The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 707: Opening for ten years (asking for monthly pass)

Did not return directly to the Panshan Group headquarters.

Liu Tao drove a helicopter to the Zhurihe Military Training Base.

Now the Zhurihe Military Training Base has been fully established. There is even an air force base here. The facilities are very advanced. It is the largest and most advanced military training base in the country, and it is also the largest and most advanced military training base in Asia.

Because the Malong Military Training Base is located on a plateau, it is more focused on plateau warfare, mountain warfare, forest warfare, and a small amount of river warfare.

The Zhurihe Military Training Base is more comprehensive. Even most military training can be carried out here, and two army-scale army battle exercises can be carried out.

More than an hour later, Liu Tao had already arrived at the Zhurihe Military Training Base by helicopter and soon met Li Fuguo.

Liu Tao told Li Fuguo about the orders from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, and then said that the equipment of the Panshan Group Armed Forces Department would be taken to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait for use first, and the people would be used by the Armed Forces Department.

Li Fuguo smiled bitterly: "These weapons are all our own versions, and most of them are familiar to the soldiers and have been well-trained. These are the most advanced equipment. I really don't understand how you can make such a decision."

Which country doesn't hide this kind of most advanced equipment and use it as a trump card at a critical moment.

Although these weapons basically have export versions, the performance of the export versions is far inferior to the self-use versions. The performance of the two is much worse.

"There is no way. The Saudis and Kuwaitis have increased the price by 20%. That's 12 billion US dollars, which is much more than the annual military budget of the army." Liu Tao shrugged and said helplessly: "It only takes a few months to make back the money of these equipment with interest."

"Later, I will equip you with some J-7A advanced trainers, Eagle advanced trainers, J-10 fighters, J-11 fighters and "Ray Eagle" helicopters." Liu Tao comforted, "You know the situation of the group. It is a big family and a big business. It is absolutely impossible to have no money."

"Maybe after this time, it may not be possible to encounter such a large order in ten years!" Liu Tao said.

If you don't open for three years, you can make money for three years after you open it!

This time, let alone making money for three years, even making money for ten years is no problem.

And this is also a good advertising opportunity. As long as the operation is good, the popularity of these weapons will rise one or two levels, and then more overseas users will come to purchase.

Now there is an order of 72 billion US dollars, and there may be another potential order of 72 billion US dollars or even more behind it.

Li Fuguo smiled bitterly and said, "If Saddam knew you did this, he would definitely hate you to death!"

"What do you hate me for!? We are doing a serious business. We will sell to anyone who pays! We can't just because he is Saddam, we can't do business with others!" Liu Tao said righteously.

Free trade, what's wrong with it!

As an arms dealer, there is no reason to refuse customers!

Customers come to the door, open the door to do business, isn't this a matter of course! ?

"This time, the employment fee for Saudi Arabia and Kuwait is 10,000 US dollars per month per person, and the group will charge half of the management fee, which means that each person can get 5,000 US dollars per month. This must be made clear to the soldiers!" Liu Tao said.

This fee is relatively high.

It is much higher than other mercenaries.

But there is no way. This time we have to fight, and there are still risks. If we are unlucky, we may die or get injured.

"I think the soldiers will be so excited that they will be in a carnival!" Li Fuguo said.

Now in the armed forces of Panshan Group, the normal monthly salary of ordinary soldiers is 500 yuan, plus other subsidies, allowances, military ranks, merit points, military service, etc., it is about 700~800 yuan/month.

The higher the rank, the higher the salary!

And you can earn 5,000 US dollars a month, which is equivalent to two or three years of income.

How can this not make people crazy.

Not long after, Li Fuguo received two red-headed documents, and then Li Fuguo issued an order. One by one, weapons, equipment, ammunition, and personnel took the train to Beijing West Station, and then went south along the Beijing-Kowloon High-speed Railway to load ships at Pengcheng Port.

Not only the Zhurihe training base, but also the Malong military training base is taking action at the same time, but the people there are heading to Yangcheng Port to load the ship from Yangcheng Port.

Panshan Group purchases materials from various domestic state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. Once the order is placed, all state-owned enterprises and private enterprises are frantically producing. Everyone knows that if you miss this village, you will miss this store.

When Liu Tao arrived at Guifei Group.

In the parking area, a row of J-7 modified fighters, J-8 modified fighters, J-10 fighters, and J-11 fighters are lined up there.

One by one, the pilots have lined up.

30 J-7 modified fighters, 30 J-8 modified fighters, 6 J-10 fighters, 9 J-11 fighters, a total of 75 fighters.

These pilots will fly these fighters and arrive directly at the Saudi Air Force Base after two transfers.

"From now on, take off the badges!" Liu Tao said in a deep voice.

The pilots took off their badges neatly.

They are very clear about the mission this time.

Then Liu Tao gave a speech and wished the pilots a successful completion of the mission!

If they are unfortunately sacrificed or injured, Panshan Group will take good care of their families and will never let their families suffer any injustice.

"Remember, in an emergency, take care of your own safety as the first priority, and you must parachute. If you are captured, remember the words I taught you, that is to save your life!" Liu Tao said in a deep voice.

"Understood!" The pilots spoke loudly.

Then, the pilots began to board the planes, taking off one after another. Liu Tao watched these fighters take off and embark on their journey.

Although there are reasons for the rich to spend too much money, Liu Tao also wants the soldiers to practice actual combat.

Here, it is difficult for pilots to have the opportunity to practice actual combat.

But it is different there, with a lot of actual combat opportunities.

Moreover, the Iraqi Air Force does not have third-generation fighters. The most advanced fighter is the Soviet-made aircraft, the MiG-29 fighter.

The Iraqis have just obtained the MiG-29 fighter, and it is hard to say how much combat power the MiG-29 fighter can exert.

But these pilots, even if they fly the J-10 fighter and the J-11 fighter, have flown for at least half a year.

And these pilots are elite pilots.

These elite pilots have been flying for a long time and can already exert the combat effectiveness of fighter jets.

This time, the planes were all flying with full fuel, but without hanging weapons, because there would be no danger along the way.

He had already coordinated everything along the way.

The missiles will be transported directly to Saudi Arabia by transport planes and cargo planes.

The reason why it is Saudi Arabia instead of Kuwait is that Kuwait’s land is too small and is directly within the attack range of Iraq’s short-range missiles, which is too dangerous.

And it is easy to be discovered by the Iraqis.

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