
It was fine when I first arrived. Not long after arriving home, the first heavy snowfall in the capital came.

The cold wind is howling, snowflakes are dancing in the wind, and the cold branches are dotted with the fragrance of plum blossoms.

The dancing snow in the wind is like a goddess scattering flowers, which are scattered and rolled up, giving a deep chill.

Liu Tao left Li Fuguo in the courtyard and asked Li Fuguo to live in a room in the courtyard at night.

Li Fuguo was shocked when he came to Liu Tao's house for the first time.

Such a large courtyard, even the palace of the feudal dynasty in the book, is nothing more than this.

Not grand, but very quiet.

Looking at what he had for dinner, this type of mutton hot pot was something he had never tasted before.

Eating mutton hotpot and drinking Moutai.

This was not the first time that Li Fuguo and Liu Tao's parents Liu Zhenbang and Chen Fang had met, but it was the first time that they knew their identities.

Only then did Li Fuguo learn about Liu Tao’s family background.

He had never asked about it before, and Liu Tao had never said anything about it.

The snow fell heavier and heavier that night, and it seemed to keep falling.

There is a lot of snow on the ground, on the roof, and on the grass, so you can make snowmen and have snowball fights.

Several children, wearing cotton-padded jackets, had a great time building snowmen and having snowball fights in the yard after eating hot pot.

When he woke up the next day, as soon as he walked out of the room, Liu Tao saw that the outside was completely white, with snow everywhere, and a layer of white covering the sky and the earth.

After breakfast, Liu Tao personally drove Li Fuguo to the Higher Military Academy in a jeep.

In the afternoon, Liu Tao went to the Ordnance Industry Corporation.

Although the brand has been changed, the office location remains the same, the various office areas have not changed, and there are still guards standing guard at the door.

In terms of restructuring, the Ordnance Industry Corporation is now simply changing a brand, but the substance has not changed. It is still the same as before.

This is the difficulty of reform. Everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones. They are not clear about the road ahead and have to fumble alone, walking slowly or even standing still.

Liu Tao came to Wang Baoguo's office first. At this time, someone was already in Wang Baoguo's office in front of him. Liu Tao waited for a while.

It took about ten minutes before Wang Baoguo's secretary notified Liu Tao that he could go in.

"Comrade Liu Tao is here!" Wang Baoguo said with a smile: "The troops have received the batch of tanks you delivered, fast enough!"

Liu Tao smiled and said: "There is no way. If we don't deliver, the military representatives will become anxious with me! They tell me every time that if the army's tanks continue like this, we will lose them, so we should simply cancel the armored force."

"Fortunately, the leaders mobilized a group of technical personnel to support us, otherwise we would definitely not be able to complete the delivery work." Liu Tao said, then pointed to his eyes, "Look at me now, I only sleep four hours a day, and there are bags under my eyes. It’s all heavy.”

Wang Baoguo joked: "I think you look very good. You have bags under your eyes. Your face is rosy and your body is strong. If you are really so busy, you can still go back to Beijing on vacation."

Everyone knows that Liu Tao returns to Beijing for vacation every month.

Some leaders originally complained about it, but there was nothing they could do. Every time Liu Tao returned to Beijing, he would report to the Fifth Machinery Department, and he could always get some orders. If people said he came to the capital to work, there would be no problem.

After all, they are really doing something, and it’s not like they are not doing anything at all.

Moreover, they all know the rules and regulations of Panshan Machinery Factory, which include two weekends a week, eight hours of work a day, and forty hours of work a week.

However, the production capacity of Panshan Machinery Factory has not fallen behind because of this. On the contrary, it is the strongest in the weapons industry system.

After some pleasantries, Liu Tao took the initiative to ask about the Iran-Iraq war.

He is in Yun Province, and it is inevitable that news will lag behind.

"The battle lines are still about the same. The two sides are in a stalemate. The Iraqi army has the advantage, but the battle lines cannot be pushed forward." Wang Baoguo said, "In September, Persia began a large-scale counterattack, but it failed. At the end of September, Persia gathered more than 100,000 people troops to launch a large-scale Abadan counterattack."

Wang Baoguo said: "However, Iraq defeated the Persians' massive counterattack. Your good friend Rashid led the armored division and defeated three Persian divisions. A total of 20,000 Persian soldiers were killed and injured, and 10,000 were captured and destroyed. 360 tanks, 38 aircraft shot down, and hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles seized.”

Liu Tao looked surprised.

I didn't expect Rashid to achieve such a great result.

"The Type 80 main battle tank was a massacre against the Type 59 tank. The Type 59 tank was destroyed by the Type 80 main battle tank before it was discovered." Wang Baoguo said with emotion: "Now the Persians are proposing to purchase the same as the Iraqis Main battle tanks and self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, the troops are very dissatisfied with this, and their own tanks destroy their own tanks.”

"And the self-propelled anti-aircraft guns provided the Iraqi troops with battlefield air defense capabilities. The Persian Air Force suffered heavy losses." Wang Baoguo shook his head. "There is already a voice that no longer exports of Type 80 main battle tanks and Type 80 main battle tanks." Self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.”

Liu Tao frowned slightly, feeling a little troubled.

The Persians want to purchase Type 80 main battle tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, but now the production pressure here is already very high.

It will be difficult to increase the production of Type 80 main battle tanks and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns in a short period of time.

There are also voices that the Type 80 main battle tank and the Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun will no longer be exported. This voice is naturally justified. After all, these two are big killers and important weapons of the country. Naturally, such advanced weapons and equipment can be exported without exporting them. Not exported.

How can you make money if you don't export?

"There are also anti-tank missiles that you gave to both sides. In less than a year, they destroyed more than 400 tanks, including more than 200 Type 59 tanks and Type 69 tanks." Wang Baoguo said, "Some comrades are worried that if this anti-tank missile falls into the hands of hostile forces, it will definitely threaten the safety of the Type 59 tank."

Anti-tank missiles, even if they are export versions, still have a static armor-piercing capability of 600 mm. Armor protection such as Type 59 tanks will definitely not be able to stop anti-tank missiles.

"The Third Machinery Department and the Air Force also have strong opinions. The 'avant-garde' anti-aircraft missiles and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns pose a great threat to our aircraft. As a result, more than a hundred of our aircraft were lost on the battlefield." Wang Baoguo was helpless. He smiled bitterly and said, "Now some comrades criticize our Fifth Machinery Department for exporting any advanced weapons in order to make money. Advanced weapons should be in our own hands."

Liu Tao couldn't help but rolled his eyes. The troops in question had no money to purchase!

The purchase price of the "Avangard" air defense missiles to the troops is 35,000 yuan each, but the troops find it expensive, so they have currently purchased 20 launchers and 100 "Avangard" air defense missiles.

Needless to say, there are not many orders for the Type 80 main battle tank and Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun.

What really interests the troops are the Type 81 light tank, Type 81 medium tank, Type 81 amphibious tank and Type 81 infantry fighting vehicle.

"Without our efforts to make money from exports, how could the country have so much foreign exchange? Can we streamline the army so quickly, and this time reduce the army by one million again?" Liu Tao couldn't help complaining, "Without foreign exchange, the army can afford to purchase old and American products." Black Hawk helicopter, F14 fighter, F15 fighter, F16 fighter?”

In the weapons industry system, exports in the past two years have been far ahead.

Although it is not included in the import and export statistics, the export data is definitely extremely impressive, not to mention the profits.

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