July 1, 1987 0:00:00!

The eyes of the whole Hong Kong, the whole China, and the whole world are focused here at this moment.

What a moment!

This is a moment that makes people burst into tears and their thoughts surge.

This is the most solemn moment!

During the countdown, in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, in the military camps, in the People's Square in Beijing, and in the hearts of all Chinese and overseas Chinese around the world, they all counted a series of simple but profound numbers in unison: 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!

The majestic and exciting national anthem of the People's Republic of China sounded in the Convention and Exhibition Center, and also in the military camps in Hong Kong, and also in every university, every junior high school, every elementary school, and major landmark buildings.

The bright and dazzling five-star red flag was raised in the Convention and Exhibition Center, and also in the military camps.

The solemn flag-raiser faced the east and shook the hung national flag vigorously. The flag-raisers on both sides pulled the flag rope, and the five-star red flag rose slowly.

The five-star red flag fluttered over Victoria Harbor, marking that the Chinese People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison had taken over the Hong Kong River, and it marked that the People's Republic of China officially resumed its sovereignty over the Hong Kong River.

More than 200 Type 80 main battle tanks, more than 50 Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, more than 200 self-propelled artillery of various types, more than 400 infantry fighting vehicles, and more than 400 military transport vehicles were mighty, like a giant dragon rushing forward and winding away.

At the same time, in Victoria Harbor, the naval formation played the national anthem and raised the national flag. One by one, the naval officers and soldiers lined up on the deck, held their heads high and sang the national anthem.

20 armed helicopters and fighter jets took off from the military airport, flew towards the Hong Kong River, and then flew over the Shek Kong Military Camp in Hong Kong.

At this time, the heavy rain in the sky did not stop the well-equipped and well-disciplined Hong Kong Garrison. The officers and soldiers held their weapons in their hands, standing firm and motionless despite the wind and rain.

Similarly, the heavy rain did not stop the people of Pengcheng from spontaneously coming to see off the Hong Kong Garrison. More than 400,000 people shed excited tears, sang the national anthem, held flowers in their hands, waved red flags, and were reluctant to leave in the rain for a long time.

At the same time, more than 500,000 citizens of Hong Kong stood firm in the pouring rain, holding flowers in their hands, singing the national anthem, and welcoming the arrival of the main force of the Hong Kong Garrison.

The street lights along the street were not turned off, and the lights were brilliant.

The citizens of Hong Kong welcomed the Hong Kong Garrison in the heavy rain and presented a plaque of "Mighty and Civilized Army".

The fifth floor of the Convention and Exhibition Center, the Great Hall.

The old man was giving a speech. His voice was not loud and his speech speed was not fast, but it was sonorous and powerful, and it spread throughout the venue, and also throughout Hong Kong, the whole of China, and the whole world.

Everyone looked at the old man speaking, and their eyes couldn't help but stand in awe and respect.

It was this old man who turned the tide and changed the world.

Although the reform and opening up has only been a few years, not even ten years, brilliant results have been achieved. China's economy has improved significantly, the country's comprehensive national strength has increased significantly, and China has more presence and voices on the world stage.

And now, Hong Kong has returned to the embrace of the motherland.

This is a grand event for the Chinese nation!

". July 1, 1987, this day will be recorded in history as a day worth remembering forever. After a century of vicissitudes, Hong Kong returned to the motherland, marking that Hong Kong compatriots have become the true masters of the motherland, and Hong Kong's development has entered a new era."

"At this solemn moment, I would like to express my gratitude to all those in China and the United Kingdom who have contributed to solving the Hong Kong issue, and to all those in the world who care about and support Hong Kong's return!"

In the early morning.

The British troops stationed in Hong Kong have boarded the British warship.

And Hong Kong Governor David Wei is also about to leave Hong Kong with the British flag.

As the last Governor of Hong Kong, he has cooperated with Hong Kong's work in recent years and made outstanding contributions to the development of people's livelihood and Hong Kong's economy. He is leaving Hong Kong, and the head of the Chinese government, Hong Kong's political and business circles bid him farewell.

The leaders affirmed Wei Yixin's many contributions on behalf of the Chinese government and praised him with commendatory language. The new Chief Executive and others affirmed Wei Yixin's achievements on behalf of the people of Hong Kong.

In Victoria Harbor, Governor Wei Yixin bid farewell in tears: "I have witnessed a miracle during my years as Governor of Hong Kong. Friends, my departure represents the beginning of a new page for Hong Kong. Say goodbye to the colonial history of the British Empire and return to your motherland. I wish Hong Kong will always prosper! Soon, I hope to return here as an ordinary citizen with my family and settle in Hong Kong forever. I hope everyone will welcome me then!"

Soon after, the warship set sail. The British Navy, like maintaining the last bit of dignity of the British Empire, fired cannons at the sea, and then left Hong Kong with Wei Yixin without looking back and returned to the British Isles.

At dawn, Queen Elizabeth, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and others left Hong Kong on a special plane.

The old man personally saw them off. The airport was decorated with red carpets and flowers, fully demonstrating China's goodwill and giving respect to Britain.

The British have been very cooperative in recent years. This time, Queen Elizabeth brought the main members of the royal family to participate in the handover ceremony, which was a display of Britain's goodwill towards China.

In return, China also showed great goodwill and did not deliberately humiliate Britain.

At about seven o'clock in the morning, all the troops in the 14 military camps in Hong Kong set out, except for a few troops left to guard the camps.

Finally, along the main ring road, the inspection ceremony began.

Many citizens got up and came to the main ring road to see the Hong Kong garrison.

The heavy rain last night made the world look brand new, and the air was full of freshness.

Citizens spontaneously went to both sides of the road to watch the inspection ceremony of the Hong Kong garrison.

After all, only a few people can go to Xiangjiang Square, with a total of only 100,000 places!

And there are nearly seven million people in Hong Kong!

This means that most people do not have the opportunity to go to Xiangjiang Square to watch the military parade in person.

But they can watch the inspection ceremony of the Hong Kong garrison on the ring road.

The steel torrent rolled forward.

At this moment, all the citizens of Hong Kong felt the powerful power of the motherland.

Countless citizens of Hong Kong couldn't help but cheer and celebrate excitedly. At this moment, they felt extremely safe.

Three thousand security personnel, armed with live ammunition, took on the task of maintaining order, while the Hong Kong police and the Hong Kong Flying Tigers served as auxiliary work and jointly maintained order.

At 0:00 on July 1, all the Hong Kong police forces changed their police badges. They were no longer the Royal Hong Kong Police. Instead, they were the Hong Kong police, belonging to Hong Kong, belonging to the police force of China, and were specifically responsible for maintaining the social order in Hong Kong.

The Flying Tigers were the elite force of the Hong Kong police, and were affiliated with the Hong Kong Police Mobile Force.

On this day, no one dared to have other thoughts, and they cooperated conscientiously and diligently to maintain the order in Hong Kong.

No one dared to do anything unfriendly at this time, not only the Hong Kong police, but also the Hong Kong communities.

Once they appeared, it meant that they would be greeted by an iron fist.

No one thought that they could stop the torrent of steel!

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