The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 448 Aerospace Science and Technology Conference (Subscription Request)

There are no reports on the successful launch of the Long March 3B carrier rocket and the Beidou Test Satellite 3.

No one in the country knows that China Aerospace is a milestone birth and China Aerospace has ushered in a new era.

A few days later, a conference in the aerospace field was held in Beijing.

The level of this meeting is very high. The old man attended this science and technology meeting in person. In addition, he is either a member of the academic department or a backbone in the field of science and technology in China.

There are two topics at this meeting, one topic is "Beidou Satellite Navigation System" and the other topic is "Manned Space Engineering".

At the meeting, the successful launches of the Long March 3B carrier rocket and the Beidou Test Satellite 3 were reported.

"We will use 10 years to launch 38 Beidou satellites. After 10 years, in 1995, we will complete the formation of the Beidou satellite navigation system. By then, we will ensure that there are 24 Beidou satellites with global coverage of 98% in space. ', it will take another 10 years to build the entire 'Beidou Satellite Navigation System' and upgrade it. By 2005, our 'Beidou Satellite Navigation System' will be the second generation." Liu Tao reported on the planning of the 'Beidou Satellite Navigation System'.

The 'Beidou Satellite Navigation System' will not be achieved overnight. It plans to take 10 years to form the first generation global satellite navigation system. It will take another 10 years to form a second-generation global satellite navigation system.

This is a major matter, a national matter, involving all aspects.

Both the military and civilian fields must make corresponding adjustments and supporting arrangements.

There must be a main control station, data injection station, and monitoring station on the ground, which means that one main control station, three data injection stations, and five monitoring stations must be cultivated next.

In addition, it is the GPS receiver as the user end.

At least 3 of the satellites are needed to quickly determine the location and altitude of the user on the earth. The more satellites that can be connected, the more accurate the decoded position will be.

This is naturally divided into standard positioning services for civilian use and precise positioning services for military use.

The positioning accuracy of military positioning services is much higher, much higher than that of civilian positioning services.

The Beidou navigation system has many advantages: using low-frequency signals, it can maintain considerable signal penetration even if the weather and climate are bad; the global coverage can reach 98%; the three-digit speed and timing is high-precision; fast, time-saving, and high-precision Efficiency; wide application and multi-function; removable positioning; unlike the dual-star positioning system, the receiver does not need to send out any signals during use, which increases concealment and improves its military application efficiency.

Panshan Group will take the lead in the entire Beidou Satellite Navigation System, providing technology and funds. The Aerospace Corporation will be responsible for launching the Beidou Satellite, and both parties will work together on application development.

This requires that the country will tilt its educational resources in this area and cultivate more talents in aerospace majors and other related majors.

The entire project will cost approximately 10 billion yuan in ten years!

Ten billion yuan, which is far more than China’s expenditure on aerospace!

If it were not for Liu Tao to master the relevant technology, it would have taken China at least twenty to thirty years, and the total expenditure would have reached at least three to four hundred billion yuan.

This is Liu Tao's role, saving a lot of time for China's scientific and technological research and development, while saving a lot of scientific research investment and avoiding detours.

38 Beidou satellites were launched in ten years, which means that an average of 3.8 Beidou satellites were launched per year.

In the past, China did not necessarily launch a satellite a year.

Later, it was Mr. Qian who reported on the ‘manned space project’. China must carry out the manned space project!

Because manned spaceflight is the most representative high-tech project in the contemporary era, the implementation of the manned spaceflight project has great practical and far-reaching significance for a country's politics, economy, science and technology, national defense and personnel training.

Manned spaceflight is the master of aerospace technology. It has an extremely important political impact on the world pattern and the country's international status.

Regarding the choice of manned space technology route, Mr. Qian chose manned spacecraft.

At this time, it was the heyday of the development of space shuttles in the world. Many people were surprised that Mr. Qian chose the route of developing "outdated" spacecrafts.

You know, European and American countries and even the Soviet Union have given up on developing spacecraft technology and instead developed reusable space shuttle routes.

Before this, many scientists believed that my country's manned spaceflight industry should have a high starting point. Spaceships were just made and thrown away one after another, with no future, so the space shuttle should be advocated.

"As a developing country in China, if we want to develop manned spaceflight, we should take the route of spacecraft. Spaceship is a kind of spacecraft that is economical, not technically difficult, and is already very mature." Mr. Qian said : "The important thing is that China has mastered the recovery technology of returnable satellites, which can be used for the recovery of spacecraft. Therefore, the development of spacecraft is more in line with our country's national conditions."

There are many scientists with different opinions expressing different opinions.

The old man looked at Liu Tao: "Comrade Liu Tao, take a look and express your opinion."

"According to public information from the United States, a space shuttle has more than 2.5 million parts, 370 kilometers of cables, and 27,000 heat-resistant tiles. It can be said that this is the most complex machine ever built by humans, no doubt about it!" Liu Tao said: "With my country's current level of technology, it is difficult to manufacture it in a short period of time. In addition, the development of a space shuttle requires more financial support. A space shuttle costs about 3 billion US dollars in the United States. If we get a discount in China, it will cost 2 billion or 2.5 billion US dollars."

"According to Mr. Qian's estimate just now, the manned space project will require an investment of about 10 billion yuan, and it will take ten years to realize manned space flight." Liu Tao said: "If we choose a space shuttle, let's not talk about whether it can be built. The entire manned project will require an investment of about 100 billion yuan, a difference of ten times!"

"Can't you build a space shuttle?" A scientist questioned.

"Even if we can build a space shuttle, can we afford it? It costs about $500 million to launch it once for one mission!" Liu Tao asked, "Who will pay for it? Can the space funding of the China National Aerospace Corporation be used to launch one space flight in a year? Are other space projects not being carried out?"

"How much money can the country invest in space projects every year?" Liu Tao mentioned a very critical point.

Technology and funds!

Even if he can solve the technology, what about the funds?

He made a lot of money through the Plaza Accord, but it was not enough to support the entire manned space flight project using the space shuttle.

The old man couldn't help but feel a headache. This space investment is too expensive.

Even if China's economy has improved greatly now, the country is unable to afford the manned space flight project.

After all, the country's top priority is still to develop the economy!

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