The grand occasion of this National Day military parade has aroused strong repercussions at home and abroad.

People highly praised the achievements and spirit of the People's Liberation Army shown in this National Day military parade.

It can be said that this military parade is of great significance in terms of the timing of organization, the scale of the military parade, the content of the parade, and the external impact, and occupies an important position in the history of military parades in New China.

This is the first military parade since the 10th anniversary of the National Day. It is the largest, most modern and most mechanized one since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

It marks the entry of my country's armed forces modernization into a new era.

Liu Tao is concerned about the subsequent impact. When he saw that the country did not mention the synthetic force in reporting on the construction of the troops, but put it on the need to build a mechanized and modernized force in 40 to 50 years.

Overseas mainstream media also paid attention to this military parade and gave it a very high evaluation, believing that China is fully capable of completing the mechanization of the troops in 40 to 50 years.

There is a consensus in the world about the construction of the troops, that is, the mechanized troops.

In today's world, only two countries have completed the construction of the mechanized troops.

One is the Soviet Union and the other is the United States.

These two countries are the two poles of the world, leading the changes in the world pattern.

They are also the only countries in the world that have completed the mechanization of their troops and can fight as soon as they arrive at the battlefield.

The Soviet Union and the United States know best how much investment, time, energy and money are needed to complete the mechanization of troops.

Both the Soviet Union and the United States took 20 to 30 years to complete.

Therefore, the mainstream media judged that it would take 40 to 50 years for China to complete the mechanization of its troops.

And this is already very optimistic.

Liu Tao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the relevant departments still attach great importance to confidentiality.

There is no report on the synthetic troops, and the performance parameters of various equipment are also vague.

This is very good.

On the second day of the National Day celebration, Liu Tao felt the huge impact of the military parade.

Some old friends asked about the prices of those weapons and equipment and whether they were allowed to be sold.

"Liu, my friend, we are old friends. We like your equipment very much." Al took the initiative to find Liu Tao.

The Type 80 main battle tank is very good, but the Type 80 main battle tank is too expensive. Even if Iraq is rich, it cannot be equipped with Type 80 main battle tanks.

Tank armored forces also need high, medium and low combinations.

Especially the amphibious tank, which is specially prepared for Iraq to attack Abadan.

"Of course, we are arms dealers, and there is no reason to open the door without doing business." Liu Tao smiled lightly, "Type 81 medium tank, price 1.8 million US dollars/vehicle; Type 81 light tank, price 1 million US dollars/vehicle; Type 81 amphibious tank, price 1.2 million US dollars/vehicle."

Each weapon has high and low prices.

When Al heard the price of each weapon, his eyes lit up.

During this period, Iraq planned to use a batch of medium tanks, light tanks and large-caliber guns to make up for the war losses, and use advanced weapons to completely defeat Persia and win the Iran-Iraq War.

Originally, it was planned to go to Europe, the United States or the Soviet Union to purchase, but when Al sent the news back to China, Saddam immediately asked him to contact Liu Tao.

After all, after many years of cooperation, the two sides have established a trusting relationship.

So far, all weapons purchased by Iraq have been delivered on time by Liu Tao, and unlike with Europe, America and the Soviet Union, Liu Tao will not raise the price at will as long as the price is agreed.

This is what makes Iraq and Saddam most satisfied.

Moreover, there are no attached political and economic conditions when buying arms from Liu Tao.

It is nothing more than some relatively backward weapons.

But even so, it is still very cost-effective.

For example, the Type 81 infantry fighting vehicle, the M2 infantry fighting vehicle that just entered service in the United States two years ago, the purchase price of the US military is 3 million US dollars per vehicle, and the export price will only be higher, not lower.

But here at Liu Tao, the Type 81 tracked infantry fighting vehicle only costs 1.5 million US dollars per vehicle, which is only half the price of the M2 infantry fighting vehicle. And the wheeled type is only 1.2 million US dollars per vehicle.

Al went to the next room and took a list to Liu Tao half an hour later.

200 Type 80 main battle tanks, 500 Type 81 medium tanks, 1,000 Type 81 light tanks, 100 Type 81 amphibious tanks, and 200 tracked and wheeled self-propelled artillery of each type.

In addition to shells, special shells, 1,000 Type 59 tanks and 200,000 Type 59 tank shells, including technical services, the total value is as high as 21 billion US dollars.

Liu Tao couldn't help but gasp when he saw this order.

Is Iraq crazy! ?

Such a large order?

This is enough to build ten armored divisions!

And 21 billion US dollars, which is almost half of Iraq's current foreign exchange reserves, Iraq just took it out to purchase weapons?

Liu Tao only felt that he still underestimated Iraq's madness and muttered about Saddam's madness.

Let alone asking Liu Tao to build a large repair shop in Iraq, even if Liu Tao completely built a construction plant to help Iraq manufacture armored vehicles and artillery shells, Liu Tao would consider it.

21 billion US dollars!

Even if it is delivered in three years, it is almost equivalent to a huge order of 7 billion US dollars per year.

Not to mention, this is a deposit of half, that is, a deposit of 10.5 billion US dollars!

Liu Tao was still thinking that after the order of the army was completed, if the purchase order of the army was greatly reduced, then production would not need three shifts, or even normal production, and all equipment would not need to be fully utilized.

Unexpectedly, it was now filled by this order.

Coincidentally, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Kuwait, Persia and other countries also came to purchase. None of the orders were as exaggerated as Iraq, but if added together, they would exceed Iraq's orders.

This means that in the next four or five years, Panshan Group's production capacity will be full.

Even Liu Tao was thinking that he had to build another tank armor production base in Chengdu, otherwise there might be some problems with the final delivery.

Liu Tao suddenly realized that these oil-producing countries were actually beneficiaries in the Iran-Iraq War in recent years.

The sharp rise in oil prices has resulted in the same amount of oil being exported, earning almost twice as much money as before, which is an amazing profit.

Then Liu Tao thought that a wonderful balance seemed to have been formed.

These oil-producing countries earn foreign exchange such as US dollars, marks, francs, and yen from exporting oil, and then use these foreign exchange to purchase various materials, weapons and ammunition from China. China will transfer the money earned to the corresponding amount of RMB and invest it in national construction. Then, except for a part of the foreign exchange that is retained by the export enterprises, the rest is spent by China on importing equipment, food, raw materials from the United States, Japan, Europe, the Soviet Union, South America, Southeast Asia, and exporting overseas exchange and other expenses.

It seems that a wonderful balance has been formed, a wonderful closed loop.

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