The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 265 If Han Weidong doesn't care, I will

The next evening.

The secretary reminded Liu Tao that according to his schedule, he was going to Panshan Hospital to visit Zhao Guoping and his wife.

Liu Tao was getting up, taking a car to go home first, taking a good shower and changing into clean clothes.

At this time, the secretary had bought him a basket of fruits and a bouquet of flowers.

The driver took Liu Tao to Panshan Hospital. Liu Tao carried the fruit in one hand and the bouquet of flowers in the other and headed towards the inpatient department.

After looking at the ward number, Liu Tao quickly found it.

"Congratulations on your baby!" Liu Tao smiled immediately when he saw Zhao Guoping holding the baby.

Zhao Guoping had a smile on his face. It was obvious that he was very happy to be a father for the first time.

But that's normal. No parent would be unhappy when they first have a child.

There is no parent who does not love their children.

The birth of a child brings immeasurable joy to parents.

"Thank you!" Zhao Guoping smiled.

"A very cute little guy, not as chubby as my brat." Liu Tao smiled, and then handed the flowers in his hand to Zhao Guoping's lover: "You must have a good rest, take enough maternity leave, and take good care of yourself, so as not to There is no end to the work. The temporary rest is for better work in the future.”

"Thank you for your concern, leader!" Zhao Guoping's lover took the flowers with a smile on her face. After all, she is a 20-year-old woman with high recovery ability. Now she is no different from a normal person.

After staying for a while, Liu Tao said goodbye and left.

After checking the time, Liu Tao went to the factory cafeteria and asked Master Chen to cook him a bowl of noodles.

Master Chen cooked the noodles himself, and after cooking the noodles, he brought the noodles to Liu Tao.

"Director, I heard that if you go to other factories, you can be allocated rooms here. You can also be allocated rooms if you go to other factories. Is this true?" Master Chen sat down opposite Liu Tao and asked in a low voice. .

Liu Tao took a sip of noodle soup, then nodded and said, "Yes, this is the policy, but there is a premise. The house here will be taken back by the factory, and then it will be transferred to another factory, where a house will be allocated."

"What? Master Chen, do you want to apply to another factory?" Liu Tao looked at Master Chen curiously.

Master Chen worked as a chef at Panshan Machinery Factory back then and has been working at Panshan Machinery Factory for more than ten years.

During the previous house allocation, Master Chen was rated as excellent many times because of his good work performance, so he was assigned a house.

After Master Chen was assigned a house, he did not slack off at work and was always dedicated to his work. This was well-known in the factory.

Master Chen was a little embarrassed and said: "My brat went to Factory 356. My wife just gave birth to a baby there. She plans to apply to be a teacher there in the future. I thought I would also apply to Factory 356 so I can help." them."

Liu Tao suddenly understood.

It is really pitiful for parents in the world. Even if their children are married and have children, they still want to help their children.

Liu Tao knew that Master Chen's son was a worker who produced Type 78 pistols and was transferred to Factory 356 a few months ago.

Part of the 356 factory has been built and is already producing, so it naturally needs workers.

In order to better integrate everyone into Panshan Machinery Factory, workers from these factories are often transferred to Panshan Machinery Factory. After training, some are transferred back to the original factory, and some are transferred to other factories.

Master Chen's son is just an ordinary worker. When he was transferred to Factory 356, he was not assigned a house so quickly.

But Master Chen is different. Once he is transferred to Factory 356, he will be assigned a house according to the factory's policy.

Master Chen's daughter-in-law is a teacher, and she probably married Master Chen's son before they even got a house.

"It's good to go to Factory 356, our headquarters will be there in the future." Liu Tao said with a smile, "It's the same wherever you go, you have to remember to work hard."

Liu Tao didn't say much. After all, Master Chen's choice was humane and perfectly normal.

Liu Tao also knows that there are actually many people like Master Chen.

I am afraid that not even one-third of the old people who worked at the Panshan Machinery Factory are still in the Panshan Machinery Factory now.

Some of them applied to move there because their children were transferred to other factories for family reunion. Some, because of their high ideological consciousness, apply to other factories to help other factories get on the right track as soon as possible.

There are various reasons.

The factory often chooses to respect this situation.

"Director, what if you go to Factory 356 and Factory 356 doesn't give you a house?" Master Chen was a little worried. "Factory 356 used to be a big factory with many employees and needed a lot of houses. If there is no house allocation, Or they give priority to the original employees of Factory 356."

Liu Tao laughed dumbly.

"Don't worry, if someone violates the policy, you can go to the director of Factory 356, Han Weidong. If Han Weidong also violates the policy, you can come back to me." Liu Tao said with a smile.

Han Weidong was promoted by Liu Tao. He previously served as the deputy director of Panshan Machinery Factory.

Han Weidong was previously responsible for the third-tier factories that were merged into Panshan Machinery Factory, and was also responsible for the reconstruction of those factories into production bases.

When Factory 356 was merged into Panshan Machinery Factory, Liu Tao also asked Han Weidong to be responsible for the construction of Factory 356, and also appointed Han Weidong as the director of Factory 356.

In addition to being the director of Factory 356, Han Weidong is also the deputy general manager of Huaxia Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation and a member of the Party Group.

If Han Weidong had not been too inexperienced and had no background, Liu Tao would have wanted to promote him to be the general manager of Huaxia Southwest Industrial Group Corporation.

Upon hearing this, Master Chen was immediately delighted.

"Thank you, Director. I feel relieved with your words." Master Chen said happily.

Liu Tao shook his head and smiled, "This is just the factory policy. Everyone just needs to follow the policy."

"As the factory director, I also follow the factory policy and will not take care of anyone. As long as everyone works hard and contributes to the country, the organization will see it." Liu Tao smiled.

While eating noodles, he chatted with Master Chen.

He always occasionally chatted with Master Chen and others when he went to the cafeteria to eat noodles to learn more about the things below.

After all, he didn't have so much time to keep in touch with them. He didn't know as much about some things in the factory as Master Chen and others.

You can always hear things from them that Liu Tao cannot hear, such as which leader is evaluated by the workers, whether the union work is done well, whether the party and mass work is truly implemented.

Even who are the bad guys, these people have sharp eyes.

Although Liu Tao also has a secretary and holds a meeting at least once a week, everyone often reports good news but not bad news, or only talks about the current situation and does not bring other things to the table.

But Master Chen and others are different. They are well-informed and dare to tell the truth to him as the factory director.

This is very valuable.

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