haha! "After laughing, he laughed.

"Uh-huh." Aoki echoed with a smile.

"I haven't seen this kind of stone really." He took the superevolutionary stone and put it in his hand, and made a careful observation.


Suddenly, a strong palm was slapped directly on Aoki's shoulder. With Aoki's physical fitness, he almost couldn't bear it, and stung again.

"Since I haven't seen it, I'll send it to you! I don't know what it is for."

Limone had a generous expression.

He didn't notice that Aoki's shoulder hurt a little.

It is indeed a person who can jump on the roof with the Flaming Chicken. This physical quality is not inferior to those of the fighting elves' trainers.

Aoki thought secretly.

Rubbing his shoulders, looking at the superevolutionary stone in his hand, most of the sandwich-like sandwiches inside were red.

It should be the super evolutionary stone of the Flaming Chicken.

If it is really the super evolutionary stone of the flame chicken, then this is worth the shot.

"That can't be uncle to your stone, this thing is still relatively rare, I will buy it with money." Aoki said.

Limone lowered his head while he was working on an unknown machine on the workbench, taking the time to wave his hand. "It's just a stone, and it's not worth much. Wait for me."

After speaking, there was a head down to start tinkering.

As for the device that Aoki had taken out for repair, he did not know when it was repaired.

Set aside completely.

It is indeed the manager of the strongest electrical store in Miare.

This technology has nothing to say.

No wonder his son Hitron was able to tinker with his strange devices.

"Alright!" About ten minutes later, Limone yelled excitedly.

Aoki, who was looking at the strange instrument on the side of the shelf, was startled again.

Startled, was the character of his son and daughter so scared?

"Aoki, this is the portable elf transmission device you want, but this device needs to be installed with a separate signal receiver. You need to buy this receiver yourself, and then plug it into this hole."

Limone showed a look you were bragging about.


Aoki thumbs up.

The words are inexplicable, but it can still be done with a gesture.

After all, this device can actually be completed in ten minutes, which is really a bit powerful.

Seeing Aoki's thumb, Limone erected the big sow, his teeth grinned and his white teeth were exposed.

Teeth that can almost reflect light

In the end, Aoki took the device and a super-evolutionary stone, left the appliance store, and stayed there for fear that his IQ would be affected.

Limonone was left with an anonymous bank card, saying it was the reward this time.

Limone only quoted a very low price, but in this bank card, Aoki deliberately left 5 million Union currency.

Not many, but not too few.

Although it is not worth the value of a superevolutionary stone, superevolutionary has not yet been discovered. Just buying a stone for so much money can also show the sincerity of Aoki.

Looking at Aoki leaving, the smile on Limone's face gradually converged.

He is just a bold character and doesn't like too many complicated things.

But that doesn't mean he's stupid.

Aoki's purpose was very clear, repairing the device and purchasing a portable elf transmission device were secondary, and the main purpose was for that little stone.

It was just that Limone wondered what the small stone was for, and how Aoki knew he had the stone.

If he hadn't tried hard to recall it just now, it is estimated that he would really forget this stone after a while.

But he could feel that Aoki was not malicious, so he didn't reveal his purpose.

After all, Aoki is also a member of the alliance.

"Maybe there is a device that detects this kind of stone in the store, but it is inconvenient to disclose it, after all, he is also an alliance search officer." Limone can only explain in his heart.

Swipe the bank card on the desk to an instrument.

"One, two, three, four, five, six! Six zero ~ ~ five million! Really generous." Seeing income, Limone soon Leave that thing behind.

These five million people earned the money he earned from a year of work.

"It's been a long time since I left my post as the owner of the museum. I haven't seen so much money for a long time. In this case, let's celebrate with the flame chicken mask today!" The mask was put on his face.

The second sense is full.

However, Limone was indeed the former owner of the Miare City Museum, and his elves had been cultivated since then.

Otherwise, it is just the owner of an electrical appliance store. Even if the ability is strong, it cannot cultivate such a strong elf because of insufficient resources.

Electric dragon, flame chicken!


Fifth more! Reward Kajang 613 for the second leader of joker7z!

In order to write the Carlos area, I reviewed the relevant information on both sides of the Carlos area, as well as some secrets.

Next, I want to write strong chickens, Shakira and Kodola, and Aoki's team is gradually taking shape. It feels that it is finally mid-term. How can I feel that I can't finish writing. o╥﹏╥o

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