The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 908: Speed ​​up chicken

The Flaming Chicken, who was still kneeling on the ground, ejected directly after hearing Aoki's order.

Leaped high into the air.

"Large fresh flowers, strong whipping!" Fuye still smiled and said to the big fresh flowers.

Jumping into the air to avoid knotting.

But in the air, there is no place to borrow, and it has become a target directly.

Two huge rattan whip rushed out from the big fresh flower, and smashed directly towards the flame chicken in the air.

At this time, the entire leg of the flame chicken is surrounded by flames.

Facing the rattan whip whipped towards himself, he did not dodge at all.

Flames also appeared in the hands of the air.

Snapped! Snapped!

Two flaming hands directly grasped the two rattan whip accurately!

Although injured by the vine whip, this way, the big flower can no longer dodge.

Pulling hard with both hands, with the force of pulling the rattan whip, the speed of falling again increased.

The flames on his legs were getting stronger and stronger, almost covering his entire body.

The whole elf turned into a blazing fire.

In the horrified look of the big fresh flower, he kicked him fiercely.


The ground was cracked, and large cauliflowers were kicked to the ground.

"Catch the opportunity, flame punch!" Aoki continued.

The flame chicken stepping on the big flower, the flame on his feet has not completely disappeared, and the last ray of flame is entangled in his feet.

The contact between the big flower and the flame chicken feet has already appeared a black color.

After the blessing of the sword dance, the fire chicken's attack ability was completely liberated.

With just one blow, the big flower has been seriously injured.

After hearing Aoki's order, the flaming chicken with the same expression burst out a flame from the wrist of his right hand, and wrapped his fists in an instant.

Tightly staring at the big fresh flower on the ground, swiping down directly!


The degree of cracks on the ground increased again, and large cauliflowers were hit into the ground, losing their combat ability.

After seeing the big flower losing his combat ability, the flame chicken kicked his legs, a backflip that jumped very high, and fell in front of Aoki.

This is the feeling of power!

No wonder the giant marsh monster enjoys the thrill of punching an enemy like this.

One by one seems to be a very good experience.

There was a slight surprise on Fuye's face, and he did not expect that just being seized once, Da Shihua lost his fighting ability under the two attacks of the Flaming Chicken.

But seeing the damaged site, you can imagine how powerful this attack is.

Taking out the elven ball and collecting the big fresh flowers back, Grandpa nodded with a smile, "It's a really good flaming chicken, and Aoki has trained him well."

Having said that, I threw an elf ball again.

A floating elf appeared in the field.

Three dandelion-like flowers allowed him to float freely in the air.

The big flower that is fixed in place is not good to fight with the flame chicken, so try this gardenia cotton.

Pokemon: Gardenia Cotton (Light Cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: Level 39

Attribute: Grass + Flight

Characteristics: Chlorophyll

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: aromatherapy, trouble seeds, cotton defense, grass field

Basic skills: Leap, Photosynthesis, Wagging Tail, Impact, Fairy Wind, Poison Powder, Paralysis Powder, Hypnotic Powder, Seed Machine Gun, Parasitic Seed, Super Drain, Acrobatics, Angry Powder

Teaching Skills: Seed Bomb, Ultimate Drain, Snoring

Skill Learner: Hold, Sun Beam, Swallow Back, Energy Ball, Knot, Quick Turn

Another elf before the elite.

From the two elf sent by Fuye, we can see that at this moment, he can tell the level and strength of Aoki's Fire Chicken.

It is indeed a trainer who can also be a master of the museum at this age.

"Flame chicken, run up! Move at high speed! Pay attention to the rattan under your feet." Aoki said to flame chicken.

The Flaming Chicken, who heard Aoki's order, ran up the field.

And a flame appeared at the ankle.

The purpose is clear, to prevent knotting skills.

Although this will not make you ignore the knot, but at least will not allow you to trip over in the process of running.

At most, it's the same as before.

"Cunt cotton, cotton defense!" Fuye said with a smile.

Da Shi Hua and Gardenia are two kinds of elves with different fighting styles.

The flame chicken's straight-forward fighting style was very useful in the face of the poorly moving elves of the big flower.

However, it is not so easy to catch the elves who are soft and fluttering everywhere.

Hearing the order of Fuye Mianmian, he screamed softly, and a mass of cotton-like things appeared on him flying in mid-air.

Entangled around his body.

Let him be more free while floating in the air.

Cotton defense skills, greatly improving the defense ability of the elves.

The attention is huge!

If you consider the effect of other skills increase as one level, sword dance's increase in attack is two levels, then the cotton defense for the improvement of its own defense ability is three levels!

So it is a huge increase.

It can be seen only from the soft cotton wool wrapped around the linseed cotton's body that even a hard fist hitting it will reflect a sentence.

A punch in the cotton.

The Flaming Chicken ran underneath to increase its speed, while Gardenia Cotton flew in midair to improve its defense.

It looks like they don't interfere with each other.

In fact, they are accumulating strength to deal with the next battle.

"Flame chicken, accumulate flames!" Aoki felt that it was no longer possible to use cotton to defend cotton wool, otherwise the fire chicken would not be able to easily break through his defense.

The energy storage flame strike can also accelerate, coupled with the acceleration characteristics of the flame chicken itself, this time is already about to increase its speed to the extreme.

In terms of speed, gardenia cotton is incomparable with flame chicken.

The horror of Speeding Up Chicken is that, while struggling, suddenly found that the other party began to play with itself by speed.

"Zongzi cotton, use cotton defense again!" Fuye said, ignoring the Flaming Chicken's attack directly.

Aoki narrowed his eyes when he heard Fuya's order.

Is this to make the strongest shield face the strongest sword?

Never let him use cotton defense again!

"Flame chicken, jump up and attack!"


Wen Yan ~ ~ The flame chicken's stored energy hits halfway and jumps into the air.

The whole body was wrapped in flames and rushed towards the mule cotton.

Zongmian Cotton seems to be unable to see the attack of the Flaming Chicken, and uses his own cotton to defend himself.


The accumulator successfully hit the **** cotton.

The linseed cotton was also bombarded directly, but it did not cause any substantial harm. It was only the cotton in front of him that burned a part.

"Flaming fist!" Aoki ordered again.

The flaming chicken that just landed on the ground bounced again fiercely, his fists condensed the flame, and it was a hammer to the **** cotton.

However, the attack on the Flaming Chicken was very uncomfortable.

Really felt the feeling of a punch on cotton.

Powerful nowhere!

Very uncomfortable.


Third more! Ask for a monthly pass! Speeding up the chicken is really a sprite I like very much when playing games. Although it is a slightly inverse version, it is still easy to use.

Dark Rise of the Elves https: //

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