Although the artillery company only has six guns, the firing speed is very fast.

It seems that there are only half of the guns of the artillery battalion, but these are large-caliber guns, and they are automatically loaded and have an extremely fast firing speed.

The firepower output of the artillery company is very fierce.

Large-scale firepower coverage is not good, but the firepower suppression and support as a key node are very effective.

And the most important thing is that while firing, the vehicle is still moving forward.

This means that even if the enemy calculates the artillery position based on the trajectory of the artillery shells, or detects the position through air reconnaissance, the enemy's artillery company and artillery regiment will not be able to hit them when they launch a counterattack.

This is the advantage of self-propelled artillery, which has strong mobility and strong battlefield survivability.

As the tank company and infantry company were about to arrive at the Huashan defense position, the artillery company stopped firing to avoid accidentally injuring its own troops.

The next battle was handed over to the tank company and infantry company, and the artillery company only needed to provide fixed-point artillery support.

In the command vehicle, Li Xinghua kept learning about the battlefield situation.

As long as the Huashan defensive position is taken, the enemy's defensive line will be torn open, and the entire Huangshupi County will be directly within the artillery coverage of the synthetic battalion.

"Battalion commander, the enemy's infantry regiment has moved and is heading towards Huashan!" The scout reported the situation.

Li Xinghua picked up the phone, "Order the artillery company to load shells and provide artillery support for the battlefield at any time."

The Huashan defensive position is very important. Taking the Huashan defensive position will tear open a hole in the enemy's defense line in this area. Once Huangshupi County is taken, other surrounding defense lines will be slowly torn apart.

It is normal to have support.

It is abnormal to have no support.

The enemy has invested more than 100,000 troops on the entire defense line, and there are more than 100,000 troops as reserve troops behind.

You must know that the total population of Annan exceeds 50 million. Even if the losses are heavy, the number of troops still remains at a scale of 1.2 million.

As for weapons, equipment and ammunition, they are naturally supported by the big brother Polar Bear.

As soon as the sun rose, the Huashan defensive position was taken down.

Many Annan soldiers died in the bombardment. After all, more than 2,000 large-caliber shells were fired, and many people were killed by the shock.

Some people were injured and wounded, and some people survived, but they could not resist it at all if they wanted to rely on fortifications.

Once they entered the 300-meter range, they had to face the attack of mortars and rocket launchers.

Even hiding in the cat ear cave was useless, a fuel-air bomb could solve the battle.

There was no need to enter the cat ear cave, while the enemy was fighting.

Li Xinghua commanded the troops and built a defensive position.

The enemy's reinforcements were already very close.

When they entered the 3-kilometer range, Li Xinghua issued an attack order.

Tanks and mortars attacked the enemy in front, while artillery shelled the enemy in the middle and rear sections.

Li Xinghua held a telescope, looking down from a high position, watching the enemy being bombarded.

This kind of bombardment was very pleasing to the eye.

In modern warfare, occupying favorable terrain and having the advantage of weapons and equipment can cause extremely terrifying damage to the enemy.

The killing radius of large-caliber artillery shells is extremely terrifying.

Even if guided artillery shells are not used now, the damage caused by so many artillery shells falling is extremely terrible.

The marching order of an enemy regiment was disrupted in an instant.

"Launch an attack!" Li Xinghua gave the order.

The tanks began to move, and infantry fighting vehicles with fully armed soldiers also moved.

The front line is fighting.

Liu Tao is also busy. This time he returned to Beijing.

Recently, three major events have occurred in China.

One is the "Decision on Severely Cracking Down on Criminal Activities" issued by the top.

One is the "Decision on the People's Bank of China to Specially Exercise the Functions of a Central Bank" made by the State Council, stipulating that the People's Bank of China shall specialize in exercising the functions of a central bank and no longer handle industrial and commercial credit and savings business.

Another major event is the pilot work on wage reform.

This time he returned to Beijing to attend the pilot work meeting on wage reform. Panshan Group was originally a pilot unit for reform, and it was ahead of the country in terms of salary. Liu Tao and others were specially invited to participate in this meeting.

The current wage system implemented nationwide is still in 1956.

Before 1956, there were generally two wage systems coexisting in government agencies and public institutions in my country, namely the monetary wage system (salary system) and the in-kind wage system (supply system).

The wage system reform in 1956 initially established a job grade wage system, and also laid the foundation for my country's wage system. This wage system reform abolished the supply system, directly stipulated the wage standard in currency, improved the worker wage grade system, established different wage grades (1-8) according to the technical characteristics of workers in different industries, and improved the job grade wage system for staff of government agencies and public institutions, dividing the wage standard according to the level of the position.

In fact, wage adjustments have been ongoing in recent years.

The wage range was adjusted for three consecutive years in 1981, 1982, and 1983.

For example, this year's salary adjustment is generally controlled to not exceed an increase of 3.5 yuan per person per month.

Some people get an extra 7 or 10 yuan, some people's salary remains the same, but overall it is controlled to increase by 3.5 yuan per person per month on average.

In terms of wage reform, the country is cautious, fearing that too much wage adjustment will lead to increased corporate costs, and then the degree of loss and the scope of loss will also increase.

There are many state-owned factories in the country that are in a loss-making state.

If the loss is increased, the wages will be increased. Isn't this further increasing the loss?

So in August, another supplement was added, that is, the wage adjustment is limited to profitable state-owned factories.

There are three main departments in charge of wage adjustment, namely the Ministry of Labor and Personnel, the State Planning Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the National Bureau of Statistics.

Liu Tao accepted the invitation and naturally expressed relevant opinions.

Because Panshan Group is now also facing this problem.

That is, for the same position and level, the wage level in the mainland is too different from that in Hong Kong!

According to the exchange rate, 1 RMB is almost equivalent to 4 Hong Kong dollars.

The monthly salary of an ordinary worker in Hong Kong is 3,000 Hong Kong dollars, and the salary of an average white-collar worker is 5,000 Hong Kong dollars. In other words, the monthly salary of an ordinary worker in Hong Kong is equivalent to about 750 RMB, and the salary of an average white-collar worker is equivalent to about 1,250 RMB.

This salary level, even if Panshan Group in the mainland implements the level salary as the basic salary, the salary level is still about 4 times lower than that in Hong Kong.

The higher the level, the greater the difference.

For example, Xue Yunpeng is in charge of the Southwest Industrial Group Corporation, but his salary level is not as good as that of ordinary factory workers in the Hong Kong branch of the Southwest Industrial Group Corporation.

There can be a difference, but if the gap is too big, it will be detrimental to work.

In addition to attending this meeting, Liu Tao also wants to strive for further reform of Panshan Group's salary system when he returns to Beijing.

Now Panshan Group's salary system is already very complete in the mainland, and the salary level is also the highest, which itself faces great resistance. If the overall salary level is further improved, the pressure will only be greater, not less.

In this regard, we must strive for the support of the country.

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