Panshan Group does not hold many Party Group meetings.

Normally, there is one mid-year Party Group meeting and one year-end Party Group meeting.

The mid-year Party Group meeting is usually held in July to summarize the work of the first half of the year and arrange the work of the second half of the year; the year-end Party Group meeting is often arranged before the Spring Festival, which is a summary of the work of the whole year.

As for other times, it depends on whether Liu Tao feels it is necessary to hold it.

If Liu Tao feels it is necessary, he can hold it at any time.

This Party Group meeting is also a mid-year Party Group meeting.

After Liu Tao determined the topic, a staff member sent it to each Party Group member.

The topic of the Party Group meeting is proposed by the Party Group Secretary, or other members of the Party Group make suggestions and the Party Group Secretary determines it after comprehensive consideration.

After the written notice is sent out, the next step is to wait for the meeting time to come.

The Party Group meeting is scheduled for July 28, which is about half a month later.

After dealing with work matters, Liu Tao came to the student studio.

Liu Ziyu and six others received the notice yesterday and are in the office today, waiting for Liu Tao to arrive.

They can see Liu Tao and ask him for advice only at this time every month.

The rest of the time, they either study on their own, ask others for advice, or participate in research projects.

The six students have different directions.

Even Liu Ziyu and Chen Nianzhen, although both belong to computer majors, have different directions. Liu Ziyu is in network and information security, while Chen Nianzhen is in software engineering. The two are also in different research groups.

As for the other four people, their directions are very different.

After the inspection, Liu Tao announced that they can have summer vacation.

Of course, if they stay in Panshan Group to continue their research projects, there is no problem at all.

At the same time, he assigned Huang Qiang and Zhao Hua a thesis topic. As long as they complete this thesis, they can officially graduate and obtain a doctorate degree.

Of course, with the level of Huang Qiang and Zhao Hua, it will probably take two or three years to complete the thesis topic, and they have to work hard, otherwise it will take longer.

Sure enough, as Liu Tao expected, the six students chose to take only half a month off during the summer vacation and continue to participate in research projects at other times.

Liu Tao and his team went to Southwest Associated University.

At this time, Southwest Associated University has been built in a proper manner. Except for large buildings such as the library, supercomputing center, and national Internet center, other buildings have been completed. The highest of these buildings is seven stories high, and all of them use stairs instead of elevators.

The school teaching buildings and dormitories do not need too high buildings, six or seven stories are enough.

It can be said that under the current situation, if we overcome it, this year's undergraduate enrollment and graduate enrollment can be directly here on the new campus.

Even though summer vacation has arrived, there are still teachers and students on campus.

Southwest Associated University has a very close relationship with Panshan Group. Although Southwest Associated University belongs to the Ministry of Education, the school funding of Southwest Associated University is all provided by Panshan Group, and part of the faculty of Southwest Associated University also comes from Panshan Group.

Liu Tao and his team arrived today just when the school gate was completed.

There are three school gates in the new campus of Southwest Associated University, namely the West Gate, the North Gate, and the South Gate. The east side until the edge of Dianchi Lake belongs to the new campus of Southwest Associated University, so there is naturally no East Gate.

The main gate of Southwest Associated University is the West Gate.

The main gate is made of marble, which looks very grand. It is written on it - National Southwest Associated University.

The ground is surrounded by flower beds, and in the middle is a piece of marble with the words: Firm and strong!

Firm and strong is the motto of Southwest Associated University.

Whether it is the eight words "National Southwest Associated University" or the four words "Firm and strong", Liu Tao asked the old man to write it himself.

The school emblem of Southwest Associated University adopts the school emblem of Southwest Associated University at that time. The school emblem is an inverted triangle, which divides the seal into three parts of equal area and closely connected. The unique shape represents Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Nankai University respectively, which has profound meaning and also represents the cultural and orthodox vein of Southwest Associated University!

Many inscriptions of the school are from celebrities, either leaders, or great scientists and writers!

It can be said that the inscriptions of these people will give Southwest Associated University a deep foundation in the future.

In a blink of an eye, it is already July 28.

It is 9 o'clock in the morning.

The sky is sunny and the sun is shining.

The meeting room held a party group meeting on time.

All party group members attended the meeting on time.

The first topic was personnel appointments and dismissals.

Personnel appointments and dismissals are major events and are often the first topic of party group meetings.

Liu Tao announced that four of the original ten party group members were dismissed, namely Xue Yunpeng, Li Ming, Chen Chuan, and Li Zhen.

The original ten party group members have now expanded to thirteen, which means that seven of the party group members are new.

Li Weimin used to work in the Communist Youth League. The Communist Youth League is the assistant and reserve force of the party, and the importance of his work is self-evident. Li Weimin and Liu Tao were born in the same year. At the age of 19, they went to Dongling Brigade of Damiao Commune, Fengyang County as educated youth. At the age of 23, they went to study at the Law Department of Peking University. At school, they served as the head of the student union. The year they graduated, the country happened to launch a cadre retirement system. A group of old cadres left the front-line leadership positions and retired to the second line or even retired directly. The country began to train young cadres, and Li Weimin was able to serve as the secretary of the Peking University Youth League Committee. Since then, they have been in the Communist Youth League system.

This time, the state supports cadres to Panshan Group. Li Weimin replaced Xue Yunpeng as the deputy general manager and party group member of Huaxia Panshan Group Corporation and the general manager and party group secretary of Huaxia Southwest Industrial Group Corporation. He ranks fourth in the party group, second only to Liu Tao, Zhao Guoping and Li Fuguo.

Chen Dachuan, who comes from the Discipline Inspection Commission system, is an outstanding and well-tested cadre. Although he is only 50 years old now, he is already very famous in the Discipline Inspection Commission system. This time he replaced Chen Chuan's position and served as the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group, responsible for the work of the Discipline Inspection Commission system of the entire Panshan Group.

Cai Ying, who previously worked in the Ministry of Finance, came to Panshan Group as the chief accountant and party group member.

Pang Ren, who previously worked in the Ministry of Health, was transferred to Panshan Group this time to be responsible for the work of the Panshan Group's health system and manage all Panshan hospitals.

These four were all transferred from outside Panshan Group.

This is also a special situation now. Cadres between government and enterprises can flow.

The other three were all promoted from within Panshan Group.

At this time, there are 13 members of the Party Group of Panshan Group, which constitute the leadership of the entire Panshan Group.

The adjustment of the members of the Party Group is the highlight of this personnel adjustment.

The next step is the adjustment of personnel appointments and dismissals within the group.

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