Panshan Group Headquarters.

Liu Tao convened an enlarged meeting of the Party Committee of Panshan Group.

All Party Committee members, members of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Group, Southwest Industrial Group, Southwest Electronics Group, and heads of various companies, all gathered at the Panshan Group Headquarters.

At this time, the headquarters building of Southwest Electronics Group has been under construction.

The first topic is to summarize the past year, both the brilliant achievements and the shortcomings.

1984 was definitely a brilliant year for Panshan Group, with both military and civilian fields flourishing.

All arms trade orders were delivered in a timely manner in accordance with the contract agreement.

The orders completed in just one year exceeded 10 billion US dollars.

In the international arms market, it is already a well-known arms dealer.

Panshan Group's adherence to no political or economic conditions and good reputation make Panshan Group very popular in the international arms market.

In particular, Panshan Group can allow multiple settlement methods, which makes many countries ecstatic.

This is most popular in developing countries such as Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Breaking through 10 billion US dollars is a milestone.

And this is not counting, many weapons and ammunition orders are given to the Ordnance Industry Corporation, otherwise, just from the orders received, there would be more.

The delivery of hundreds of billions of dollars is all from the Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation.

The military industry has achieved outstanding and brilliant results, and it is no worse in the civilian field.

The revenue of Jinlong Computer Group itself has reached 3 billion US dollars, continuing to sit firmly on the throne of the actual largest personal computer manufacturer.

The semiconductor group is also the largest semiconductor company in the world.

All in all, the revenue in the civilian field has also exceeded the 10 billion US dollar mark.

And these are not counting the Hong Kong side.

It can be said that now the civilian field has officially surpassed the military field.

The total revenue of the entire Panshan Group in 1984 was converted to more than 30 billion US dollars.

Contributed a lot of tax revenue to the country.

Of course, part of the tax revenue will remain in Panshan Group, because it is a tax withheld by the navy warships.

It was only at this time that Liu Tao realized that the revenue for the whole year of 1984 had reached such a huge scale.

Compared with 1983, this is a big step forward.

When others heard this achievement, they also applauded excitedly.

Before, they only knew the situation in their jurisdiction, and they didn't know what was not in their jurisdiction.

At this time, at the party group meeting, when Liu Tao said the data in various aspects, they couldn't help but be shocked.

Then they were excited!

Because this was the report card they worked hard together.

Liu Tao was also very excited. The revenue of 30 billion US dollars was absolutely amazing. It was a super giant enterprise in the world.

Not to mention that more than 20 billion US dollars on the mainland were exported, and whether it was arms, electronic products, motorcycles or automobile exports, they were all high value-added, and huge profits could be earned from them.

Of course, the profit aspect was not so conspicuous.

The large-scale investments such as the "Beijing-Kowloon Railway", "Shenyang-Haikou Expressway", and Yangcheng Shipyard have invested a large part of the profits.

Not to mention, the mainland's revenue of more than 20 billion US dollars, the total tax to be paid is more than 3 billion US dollars, and only about one-third of this is withheld as tax and left in Panshan Group.

"Comrades, our achievements are brilliant, but in the past year, we have also exposed many problems, many of which are worth summarizing and reflecting on, and we need to work hard to correct and avoid them." Liu Tao affirmed the brilliant achievements of the past year, and then talked about the shortcomings.

The summary of 1984 lasted for three whole days.

First, the summary of Panshan Group Corporation, followed by the summary of Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation, Southwest Industrial Group Corporation, and Southwest Electronics Group Corporation, and then the summary of the heads of each company.

The subsequent meeting was about the work arrangements for the new year, that is, 1985.

For Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation, there are three key points. The first key point is naturally to ensure that the orders for the new year are delivered on time and continue to maintain its own honor and reputation. So far, in the field of arms, there has never been a delay in delivery. The second focus is to ensure the supply of weapons and ammunition on the front line, because almost half of the weapons and ammunition on the front line are supplied by Panshan Group, and the remaining half are taken from the original ammunition stocks in various places. The third focus is undoubtedly the construction of the "Chengdu Tank and Armored Vehicle Production Base".

The "Chengdu Tank and Armored Vehicle Production Base" seems to be just a base, but in fact it contains a large number of supporting factories, which can be said to be an industrial chain.

Once it is fully completed, the area from Shancheng to Chengdu will be the most important tank and armored vehicle production base in China, completely surpassing the entire north.

It can be said that the Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation has a heavy burden.

"Now we have determined the site selection of the production base with Sichuan and the military region. It is expected that the design and survey work will be completed by May, and construction will start in June and July." Zhao Guoping talked about the current situation of the production base.

As a military production base, it is not only related to Sichuan and Shu, but also to the military region.

For example, in Sichuan and Shu, strictly speaking, the two sides have no affiliation, but the production base needs Sichuan and Shu's help, whether it is construction land or organization of construction, and even if it is put into operation in the future, the production base must respect the leadership of Sichuan and Shu.

Not to mention the military, the military production base itself is an important military protection target, and the military must adjust its deployment and formulate protection measures to protect the military production base.

As for the Southwest Ordnance Industry Group Corporation's investment in the construction of a tank and armored vehicle production base in Chengdu, both for Sichuan and Shu and for the military, it will definitely give the greatest support and be the most welcome.

For Sichuan and Shu, the huge investment has a very obvious impact on the social economy, and it involves all aspects, which can be seen from the previous transmission of the construction of two production bases.

Not to mention the military, the two sides have a very close relationship.

In addition, Zhao Guoping also introduced the resettlement of the three-line factories of the ordnance industry system in the four provinces.

After the restructuring of Panshan Machinery Factory, Liu Tao appointed Zhao Guoping as the leader of the working group to take charge of the resettlement of the families of the workers in the third-line factories.

This year is a critical year, because according to the time node set by Liu Tao, by this year, all the workers in the weapons industry system of the four provinces will be properly arranged and scattered to various production bases.

The production bases were established in Guizhou, Guangxi, and Sichuan to resettle these workers, which is also the mission given to Panshan Machinery Factory by the Fifth Ministry of Machine Building and the state.

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