The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 958: Double superevolution

Nodded in satisfaction.

Aoki is very satisfied with Geng Gui's super evolution.

Geng Gui, an elf, can be used regardless of his status as an alliance or rocket.

After all, it's hard to tell if it's not studied carefully.

One more real hole card!

Different from the Super Evolution of the Flaming Chicken, Geng Gui is a King-level elf who super-evolved and immediately added a tough hole card to Aoki.

An elf with stronger explosive ability than the dull king.

And the qualification has been upgraded to light blue, and there is a lot of potential to be tapped.

"Geng Gui, how do you feel?" Aoki asked with a smile.

"桀桀 ~~" Geng Gui raised his hand and looked at his body.

It has changed a lot, and there is a hint of dark red where it touches the ground.

It looks even more weird.


Geng Gui screamed, and a dark black energy ball appeared in his hand, but the middle of this energy ball seemed to be doped with a few rays of red energy.

Shadow ball.

Smashed directly towards the edge of the alien space.

boom! !!

The wind roared by the loud roar and the energy from the explosion.

The five letters on Aoki's wrist flickered, and a huge hole appeared in the alien space created.

However, with the efforts of unknown totems, this hole was quickly repaired.

The power is considerable.

Another point is that after completing the super-evolution, Geng Gui's characteristics changed from cursed body to step shadow.

During the battle, all non-ghost-based elves with non-stomping characteristics cannot escape, nor can they be replaced during the battle.

It does not help much in combat, it is a subsidiary feature.

However, Geng Gui has the skills of acting and changing, and will not have much impact.

"That being the case, try a little more."

Speaking of which, Aoki took out the Super Evolution Stone of the Flaming Chicken and the corresponding keystone.

Delivered the Super Evolution Stone to the Flaming Chicken.

Each hand holds a keystone.

"Flame Chicken, Super Evolution!" Aoki took a deep breath, and now he will try to see if a trainer can control the super evolution of two elves.

Hearing Aoki's words, the flame chicken was excited.

It's been a long time since I felt the magical and powerful energy again.

"Scared!" The flame chicken roared.

The super-evolutionary stone energy in his hand poured into the body. This is the second time that the Flaming Chicken has undergone super-evolution. It takes less time than the first time.

And evolution is fast.

After "Scaring Mo" shattered all the flames around him, Super Flame Chicken appeared!

Seeing the appearance of the Super Flaming Chicken, and the super geng ghost standing aside, my heart was about to wonder, and suddenly felt a headache.


Aoki knelt down on the ground with a frown.

The elves saw Aoki's appearance and immediately gathered around. Mrs. Huajie wanted to give Aoki some simple treatment.

"It's okay." Aoki stopped Mrs. Huajie and stood up slowly with the help of Madara.

The headache that just appeared suddenly really made him faint.

Fortunately, I got over it. After covering my head with my super powers, I got some relief.

However, I can still feel that the energy in my body is going crazy, and the super power is also being consumed at an extremely fast speed.

According to his current physical fitness, the super evolution of an elf should be able to last for about 15 to 20 minutes, but if it is the super evolution of two elves, even with the assistance of super abilities, I believe that it will take at most three minutes. , You will completely lose consciousness.

If you want to maintain sufficient combat power, it can only last up to two minutes.

This is the limit that Aoki can reach now.

If you want to increase the time, or even say that you want to increase the number of super-evolved elves, it will take a long time to exercise, and if you can, it is best to increase the super ability.

"It seems that the usual training can not be dropped, I need to participate in the gravity of the small broken diamond, and ... need more unknown totem help." Aoki thought silently.

The bodies of Super Flaming Chicken and Super Geng Gui suddenly burst out with a lot of super evolutionary energy, and they also returned to their original appearance.

Aoki lifted superevolution.

Elves also need more time to become familiar with the super-evolved strength improvement.

"Start training," Aoki said to the elves.

Baby Dragon, La Rulas, Mohaima, and Little Broken Diamond, like Shakira, used to enter the back hills for combat training and improve their basic strength.

Now is the time when they need to improve their strength.

But if you want a quiet time to train the elves, then Furong's little girl must be calmed down first.

Aoki was thinking about whether to transfer her to Ogo for a while, and she didn't have time to cook this little guy for the time being.

Just as Aoki was thinking, a crack appeared again in the barriers of different spaces.

"Huh?" He looked surprised at the crack.

A flat, black elf suddenly pierced through the crack.

"Unknown totem?"

As if to verify Aoki's words, after the elf got in, he looked around with one eye, and soon confirmed Aoki's identity, and flew directly towards him.

It may be that Aoki's desire for the unknown totem was sensed, and the little boy came by himself.

The five letters on the wrist flashed as if welcoming a new partner.

The unknown totem did not hesitate, like his companions, directly attached to Aoki's wrist.

At the same time, several words appeared in Aoki's brain.

It seems that the appearance of this unknown totem is just for rumors.

Six unknown totems.

Aoki interpreted that passage.

The meaning is a bit vague.

It seems that something is getting closer and Aoki needs to be prepared to do so, but the specific thing has not been revealed.

This word is passed, it is better not to pass it, the cloud is in the mist.

However, it's better to have an unknown totem, and Aoki's brow has increased his super ability.

Distance to reach the level of advanced super ability ~ ~ Probably still need ...

Twenty years!

Not bad, at least it looks a little hopeful in life.

It's better than meditating for seventy years to become a junior superpower.

Aoki's heart comforted herself.

Then joined the training of the elves.

Not only physical exercise, but also your own super powers.

There are a lot of elves who can super-evolve. How much strength and advantages they can play in the future depends on how hard they work.

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