After spending two days at the Yangcheng Shipyard, Liu Tao went to Pengcheng to inspect the Jinlong Computer Group, and took a boat to Hong Kong that night.

Hong Kong at night is bustling with traffic, bright lights and the hustle and bustle of the city, showing the prosperity of this city.

No one would have thought that just a few years ago, Hong Kong would be full of wailing and screaming, full of pessimism.

Last year's military parade was broadcast live by Hong Kong TVB, which caused a great sensation in Hong Kong.

From 1982 to now, in less than three years, Hong Kong's public opinion, physical enterprises, or finance have quietly changed hands.

Even the core right to issue Hong Kong dollars is already in the hands of the Chinese consortium.

Last year, the banks controlled by Liu Tao have set up branches in ten cities including Yangcheng, Pengcheng, Shanghai, Ludao, Foshan, Shantou, and Beijing. Although there are still many restrictions, there is no doubt that they have taken the lead, which has increased the market value of several banks under his command.

A large amount of funds were used for loans in the mainland, and the loans were given to enterprises, so that these capital-deficient enterprises had funds for development.

Liu Tao stayed at the Peninsula Hotel, which has a long history and can be said to be the most famous hotel in Hong Kong.

In the suite, Liu Tao, who had taken a bath, was wearing pajamas and looking at the hustle and bustle of traffic outside, and could feel the prosperity of Hong Kong.

This city, only Tokyo in Japan can be compared with it in the whole of Asia.

After drinking a sip of water, Liu Tao flipped through his notes, which contained all the itinerary arrangements for this trip to Hong Kong.

He is expected to stay in Hong Kong for ten days this time. The time seems long, but there are many things to do, and the entire itinerary is fully arranged.

And there are several particularly important things to do here.

One is to inspect the construction and operation of the factory under his command in Hong Kong. No matter how well the report is written, it is better to go to the site in person to see it, so as to prevent the people below from deceiving the superiors and the subordinates. Liu Tao will not underestimate the sugar-coated bullets of capital at all.

So every year, Liu Tao would come to Hong Kong and stay for a few days, to see with his own eyes and hear with his own ears.

One thing is to inspect the construction of the "Beijing-Kowloon Railway" project in Hong Kong. It is not as simple as in the mainland, where it can be solved with a single order, so up to now, the Hong Kong section has not been built.

One thing is to attend the board meetings of various companies. Hong Kong is a capitalist society and implements a capital system. Listed companies have listing rules, and Liu Tao must also abide by them. For listed companies under his control, he will attend board meetings and shareholders' meetings every year. For example, shareholders' meetings will involve dividend issues.

Another thing is the construction of the main road in Hong Kong. This involves a major event in 1987 and cannot be sloppy. The construction quality of the main road will determine the effect at that time.

Another thing is to meet with businessmen in Hong Kong to win over their feelings.

"Leader, it's almost time. I have to change my clothes to attend the Huo family dinner." The secretary knocked on Liu Tao's door and reminded him in a low voice.

Liu Tao nodded slightly, then changed into a suit, left the Peninsula Hotel by car, and headed for the Huo family.

The Huo family is his ally, and the two sides have a lot of cooperation. It is also an important ballast stone for stabilizing the situation in Hong Kong. Huo Yingdong has made an indelible contribution to the situation in Hong Kong in recent years. Every year, Huo Yingdong has to go to the mainland three or four times to promote exchanges between the two places.

In recent years, people from Hong Kong have been constantly going north to trace their roots and worship their ancestors. It can be said that Huo Yingdong has contributed a lot.

Every time a famous person goes north to trace his roots and worship his ancestors, it will always be widely reported in Hong Kong.

Among them, Huo Yingdong will take his wife and children to the north to worship his ancestors every year, playing a role model.

This time when Liu Tao came, Huo Yingdong personally prepared tonight's dinner as a bridge of communication.

Half an hour later, he arrived at the Huo family mansion, which is a stone castle, the Huo family's mansion, and Huo Yingdong's normal residence. The outside world generally calls it the "Stone Manor". The entire Stone Manor is three stories high, facing the mountain and the sea, and covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters.

At this time, all kinds of luxury cars were parked in front of the Stone Manor, including fashionable and flamboyant sports cars such as Lotus and Aston Martin, as well as noble and luxurious extended sedans such as Bentley and Rolls-Royce.

Some people say that Japanese cars are tools, German cars are machines, French cars are romantic, and British cars are art.

Before, the low-end and mid-end car market in Hong Kong had long been dominated by cheap Japanese cars represented by Nissan and Toyota, while the high-end market was still dominated by British cars. As a British colony, Hong Kong's wealthy people particularly admired the cars of the sovereign country with a touch of aristocracy.

In recent years, Huaxia Automobile has begun to occupy the low-end and mid-end car market in Hong Kong. After all, from the perspective of cost performance, Huaxia Automobile has a higher cost performance.

In addition, the company has regulations that there are subsidies for buying Huaxia cars, which makes the employees of the company controlled by Liu Tao often choose Huaxia Automobile when buying cars. After all, subsidies mean saving a lot of money.

Driven by this trend, citizens in Hong Kong are more and more willing to buy Huaxia cars and Huaxia motorcycles.

Liu Tao was driving a high-end Huaxia car today. He looked out the window and saw a lot of British cars. He shook his head slightly.

There are very few of these wealthy people who really have enough identification with Huaxia.

Many of the gestures they make now are just to show the north, to stand in line, and to plan for the future.

This is why Huo Yingdong is so precious.

Giving timely assistance is often countless times more precious than icing on the cake.

Liu Tao got off the car, and the guards stayed outside. Naturally, the Huo family's servants arranged it.

Liu Tao's arrival suddenly made the whole night banquet look different. One by one, famous tycoons in Hong Kong took the initiative to greet him.

Among these tycoons, Liu Tao looked young, about the same age as their children, but Liu Tao was already the object of their flattery.

Whether they were willing to admit it or not, Liu Tao was indeed the one they needed to flatter, unless they wanted to immigrate or stop doing business.

Other tycoons knew very well the current situation in Hong Kong.

Liu Tao rarely appeared in the public eye of Hong Kong, but he had an unparalleled influence in Hong Kong. If he stamped his feet, the whole of Hong Kong would shake.

The economic crisis in 1982 was a crisis for others, but it was a rare opportunity for Liu Tao and Huo Yingdong. In just a few years, the two families showed an expansive growth.

Many people only regret that they didn't have enough foresight and didn't stand in line early, thus missing out on the opportunity to grow rapidly.

Previously, the high-quality assets of British or foreign capital were coveted by many Chinese capital.

But now these high-quality assets have nothing to do with them. Whenever they see those assets being bought at a low price and now rising rapidly, no one will not regret it and stamp their feet.

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