The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 380 It’s still a long way to go

"Is the United States really willing to help Persia?"

Zou Jiahua was somewhat incredulous: "Before, they had a very bad relationship and almost went to war."

Before, when Persia was under the rule of the Pahlavi dynasty, it had a very good relationship with the United States. Although the two sides did not sign an alliance agreement, they were quasi-allies, and the relationship between the two sides was as good as wearing the same pants.

The United States was willing to export even advanced third-generation aircraft such as the F-14 to Persia, even though the US military did not have much equipment, and other allies had not received the F-14. At that time, even his father could not own the F-14.

It was only after the Pahlavi dynasty was overthrown that the relationship between the two sides took a sharp turn for the worse.

From iron-clad allies to mortal enemies, they almost broke out into war.

"The total number of root servers is limited. There are 13 root servers in the world Internet system. We have 10 root servers in China, including one parent root server and nine auxiliary root servers. The remaining three auxiliary root servers can be set up in the United States, Europe, and Moscow." Liu Tao introduced: "Of course, this can be discussed ten years later."

The current relationship between China and the United States has only been ten years since Nixon's visit to China. The relationship between the two sides has made great progress, especially in the past five years, which is simply a honeymoon period. The economic, political, and cultural exchanges are very close.

"Now the tone of both sides has slowed down. They have met in Geneva. Let's wait and see. Maybe it won't be long before the United States will directly sell weapons to Persia or even provide loans to Persia." Liu Tao said.

You know, there are still many students and workers singing "East Wind Blows War Drums" all over the country!

The relationship between the two sides is even praised as a husband-wife relationship.

"The Iran-Iraq War can last at least four or five years, and it should last five or six years if it lasts more. Don't worry too much!" Liu Tao said.

No matter how much fiscal revenue increases, it can't support this plan.

"While building the optical cable, it is recommended to build a communication system at the same time to prepare for the collapse of mobile phones and landlines." Liu Tao introduced.

If the United States launched a war and attacked Persia at that time, there was no doubt that Persia, facing a life-and-death crisis, would definitely turn to the Soviet Union without hesitation and become a member of the Soviet camp.

He thought Liu Tao was crazy. He actually came up with such an unprecedented plan. If this was really implemented, the whole country would have to live a hard life.

This is a long-term project and a century project.

"The first phase of the optical cable project can be laid to provincial capitals and individual cities first, the second phase of the project will extend to second-tier cities, the third phase of the project will extend to third-tier cities on the basis of second-tier cities, the fourth phase of the factory will extend to fourth-tier cities and fifth-tier cities, the fifth phase of the project will cover all towns, and the sixth phase of the project will cover all villages. It will take 24 years to complete the national network." Liu Tao switched the PPT, which had detailed time nodes, coverage, and investment amounts for each phase of the project.

He wanted to sell arms for a few more years and make a few more years of money.

This year, the number of Chinese students studying in the United States officially exceeded 5,000.

Liu Tao was quite confident about this.

If the United States was not in the deep economic crisis, the United States was powerless, and the polar bear roared into Afghanistan, fearing that the polar bear would benefit from the war. I am afraid that the two sides would have fought a war long ago.

In order to regulate the national fiscal revenue, the Ministry of Finance also racked its brains, and often the plan could not keep up with the changes, and it always had to be adjusted.

Because the two sides quarreled too fiercely in the past few years, the Americans were quite hostile to Persia. If you want to make this step, you have to overcome great difficulties. If you do it secretly, once it is exposed, the backlash will be very great.

After completing these tasks, Zou Jiahua's historical mission was completed.

He didn't understand how the leaders allowed such a big plan to be brought to the meeting. This was simply a fantasy.

At this time, a high-level meeting was being held. In addition to the leaders and heads of major ministries and commissions, there were top scholars in the fields of communications and computers.

Meeting room.

"Why is it impossible?" Liu Tao said, "There are only interests between countries, where is the deep-rooted hatred? We have established diplomatic relations with the United States, and we are now in the honeymoon period."

His mission is to reform the weapons industry system, which includes the transformation of the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building into the Ordnance Industry Corporation and the reform of other state-owned factories in the weapons industry system.

Of course, it is also very difficult for the United States to do this.

The Ministry of Finance has not had a good life in recent years, and life has been tight.

Now seeing Liu Tao introducing the plan, he wants to die.

"Yes, you are right, there are only interests between countries. As long as there are big enough interests, no matter how big the hatred is, it can be put down." Zou Jiahua said with emotion.

Zou Jiahua said: "Your words give me a sense of security. If we can earn another five or six years, I think our weapons industry system will have completely completed the reform and got out of the predicament. By then, I will have an explanation to history."

In recent years, the weapons industry system has been the most prosperous of all systems, and the "military-to-civilian" transformation has also progressed the most smoothly, allowing these state-owned factories to start over with ease.

"Think about the past, and think about the present. Now some people call each other husband and wife." Liu Tao said with certainty: "If Iraq really occupies the lower reaches of the Shatt al-Arab River and becomes the hegemon of the Gulf region and controls the oil trade, then the United States will be in great trouble. This situation is not what the United States wants to see."

The head of the Ministry of Finance did not look very good. He looked at the investments listed above, and his face became gloomy every time he looked at an investment.

As for the number of people going to the United States for exchanges, it exceeded 10,000.

"Leaders, the importance of the root server is beyond doubt. Whoever controls the root server will control the Internet world in the future." Liu Tao emphasized the importance of the root server at the beginning. "According to our calculations, the National Internet Information Center will be set up in Beijing, and the mother root server will be built in the National Internet Information Center. Nine cities including Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, and Kunming will establish national Internet Information Centers as auxiliary root servers."

The third-line factories were "transferred from military to civilian" and handed over to local industrial bureaus.

Large military factories were modernized, equipment was replaced, organization was reformed, modern factory operation concepts were adopted, production efficiency was improved, and advanced weapons and ammunition were developed.

It is also the most harmonious relationship with the local industrial bureau.

Do you really think that the country can turn on the printing press and print money continuously?

Liu Tao started with hundreds of billions, but how much does the Ministry of Finance earn in a whole year?

The head of the Ministry of Electronics Industry stared at the head of the Ministry of Finance, his eyes were spitting fire, with anger, as if he had been touched.

If it were not for this occasion, he would have slammed the table and cursed.

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