The next day, early in the morning.

The square was crowded with people, and all the workers from Panshan Machinery Factory were present.

The only topic everyone is talking about is room allocation!

This is the first time the unit has been allocated rooms!

And it was a beautiful house that had just been built.

The construction of the accommodation area is making so much noise. It's not like everyone is blind or deaf, so they don't know about it.

You know, there are many family members of workers who go to the construction site to help.

There will also be workers who go there after get off work to join in the fun and take a look. They are quite familiar with it.

A large house of 120 square meters, with good lighting, bright rooms and a balcony.

The seven-story high-rise buildings are all covered with ceramic tiles on the outside and decorated inside. They are much better than the current dormitories.

Although it was said in the factory before that this is collective property rights, and the property rights belong to Panshan Machinery Factory. Those who are allocated houses only have the right to live in them, but they have no ownership rights and cannot be traded.

But for workers, isn't the house they are allocated just for living in? What they live in is theirs, and no one will sell their house.

"The factory director is here!" Someone saw Liu Tao with sharp eyes and shouted.

Suddenly the whole square became lively.

If before, everyone’s support for Liu Tao was 70%, then with this housing allocation, this support has soared to 99%!

After all, this is room allocation. I have never heard of it before.

And all this was brought by Liu Tao.

"Comrades, today we are holding a house allocation meeting here. This is the first batch of house allocation, and it is by no means the last batch. As long as comrades work hard and seriously, they will definitely be able to get a house and become rich through their hard work." Liu Tao inevitably gave a speech to give everyone a shot of blood.

Room allocation will naturally play its due role.

"Now please let Chen Guodong come on stage to receive the key!" After the speech, Liu Tao announced the first person to be assigned a room.

Chen Guodong, an eighth-level worker, is a rare eighth-level worker in Panshan Machinery Factory. Currently, the eight-level wage system is implemented, and the eighth-level worker is already the highest level. Nationally speaking, the salary ranges from 104.55 to 131.76 yuan.

In Panshan Machinery Factory, the salary of an eighth-level worker is 131.76 yuan, which is almost as much as the salary of factory director Liu Tao.

Unlike others, Chen Guodong was assigned a villa!

Chen Guodong had a bright smile on his face. He was an old man from Panshan Machinery Factory. He had worked as an electric welder all his life. Unexpectedly, he was rated as an eighth-level worker by Liu Tao, and now he was assigned a villa.

You know, he has only joined Panshan Machinery Factory for a few months.

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Chen Guodong walked onto the stage and took a red notebook and a box of keys from Liu Tao.

"Huang Yazhou!" Liu Tao also announced the second person to be allocated a room.

Huang Yazhou, an educated youth from Shanghai, participated in the construction of Panshan Machinery Factory. He is now an old man in the factory. He has always been responsible for managing the warehouse. The warehouse entry and exit accounts are clear and there has never been any mistakes.

Huang Yazhou grinned. He has a wife and three children. They used to live in a dormitory. As the children started to grow up, it became very crowded. But now it is better. They have been assigned a house and the living environment has been greatly improved. .

Since the house allocation was announced, his wife's attitude towards him has changed drastically. She no longer complains but praises him every day.

Later, Liu Tao handed over the keys to the people assigned to the houses one by one in front of all the workers.

I spent the whole morning doing this.

Everyone who is assigned a house is the most handsome kid in the room.

Three hundred houses and six villas are all completed.

As for Liu Tao's villa, there was no need to assign a room to himself. Even last night, he had moved from the dim dormitory to his villa.

The first batch of housing allocations seemed to have given the entire Panshan Machinery Factory a strong dose of chicken blood. All the workers were screaming and working harder than before.

Workers in the other three factories no longer passively integrate into Panshan Machinery Factory, but actively integrate into Panshan Machinery Factory.

Workers who are allocated houses are immediately organized to move to new houses, and the vacant dormitories are arranged for workers living in tents.

Testing room.

Facing the mountains of guns and ammunition, Liu Tao sighed secretly.

With so many guns and ammunition, he would have to work all day.

Turning on the item upgrade system, Liu Tao began to scan the boxes one by one.

The first thing to check was the bullets. Bullets of various types were packed into boxes.

Most bullets are qualified, but heavy machine gun bullets and heavy sniper bullets still have a high failure rate.

These unqualified bullets are sorted out and remanufactured. The bullet boxes are filled and returned to the warehouse.

Next is the inspection of the Type 78 pistol. This pistol is the first pistol developed by Liu Tao and is also the most mature firearm in Panshan Machinery Factory. The pass rate can reach 95%.

He picked out three unqualified pistols, turned his hands around, and quickly dismantled the pistols into parts.

The quality worker on one side registered the serial number of the unqualified pistol, as well as the unqualified parts and reasons.

The staff began to move qualified pistols to the warehouse.

The next inspection was the Type 78 automatic rifle. So far, the pass rate of this automatic rifle has reached 93%. The workers are already very proficient in the skills and the technology is quite mature.

Checking them one by one, by the time all the checks were completed, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Liu Tao was also very tired and his head was a little dizzy.

Although he was tired, Liu Tao insisted on doing this.

At present, the quality must be strictly controlled, because these weapons and ammunition are likely to be sent to the front. He absolutely does not want the soldiers to die because of the quality of the weapons and ammunition, instead of killing monkeys or being killed by monkeys, they will die from their own weapons. above the ammunition.

"Director, should you like noodles or porridge?" Master Chen asked enthusiastically when he saw Liu Tao.

After being assigned a house, Master Chen moved into the new house immediately. He was very grateful to Liu Tao.

He is just a chef, not a production worker, but he was able to get a house. This is simply incredible.

"Put more meat on the noodles!" Liu Tao said.


Master Chen started busy cooking noodles. If other workers wanted to add more meat, Master Chen had to tell them.

Panshan Machinery Factory purchases grain, pork, and vegetables from surrounding towns and villages, and even negotiates with some villages to ask them to raise pigs and grow vegetables. The materials in the factory are much better than last year.

But not wasting and being frugal seems to be engraved in everyone's bones.

No matter how much you eat, you have to eat it cleanly.

If you want to eat more meat, that's impossible.

But Liu Tao is different. Master Chen naturally puts more meat, even meat from good parts.

It's the same pork, but different parts of pork are completely different.

Soon, a large bowl of hot noodles was cooked, and Master Chen served the noodles to Liu Tao himself.

Liu Tao asked Master Chen to sit aside and chat with Master Chen while eating noodles, so as to listen to some real things.

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