The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 589: ‘Eagle Strike’ Missile Attack

At this time, the warships were docked at the port.

There were 6 warships in the entire port, the largest of which was the "Alvand" class frigate with a full load displacement of 1,350 tons.

The "Alvand" class frigate was a type of frigate built by the British Vospar Company for the Persian Navy in the late 1960s. It was developed from 1966 to 1968 and entered service in 1971. The ship is 94.5 meters long, 11.1 meters wide, with a full load displacement of 1,350 tons. The endurance is 3,650 miles at a speed of 18 knots, and the maximum speed is 39 knots.

During the Pahlavi Dynasty of Persia, a total of 4 "Alvand" class frigates were ordered from the British.

During the Pahlavi Dynasty, Persia purchased a large number of naval equipment from Western countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, and established the most powerful navy in the Gulf region at that time.

Now the entire Persian Navy has a total of 132 ships, of which three missile destroyers and four frigates are the core, and the rest are various missile boats, speedboats, torpedo boats, etc. The total strength of the navy is about 30,000.

At this time, the warships, which were completely unprepared, had no idea that they were being targeted and were about to face a disaster.

"Attention, the targets have been assigned, and each of you uses the fire control radar to lock your own targets." The commander of this operation said on the radio.

Their combat goal this time is to destroy the seven warships in the port.

"Received." The pilots of other aircraft replied. After they received the target, they turned on their radars one after another, climbed high and locked the target. At this time, the flight formation had dispersed.

Everything was so skillful, turning on the weapon insurance, waiting for the data to be injected into the missile, and the onboard computer planning the route. After everything was completed, the "Eagle Strike" missile left the belly of the aircraft with a tongue of fire.

At this time, the Persians also discovered it and sounded the air defense alarm as soon as possible.

The officers and soldiers of each warship were in chaos.

This sudden attack is hard to defend against.

"Quick, hide!" an experienced sailor shouted loudly.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The missile was too fast!

So fast that it was difficult to take effective measures to avoid it.

An "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile plunged into the belly of the "Alvand".


A loud noise resounded through the world.

The huge hole, with seawater constantly pouring in, could not stop the warship from sinking.

Experienced veterans began to jump into the water and swam hard to the shore.

At this time, the port was horrible. Seven warships were destroyed almost at the same time. The entire port had warships burning with raging fire. Seawater kept pouring into the hole, and the warships were tilting and sinking.

There were even small ships that broke in half at once.

The sea water was dyed red.

In the red sea water, Persian sailors were swimming hard to swim to the shore.

These soldiers who were not dead were extremely terrified at this time.

They didn't expect that the Iraqi Air Force would attack here, and they used anti-ship missiles.

The Persians also have anti-ship missiles, but they have not used them so far.

I didn't expect that they hadn't used them yet, but today they got a taste of the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles.

The planes in the sky used aircraft guns to sweep the water surface and shoot at the Persians who were trying to escape.

The hatred between the two sides has been very deep since the Iran-Iraq War.

Then, these planes began to take off and leave here.

Since the goal has been achieved, it is not suitable to stay for a long time, after all, the combat radius is also limited.

Once the fuel tank is not enough to go back, the plane will inevitably crash, and the pilot can only abandon the plane and parachute.

At this time, the Persians in Khomeini Port were stunned.

Their warships were destroyed in just a few minutes.

The damn Iraqis dared to attack their navy.

The Persians, who had an advantage in the air force and navy, had never thought of this situation.

Then the Persian defenders were angry, but it was useless to be angry.

Because in just a short time, the Iraqi planes had disappeared.

After receiving the report from the defenders of Khomeini Port, the Persian Air Force was urgently dispatched from the rear airport, and a combat formation consisting of two F14 "Panda" fighters, three F4 fighters, six F5 fighters and eight J-7 fighters was formed to quickly come to support.

The battlefield of the Iran-Iraq War is now the most complex, with both advanced weapons and equipment and backward weapons and equipment.

Even for fighters like the J-6, both sides have more than 1,000 equipment.

It is really difficult to replenish advanced aircraft after they are shot down.

For example, the F14 "Panda" fighter that Persia likes very much, the loss of one will make the Persian Air Force very distressed. Now the US military purchases a US F14 "Panda" fighter at a price of 44 million US dollars. If the Persians want to get one, they have to pay at least hundreds of millions of dollars.

Even the spare parts are very expensive.

On the contrary, fighters like the J-5 and J-6 are much cheaper, with large quantities and full supply.

Although such fighters cannot carry the main force in combat, they can still be used to beat the downed dog or attack by surprise.

Persia, for example, imported more than 30 million pistols and rifles for its people, thus making everyone a soldier.

This time, F14 and F4 fighters took the lead, and other aircraft played auxiliary roles.

They wanted to avenge the sunken navy ships, wipe out the invading enemies, and make sure that Iraqi aircraft would never dare to enter Persian airspace again.

Gerald has been rewarded, the radar has found the Persian plane.

Gerald sneered, this time he will teach the Persian air force a lesson, let them know that they are not safe even here.

Gerald was actually quite emotional, the weapons and equipment produced by his old friend are advanced, the radar can clearly detect them from such a distance, and they also have an enemy identification system.

Gerald asked the anti-aircraft missile battalion to prepare to hit the enemy hard.

Not long after, the Persian plane entered the ambush circle.


Missiles were launched from the launch vehicle and flew towards the plane in the air.


An anti-aircraft missile hit an F4 fighter first, and the F-4 fighter exploded directly in the air and turned into a ball of brilliant flames.

"Ding Di Di~~"

The cockpits of the two F-14 'Panda' fighters kept issuing warning sounds, and the pilots controlled the planes, quickly climbed up, and released jamming bombs to avoid missiles.

However, an F-14 ‘Panda’ fighter was still hit. The missile hit the wing. The plane did not explode immediately, but it had lost balance, flames were burning, smoke was billowing, and it was spinning continuously.

The pilot of this fighter immediately made a decision to abandon the plane and parachute.

Even F-14 and F4 fighters were hit by anti-aircraft missiles, not to mention those F-5 fighters and J-7 fighters.

In the end, only one F-14 and one F-4 fighter escaped.

The pilots of the two fighters were furious, with flames of hatred burning in their eyes.

They were not willing to leave like this, but adjusted the posture of the fighter in the air, and then pressed a button, and the air-to-ground missile was launched.

The missile attacked the exposed anti-aircraft missile position.

Even if they died, they would destroy this anti-aircraft missile position and avenge their comrades.

But although they destroyed a radar and two launch vehicles, they also lost the opportunity to escape.

The two fighter jets turned into brilliant fireworks and bloomed in the sky.

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