The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 191: Encounter with the Artillery Regiment (Subscription Request)

Soon, the special operations team had a harvest.

Liang Zhan led people over, and then saw a team of mules and horses moving forward, the speed of the mules and horses was very slow.

It was obvious that they were carrying a heavy load.

"Tiger, this is an artillery regiment, it should be the 457th Artillery Regiment of the 313th Division in the intelligence." Lei Ming was very excited: "Look at them transporting cannons and boxes of shells."

Lei Ming was very excited as he observed the team of mules and horses with a telescope.

Liang Zhan couldn't help licking his tongue with the telescope.

According to the intelligence, this 457th Artillery Regiment has two artillery battalions, with a total establishment of about 1,050 people, equipped with 24 105mm howitzers, 12 76.2mm cannons, 1 7.62mm squad machine gun, 1 40mm grenade launcher, 48 pairs of telescopes, 1 pair of artillery telescopes, 4 theodolites, and 26 pairs of steering wheels.

"Artillery 457th Regiment, we have caught a big fish this time!" Liang Zhan's eyes flashed.

Afterwards, Liang Zhan discussed quietly with Zhou Zhenguo and Lei Ming, and reported to the battalion commander Li Fuguo as soon as possible.

"The battalion commander and his men are only four kilometers away from us, and they will soon be able to support us. Now we will attack from the front and back." Liang Zhan deployed the battle plan.

Zhou Zhenguo and Lei Ming both agreed: "Let's do it! Wait until the heavy firepower on the mountain reacts and adjusts, maybe we will all end the battle!"

Then, everyone dispersed and took down the 80-type rocket launcher.

"Pop!" Liang Zhan's pistol fired into the sky.

"Swish, swish, swish~~"

The gunshot was like a signal, and the soldiers fired shells one after another, and then threw the 80-type rocket launchers in their hands to the side as soon as possible, took their weapons and hid, and dispersed.

"Boom, boom, boom~~"

One shell after another flew towards the mule and horse team on the mountain road, and explosions continued to sound.

The 80mm caliber rocket launcher is quite powerful, and there are six cloud bombs.

There were 24 rockets, enough to take this artillery regiment down.

It took less than ten seconds from the gunshot to the rocket landing.

People were constantly killed or injured, and mules and horses were screaming.

The scene was extremely chaotic.

The alarm sounded.

The 457th Artillery Regiment of the 313th Division was in chaos. The sudden attack caught them off guard.

"Da Da Da~~" The special operations team shot with a 78-type automatic rifle.

The sniper was holding a 78-type heavy sniper rifle, very calm, and did not shoot easily, but looked for the target.

Finally, he aimed at a shell box through the scope.

The incendiary bomb was fired.


The incendiary bomb hit the shell box, which immediately caused the shell box to explode.

The surrounding artillerymen were killed one after another.

"Da Da Da~~~"

"Da Da Da~~~"

Other soldiers used 78-type automatic rifles for short bursts, while snipers used heavy sniper rifles to continuously shoot at the shell boxes and hunt important targets.

When the 457th Artillery Regiment went through the initial chaos and began to organize a counterattack.

Swish, swish, swish~~

A sound of breaking through the air came.

Experienced artillerymen immediately distinguished that it was the sound of artillery shells whistling.

It was the two tank companies of the synthetic battalion that were firing at a distance of 3 kilometers, supporting the special operations team.

At this position, the vision is completely good.

It was also because the vision was not good before, otherwise they could have fired and provided artillery support at the first time.

The vehicle-mounted radars of the two self-propelled anti-aircraft guns were rotating, constantly searching for aerial targets.

The first priority of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns is air defense, not providing fire support.

With the artillery support provided by the tanks, the infantry company has already rushed towards the 457th Artillery Regiment.

On the road, tank shells fell one after another, forming a series of gun pits as if the earth was shaking.

You should know that the main gun of the Type 80 tank is a 125mm smoothbore gun. Such a large-caliber main gun is even larger than the caliber of the howitzer of the 457th Artillery Regiment.

Soon, one tank company stayed in place to continue to provide artillery support, while the other tank company moved forward.

The mine-clearing vehicle was walking in front, clearing mines.

Even though there were no mines on this side of the mountain, the mine-clearing vehicle was still used to lead the way out of caution.

On the mountain, the command post.

"Battalion commander, it's bad, they are cutting our way back, and the 457th Artillery Regiment has been attacked!" The observer reported in a panic.

Nguyen Phu Quy was shocked: "How dare they! How dare they attack from behind!? Hasn't there been any news from the regiment yet?"

The communication was backward and the phone could not be connected. Nguyen Phu Quy thought the telephone line was cut.

There was a distance between them, and Nguyen Phu Quy didn't know that the place had been completely occupied.

After all, he didn't believe that the main peak could be lost in such a short time.

He had caused great casualties to the attacking troops here.

So far, this place is still as stable as a rock.

"There is no news from the regiment! Battalion commander, think of a solution quickly!" The observer kept sweating.

They only have the battalion's artillery company here, equipped with mortars, but no howitzers or the like.

Once the 457th Artillery Regiment is finished, they will face a pincer attack from both sides, which will be their doom.

After all, they have not built fortifications on this side. Facing a pincer attack from both sides, the troops have to be dispersed, and they can't stop the attack from this side.

"Quick, order the artillery company to attack the enemy!" Ruan Fugui roared.

Their artillery company is equipped with small-caliber mortars, which are high above the ground and have a range of up to 5 kilometers.

The artillery company received the order, and the artillery took the mortars and shells, moved the artillery positions, and then built artillery positions.

When the new artillery positions were built, the battle over there was over.

The infantry company had captured the surviving soldiers of the 457th Artillery Regiment.

At this time, the artillery of the synthetic battalion had adjusted the angle of the howitzers. Although many guns had been destroyed, some guns were still good.

For the artillery of the synthetic battalion, howitzers and cannons are really familiar.

Because these were all supported to the monkeys at the beginning.

It's a pity that a group of ungrateful people were raised.

Six howitzers and five cannons adjusted the angle.

"Ready, fire!"

With the waving of the flag, the shells of the howitzers and cannons whistled out. This high elevation angle is much stronger than the main gun of the tank.

Shells whizzed out one after another.

Boom boom boom~~~

Bursts of artillery fire continued to sound, and each shell landed accurately on the enemy position on the mountain.

On the enemy position, the shells landed, shaking the ground, and explosions continued, accompanied by screams.

The mortars had not yet been fired, and the artillery positions were the first to be attacked by shells.

Li Fuguo was already commanding the tank company and the infantry company to launch an attack. As for the prisoners, the unarmed prisoners did not need many people to guard them.

It was also because of the seizure of this batch of artillery and shells, otherwise Li Fuguo would not dare to launch an attack rashly, but replenish ammunition first.

After all, each tank now has few shells.

The power of a tank without shells is greatly weakened.

With the support of these artillery fire, it would be different.

After all, the enemy on the mountain is facing the strength of a regiment of the 42nd Division. Li Fuguo believes that the officers and soldiers on the opposite side will definitely seize the opportunity.

At the same time, Li Fuguo asked the signalman to send a message to the headquarters to report the situation.

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