The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 469: If you don’t have enough troops, you can make up for it with firepower (asking for mont

Polar Bear Military Observation Group.

"Alexander, now our little brother has lost all air power and air superiority. The current situation is not good!" A major observer said with concern.

All the military observers fell silent after hearing this.

They knew the importance of air superiority in modern warfare.

Otherwise, the Soviet Union would not have invested a lot of power in developing advanced military aircraft and building a large air force.

Even now, the Soviet air force is stronger than that of the United States.

There are only two countries in the world that have a large air force, one is the United States and the other is the Soviet Union!

In terms of military strength, the Soviet Union is not as good as the United States, only the navy!

As for the army's military strength, the Soviet Union never took the US army seriously. If the two sides fought, the Soviet Union was confident that its army's military strength could beat the US army.

The United States has never been famous for its strong army.

After World War II, the US Army has never won any war of some scale.

"This time, the air force of the other side has completely taken absolute dominance!" Alexander looked very unhappy and realized the seriousness of the matter.

Before, the two sides had a tacit understanding that the air forces of both sides would not participate in the war. Even if the other side had aircraft, they would mainly patrol in the air and dare not go deep.

Now, the other side's powerful air defense force has directly caused the Annan Air Force to lose everything.

Annan does not have the ability to produce fighter planes, even backward fighter planes cannot be produced.

It is not easy to lose fighter planes!

More importantly, it is not easy to train pilots!

Even if the polar bear supports fighter planes, Annan does not have pilots to fly fighter planes.

"Report the changes on the battlefield to the country!" Alexander said.

This change, even as military observers, they feel that the change is too fast.

The opponent's mechanized forces are too fierce.

Annan, who lost the favorable terrain, was beaten without any resistance.

Now Alexander can only pray, pray that the dense river network here in the Red River Delta can restrict the mechanized forces.

Otherwise, the whole situation will collapse.


The cannon roared, and shells roared out, roaring towards the enemy.

The fierce battle meant that 60,000 large-caliber shells were fired at the enemy every day.

As for shells larger than 60 mm, more than 100,000 shells were fired every day!

This number is very large!

The Red Dragon Roar lasted for almost a month, and a total of 883,381 shells were consumed.

This amount of shells consumed was not even as much as the current nine-day consumption.

All the arsenals in the rear were opened, and ammunition and supplies were continuously transported to the front line.

There were not enough vehicles on the front line, so the people pushed them with carts and carried them with shoulder poles.

If anyone hated the enemy the most, it was the people on the border.

The people applauded the beating of the enemy.

They were willing to help without money.

"Boom boom boom~~"

A series of explosions spread across the defensive positions.

There were flames of explosions everywhere, and dust and shrapnel were flying everywhere.

"Da Da Da~~~" The tank was driving, firing while moving forward. The machine gunner held the heavy machine gun with both hands and kept shooting at the enemy, and bullets kept spraying.

The troops were not enough, but the firepower was enough!

The infantry fighting vehicles were also moving forward. Soldiers kept getting off the infantry fighting vehicles, holding the 78-type automatic rifles and firing at the enemy.

"Bazooka!" the squad leader roared.

Immediately, a soldier took off the rocket launcher on his back and attacked the target.

The soldier who fired the rocket did not hesitate to throw away the tube on his back, holding the automatic rifle in his hand, and followed the infantry fighting vehicle to move forward in secret.

Accurate rocket launchers fell into the densely populated trenches from time to time. Every time an explosion occurred, someone would be killed or injured.

Today's weather is not suitable for launching fuel-air bombs. Otherwise, there would be no need to be so troublesome. The enemy in the trenches would be roasted to death by the high temperature through fuel-air bombs.

The Type 80 main battle tank was in the front, and the trench was easily crossed.

Some enemy soldiers tried to block with their flesh and blood, but were directly crushed to death by the tracks of the Type 80 main battle tank.

The number of enemy soldiers who could get close to the Type 80 main battle tank was always small, and most of them were killed by heavy machine guns before they got close.

The tight fortifications were torn open at the beginning.

"Bang, bang, bang"

The automatic rifles were also firing continuously.

There were also snipers holding Type 78 heavy sniper rifles, hunting valuable targets on the battlefield.

Any careless enemy commander was likely to be pierced through the head by a bullet.

The Type 78 heavy sniper rifle is now famous in the world and is known as the world's number one sniper rifle.

"Grenade, go!"



Several grenades fell into the counterattack trench, and the sound of the counterattack stopped instantly.

On the entire front, the heavy synthetic brigade attacked very quickly.

The artillery positions, bunkers and other firepower points that were destroyed at the beginning made it impossible for the tight defensive firepower network to effectively block the attack route. As soon as the mortars deep in the positions appeared, they would be hit by sniper grenades.

The counterattacks in the trenches would also be quickly cleared by rifle grenades.

For tanks and armored vehicles, this kind of small hillside of the enemy is like walking on flat ground. The hillside is not even 20 meters high.

Li Fuguo sneered at the enemy's urgent digging of trenches to build defensive positions here, trying to stop the heavy synthetic brigade.

The Type 80 main battle tank took the lead, directly ignoring the attacks of those machine guns, easily tore open the defense gap, and penetrated the enemy's defensive positions at the first time.

Rockets and other large-caliber artillery are no longer bombarding the enemy's positions, but attacking the enemy who are trying to escape.

The goal of this battle is not to occupy a certain number of cities and control a certain number of towns, but to destroy the enemy's living forces as much as possible.

In order to achieve this strategic goal, it is completely unnecessary to care about the gains and losses of a city or a place.

Through satellites in the sky and reconnaissance aircraft in the air, the enemy's troop deployment and mobilization are clear.

With the light synthetic brigade to attack the reinforcements, Li Fuguo is very relieved about the safety of his back.

It didn't take long for the 5,000 enemy troops here to be wiped out completely.

Either they were killed or they were captured.

Leaving a small number of troops to guard the prisoners and wait for the militia to come over, Li Fuguo set off immediately after replenishing the ammunition.

The soldiers ate canned beef directly in the car.

The conditions on the battlefield were limited. It was not suitable to make a fire and cook now, so that the soldiers could eat hot meals. Now the soldiers had to attack the next target quickly, and they had to attack before the enemy had time to retreat into the city or build fortifications.

The entire heavy composite brigade attacked like a tide, advancing rapidly like an arrow.

The enemy had already been in chaos. After all, the retreat was about to be cut off. Once the retreat was cut off, facing the attack from the north and the south, the end was imaginable.

No army, facing the attack from the north and the south, could still turn the tide and win the final victory of the war.

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