The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 550: Civilized Army, Mighty Army

Nothing went wrong.

The special train arrived in Hong Kong smoothly.

The people of Hong Kong were shocked, and countless people took to the streets to welcome the leaders to Hong Kong.

Starting today, it is an extraordinary day for Hong Kong, because today is the last day of the old era and the day when the dawn of hope appears in the darkness.

After this day, it is a new era.

Until now, no one has forgotten that in 1982, when Hong Kong was in turmoil and the economy was in a cold snap and fell into an underestimation, it was the central government that stood up to stabilize Hong Kong, and major projects were invested one after another, and funds were injected one after another, which enabled China to quickly get out of the trough and restore prosperity.

The students have already ushered in the summer vacation.

However, as early as after the New Year's Day this year, students spontaneously held speeches to promote patriotism and popularize the true history of Hong Kong and the true history of China.

Today, students even spontaneously took to the streets to distribute brochures.

Now they are at the station to welcome the leaders.

Liu Tao's family took photos here to record this historic moment.

Then they left Hong Kong and headed for Pengcheng.

On the evening of June 30, the Hong Kong Garrison barracks in Pengcheng.

From the barracks to the port, the street lights were bright, every house was lit, and countless people stood on both sides of the road.

This was the citizens of Pengcheng lining up to welcome and see off the Hong Kong Garrison as it set out from here to Hong Kong and stationed in Hong Kong.

Although everyone could not go to Hong Kong to witness the historic moment of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, they could see off the soldiers here to step on the land of Hong Kong, representing China's exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong.

Finally, when the soldiers of the Hong Kong Garrison's three-service guard of honor stood upright one by one, standing on the military vehicle, the first military vehicle drove out of the barracks, and the citizens of Pengcheng cheered wildly and were very excited.

The three-service guard of honor represents the three armed forces!

After the motorcade of the three-service guard of honor, it was the vanguard.

The vanguard of the entry into Hong Kong was the most glorious and heroic "Hu Ben Battalion" of the "Hu Ben Brigade". One after another, Type 80 main battle tanks, Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, infantry fighting vehicles, and self-propelled artillery were neatly arranged and drove out of the barracks.

This scene also appeared in the live broadcast.

Some guests of the live broadcast program were introducing the "Hu Ben Battalion". Although the "Hu Ben Battalion" was established for a short time, it has repeatedly made military exploits on the southern battlefield and won the reputation of "Hu Ben Battalion".

The soldiers of the "Hu Ben Battalion" had murderous eyes and were in high spirits, showing the image of a civilized and mighty army of the Chinese army.

The 800 soldiers of the "Hu Ben Battalion" have a major historical mission. They will enter Hong Kong in advance and raise the five-star red flag in the 14 military camps they received at 0:00 on July 1st.

Liu Tao, along with his wife and children, watched the soldiers of the "Hu Ben Battalion" leave the barracks in high spirits.

Not only the "Hu Ben Battalion", but also the other battalions of the "Hu Ben Brigade" left the barracks one after another.

The battalions of the "Hu Ben Brigade" will enter Hong Kong from three ports on time at 0:00 on July 1.

As the vanguard, the "Hu Ben Battalion" will be the first to enter Hong Kong and take over 14 military camps in Hong Kong on time at 0:00.

After all, if it enters Hong Kong on time at 0:00, it will take time to march from the port to the military camp, which means that there will be a serious defense vacuum in Hong Kong when the regime is handed over.

And this is absolutely not allowed!

Hong Kong, which has just returned to the embrace of the motherland, must not be undefended for a minute.

At 21:00 in the evening, the "Hu Ben Battalion", as the vanguard, officially entered Hong Kong through the Huanggang Port.

At this time, a drizzle of rain fell from the sky, as if to wash away the shame of China and the shame of Hong Kong's old times.

The citizens of Hong Kong were already welcoming the "Tiger Camp" on both sides of the road.

When they saw the 800 soldiers of the "Tiger Camp" entering Hong Kong in a heroic and high-spirited manner, the citizens of Hong Kong couldn't help but cheer.

In the past years, they had never seen such a civilized and powerful army!

Reporters pressed the shutter to record this historic moment.

The audience in front of the TV was even more excited and excited.

In order to celebrate the return of Hong Kong, the country will have holidays on June 30 and July 1.

Countless people stayed in front of the TV and watched this great process throughout.

The Tiger Camp set off along various main roads to the 14 military camps in Hong Kong.

The "Three-Service Honor Guard" set off for the Convention and Exhibition Center, where they will hold a flag-raising ceremony.

At the three ports, the other battalions of the "Tiger Brigade" were lined up neatly.

They were waiting, waiting for the arrival of 0:00 on July 1, when they would set out on time through the ports to enter the Xiangjiang River, without a second's delay.

Citizens spontaneously cooked ginger soup for the soldiers to prevent them from catching a cold.

What is the family of the military and the people, what is the people's soldiers, was fully demonstrated at this moment.

The military rank badges and military medals worn by the soldiers on their uniforms, especially those military medals, all show that these are soldiers with outstanding military achievements.

At present, the entire "Tiger Brigade" is full of veterans, without a single recruit. The worst of these veterans have at least a third-class medal of honor, and second-class medals of honor are everywhere, and some even wear first-class medals of honor on their chests.

Before, most of them were in another heavy composite brigade or other brigades, but in order to represent the Chinese army to set foot on Hong Kong and resume the exercise of sovereignty, they took the initiative to apply and argued.

For them, being able to represent the Chinese army to set foot on Hong Kong and resume the exercise of sovereignty is a great honor, and it only happens once in a lifetime.

The significance of Hong Kong's return is far greater than the return of Macau!

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