The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 690: Return to headquarters by helicopter

In the hangar.

There is only the Black Eagle helicopter and Liu Tao alone.

Liu Tao sat in the Black Eagle helicopter and looked at the virtual panel.

[Item: Black Eagle helicopter]

[Manufacturer: Liu Tao]

[Item level: LV1 (15000/10) (defective, repairable)]

[Upgrade points: 200]

[Item status: defective, analyzable]

"System, repair the defect!" Liu Tao muttered.

[Host, please choose the repair aspect! ] The virtual panel prompted.

Looking at the options listed above, Liu Tao shook his head. China's technical level in helicopters is indeed very weak.

The body shape, body structure, propeller, avionics equipment, weapon system, etc. are all defective.

The appearance looks like, but there is a big difference in fact.

It takes 1000 experience points to repair a defect, and there are 1000 defects here, which means that it takes 1 million experience points to repair these defects.

"Repair the body!" Liu Tao muttered.

He chose to repair the fuselage. Others could not see the slight changes in the fuselage, but it was very important, which involved aerodynamics.

Swish, swish, swish~~

A faint light flashed, and only 15 defects were repaired, and the experience points were consumed.

Liu Tao opened the hangar and taxied the "Black Eagle" helicopter out of the hangar. After arriving at the parking area, he began to pull up the joystick, and the helicopter slowly rose.

He accumulated experience through flying, and then used experience points to repair the defects.

In this case, time passed quickly.

Unknowingly, the 1,000 defects of the "Black Eagle" helicopter itself were all repaired by Liu Tao.

It stands to reason that Liu Tao drove this "Black Eagle" helicopter so frequently that the engine of this "Black Eagle" helicopter had long been scrapped and the propeller had long reached the end of its service life.

However, every time that time came, Liu Tao repaired them one by one.

On this day, the "Black Eagle" helicopter was filled with fuel, and Liu Tao drove the "Black Eagle" helicopter away from Guifei Group and headed towards Kun City.

The straight-line distance between the two is about 350 kilometers, and the helicopter can reach it in one hour.

And it saves the time of taking a car from the airport.

Liu Tao drove the helicopter and contacted the tower, and then the tower contacted the people along the line to avoid being misjudged and shot down.

An hour later, Liu Tao's helicopter had landed on the open space of Panshan Group's headquarters.

At this time, the ground crew who had been prepared began to check the helicopter.

Back to Panshan Group headquarters, Liu Tao began to handle official business.

Although many things did not need him to deal with, there were still some things that he needed to make a decision on.

These things were very important and beyond the authority of others.

In the evening, Liu Tao returned to his residence and Liu Ziyu was watching TV.

"Brother, you are back!?" Liu Ziyu was very surprised.

She hadn't heard the news that Liu Tao was coming back.

Liu Tao smiled, "I'll come back today by helicopter!"

"Helicopter?" Liu Ziyu's eyes lit up, "I wish I could fly a helicopter someday!"

"What are you thinking about? Unless you join the army and become a pilot!" Liu Tao said unhappily, "Otherwise, you have to wait at least ten years!"

Now, flying is not open to private individuals.

The airlines in the mainland are all state-owned enterprises, and they are not open to private enterprises.

All walks of life in the mainland were originally state-owned enterprises. Later, with the reform and opening up, the private sector began to be opened up. Even if the private sector was opened up, it was not opened up all at once, but gradually.

All the mechanisms adopted are access mechanisms, and you can't do whatever you want.

Now, those private enterprises that have become rich first, even if they have money, cannot buy helicopters and planes in the mainland, let alone fly helicopters and private planes.

Once someone violates the rules, it is illegal and will be identified as a non-friendly flying object by radar. At that time, it is likely to be shot down by air defense forces.

Like Liu Tao, flying a helicopter, it is all contact with the tower, and it will not be identified as a non-friendly flying object.

"How is your company doing now?" Liu Tao poured himself a cup of tea and asked casually.

Liu Ziyu showed a proud look, "Sold 10,000 copies in North America, 5,000 copies in Europe, and 10,000 copies elsewhere, earning about 2.5 million US dollars, equivalent to 9.3 million RMB, and it won't take long to pay off the loan."

"Sold so many? What's the matter?" Liu Tao was a little curious.

"It just happened that a wave of computer viruses broke out, and anti-virus software became very popular." Liu Ziyu boasted.

Anti-virus software sells best when computer viruses break out.

At this time, everyone is in danger, and some computers are infected by viruses. As long as you still want a computer, you have to use anti-virus software.

Liu Ziyu and her friends are smart. In addition to burning CDs online for sale, they also use online downloads. As long as you pay the fee, you can install and use it, and these users will become loyal and fixed users in the future and have to renew every year.

"You are really lucky. The anti-virus software just happened to encounter a computer virus outbreak." Liu Tao laughed and couldn't help but sigh at their good luck.

He knew that some companies deliberately created computer viruses in order to sell anti-virus software.

This kind of thing is not uncommon!

Even these companies, in order to defeat their competitors, specifically develop computer viruses that the other party's antivirus software cannot work on, and then launch their own computer antivirus software that can just kill these computer viruses.

Liu Tao said: "There is no rush for the loan. With such a low interest rate, if you miss this opportunity, you will miss it. You can rent an office building and recruit more people. Now your team is too small and the technology is still relatively weak."

The loan interest rate is 1% simple interest. Where can you find such a good thing!

With this money, it is better to expand the scale of the company and improve the company's technical capabilities.

Computers and the Internet will develop very rapidly, and it is not possible to fight alone.

"Okay, listen to you! If I can't pay it back in the future, I will blame you!" Liu Ziyu said.

Liu Tao laughed. As long as the two of them focus on technology and rely on their technology, it is difficult to fail.

Of course, Liu Ziyu and the other two have such low loan interest rates. Their company also opened an account at the Kunshi Branch of Xiangjiang Bank, and paid wages and so on at the Kunshi Branch of Xiangjiang Bank.

Hong Kong Bank is a capital operation bank, so it is not good for him to be too obvious about some things.

Liu Tao also learned about the development of anti-virus software in the world. The two of them are now working in this field, so they will know more about this field, and they know more about it than Liu Tao.

Through Liu Ziyu's introduction, Liu Tao learned that there are already hundreds of companies in the world engaged in anti-virus software.

Their company is the first in the mainland, but there are more than a dozen in Hong Kong. There are companies in this field in the United States, Europe, and Japan, and some have even been listed.

It must be said that the development of computers and the Internet has indeed driven the development of many aspects, but these are all in the high-tech field, which ordinary people cannot do, and belong to the knowledge-based industry.

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