The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 910: Flash Flame Charge!

Seeing this mount goat, the expression of the flame chicken suddenly became serious.

He felt the pressure on the mount goat.

"Do your best to fight the flame chicken! Use sword dance again!" Aoki said.

Hearing that the flame chicken began to dance a unique dance, with a strange melody, as if inspiring.

"Mount goat, rattan whip!"

This time can't make the flame chicken use sword dance again so easily.

Otherwise, even if the mount goat is high-level, it is not so good.

Two tiny rattan lashes emerged from the leaves on the neck of the goat and swept directly towards the Flaming Chicken.

"Flame chicken, pay attention to the rhythm!"

The most important thing about the use of sword dance is rhythm.

Dancing is secondary, as long as the rhythm is well controlled, sword dance can be used successfully.

"Scared." Flame Chicken stared tightly at the rattle whip coming from the beating. His beating body avoided sword dance skills while not interrupting sword dance use.

When Aoki saw the action of the Flaming Chicken, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Sure enough, fighting is the fastest growing way.

Facing the pressure brought by the mounted goat, the flame chicken's mastery of sword dance skills has been improved.

Already barely able to use it in actual combat.

Seeing that the rattan whip could not stop the flame chicken from using sword dance skills, Fuye narrowed his eyes and ordered, "Mount goat, parasitic seed!"

A tiny seed shot from his back as the mount goat shook his body.

Landed at the feet of the Flaming Chicken.

The flame chicken that just finished using the sword dance, felt that his physical strength was gradually passing away.

Fortunately, the grass skills are not very powerful for him.

"Very good, Flaming Chicken! Charging Fire!"


The raging flames burst out from the flaming chicken, burning a lot of parasitic seeds on the ground.

Some are left, but they are not very important.

Quickly ran towards the mount goat with flames.

"Knot the grass! Then use the earthquake!" Fuye looked unchanged.

Two rattans were drilled out of the soil and bound directly towards the Flaming Chicken!

The knotting of the mounted goat is not comparable to the knotting of the large flower, and the energy storage of the flame chicken is interrupted.

Although the Flaming Chicken did not suffer much damage, the land administration skills that followed the mount goat were very harmful to the Flaming Chicken.

"Flaming chicken jumps! Use fire kick!" Aoki frowned.

The flame came out again on the flaming chicken's feet, burning the knot tied to him directly.

After being attacked by a wave of earthquakes, he jumped up.

Feeling pain in his body, but it did not prevent his ability to release.

Open your hands to both sides to make wings.

Then the flames of the whole body focused on the feet, kicking violently towards the mount goat.

boom! !!

Rao is the physique of a mounted goat.

And there is great restraint on attributes.

Fortunately, the mount goat is an elf with many advantages in physical strength.

"Mounted goat, grassy field! Photosynthesis!" Fuye gave two consecutive orders, two skills that can restore the horse's physical strength.

The burns of the mount goat after the fire kick were recovering at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

"Flaming chicken! Don't stop attacking! Continuous flame punch!" Aoki shouted.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

The Flaming Chicken's fist swung quickly and hit the goat directly.

Trauma continues, but it is still recovering.

"Mounting goats, the ultimate draw!" Fuye ordered again.

The degree of difficulty of the mount goat is really the same as that of Mrs. Huajie of Aoki, that is, the mount goat has not learned the poison system skills, otherwise it will lose a few venoms to the fire chicken, even if the damage is not high at one time, but it continues to accumulate. Down, you can also slowly burn the flame chicken to death.

Fighting in this way, for the Flaming Chicken, is at best a result of both losses.

He can't beat the mount goat with a single hit, then his photosynthesis and grass field skills will continue to restore his strength.

And from time to time, you can use the ultimate absorption skills to slightly burn the chicken's physical strength.

That is, this mount goat has not yet learned the wooden horn skills.

Otherwise the threat to the Flaming Chicken will be even greater.

"Flame Chicken, use sword dance again!"

There is no way, it is very likely that the Flame Chicken will be defeated in this way.

Aoki can only make the Flaming Chicken use sword dance again to increase his attack power.

As long as the attack strength can strengthen the team's mount goat's recovery speed, that's fine.

A moment ago, Aoki actually had the urge to let the flame chicken use super evolution, but in the end he was stopped by himself.

Now is definitely not the time for superevolution.

Even if the battle is defeated, it is nothing, but the super evolution cannot be exposed because of an insignificant battle.

The flaming chicken that bounced back one step danced again with rhythm.

The mount goat at this time could not stop him even if he launched an attack.

However, Fuye did not mean to stop it anymore, but further strengthened the recovery speed and defense of the mount goat.

"Mount goats, fit!"

Bodybuilding skill is to tighten the muscles on the body, increase the attack power, and at the same time increase your own defense power.

Aoki's eyes narrowed slightly. In this case, I can only try it.

"Flame Chicken! Flash Flame Charge!"

The flame appeared from the white feathers on the top of the flaming chicken's head, which was mixed with a few thin and invisible golden flames. The speed of the flaming chicken with its acceleration characteristics had reached the extreme.

It was like a huge bullet with flames, blasting towards the mount goat at an elusive speed.

This is the first time Flaming Chicken has used this skill in combat.

Because Flash Flame Charge has a strong reaction force, Aoki didn't want to let him use this skill before he purposely trained the Flaming Chicken on rebound force.

But now there is no way.

If you don't break the recovery ability of the mount goat, you will have only one way to defeat in the end.

boom! !!

In the blink of an eye, the mount goat had no time to react in the future, and the flaming chicken, whose body was covered with a fiery flame, hit him severely.

The mount goat was blown away.

Hit the wall straight on the edge of the battlefield.

The Flaming Chicken knelt down on one knee and felt his head slightly dizzy.

The rebound damage made him feel very pained, not to mention the mount goat that was under attack.

At this point, he had been blasted out of the grass field, and photosynthesis could not continue to be used.

"It's now, flame kick!"

Gently shook his head, the flame chicken gnashed his teeth and rushed again.

The energy of the fire was gathered from his body to his feet.

This is all the energy in his body. The last blow, if it can't be defeated, the flame chicken will have no resistance.


The sound of kicking on a mount goat.

boom! !!

The whole wall was cracked ~ ~ Huhuhuhu ~~ "Flame Chicken is standing not far from the wall, closing one eye tightly, wearing panting gas, and looking physically weak. .

At this time, the mount goat fell to the ground and lost its fighting ability!

"The mount goat lost its fighting ability, and the winner was Aoki, the challenger!" The referee standing on the side of the court responded, waving Aoki to win.

But at this time, Aoki and Fuye did not care so much about winning or losing.

After hearing the news of the victory, the flame chicken slowly fell backwards.

Before being fallen, he was held up by an elf.

It's another sitting goat.

Fu Ye just dropped another elf ball, his ace elf.

After catching the fallen flaming chicken, the mount goat immediately used the grass field to restore his strength and the same kind that fell to the ground.


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