This day.

Saddam delivered a national television speech.

Saddam on TV was tall and mighty, wearing a military uniform and full of majesty.

Saddam looked back at history. Iraq was once called Mesopotamia in history and was one of the main birthplaces of human civilization.

There were human activities in Iraq at least 200,000 years ago. The fertile land of the Mesopotamian Plain between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers once gave birth to several of the world's oldest civilizations - Sumerian civilization, Babylonian civilization, Assyrian civilization and Chaldean civilization.

Several dynasties were established here, and almost all the capitals of the regimes were built in the Mesopotamian Basin, such as the Persian Empire, Babylon of the Alexander Empire, Seleucia of the Seleucid Dynasty, the Parthian Empire, and Ctesiphon of the Sassanid Dynasty.

Baghdad has always been the center of the Arab world!

"Once, Kuwait was a province of Iraq, but conspirators separated it from Iraq." Saddam's voice was full of solemnity: "Now I order the troops on the border to prepare to enter Kuwait immediately, recapture the entire territory of Kuwait in the shortest time, arrest all members of the Kuwaiti royal family, and put them on trial!"

Saddam's television speech this time immediately spread all over the world, causing an uproar.

The world's international crude oil prices suddenly soared!

The countries involved this time are Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, the three countries with the largest oil reserves in the world, and they are also major oil producers!

This impact is too great!

On the border between Iraq and Kuwait, the border between the two countries is almost 200 kilometers long, and the forces of both sides are gathered here.

Iraq has stockpiled 100,000 heavy troops here, all of which are Iraq's elite troops.

Kuwait also deployed 21,000 regular troops and 5,000 mercenaries on the border, showing Kuwait's tough attitude and will never surrender.

After the initial tense confrontation, the two sides are now accustomed to each other's existence and no conflict has occurred.

No matter what the upper class is like, the lower-level soldiers are not willing to fight.

We are all Arab brothers, there is no need to fight to the death.

Besides, who wants to fight when life is good?

In Iraq, the Iran-Iraq War has just ended, and the soldiers have not had enough rest. They are still in a state of fatigue and just want to live a good life.

Let alone the soldiers in Kuwait. Being a soldier in Kuwait is a hard job. Although the income is not low, it is the hardest. If possible, no one in Kuwait is willing to be a soldier. It is so comfortable to lie at home. There is money issued by the government every month. Although the money issued by the government cannot live a good life, life can still be good.

Relying on the huge income from oil, Kuwait is a small country with few people, but it is very rich. Although most of the income belongs to the government, the government also allocates a part to the people in order to unite the people, that is, to give money to the people.

The money the government gives to the people every month is enough for everyone to have enough food and clothing.

In Kuwait now, every family has a car.

Kuwaiti soldiers naturally don't want to fight.

During this period, although the situation was very tense, it was not so tense on the border. There was even a strange scene, that is, the soldiers of both sides sat together across the border to chat and brag, and occasionally exchanged some good things.

Such a harmonious state made the soldiers think that the possibility of war was very small.

But soon, this harmonious scene disappeared two days ago.

On the Kuwaiti side, Prince Fahd personally went to the front line to command the troops, deploy the defense line, and let all border troops enter the first level of alert to prepare for enemy invasion.

All tanks and armored vehicles must be ready to go at any time and be able to fight at the first time.

All air defense positions and radars are turned on to prepare for air defense at any time.

Not only the Kuwaiti troops, but also the Iraqi troops have changed.

Especially on both sides of Highway 80 connecting the two countries, the atmosphere is even more tense.

Prince Fahd looked solemn, holding a telescope and looking at the Iraqi troops in front of him.

"These damn bastards, let them lay minefields, they actually chat with Iraqis all day long!" Prince Fahd was so angry that his teeth were gnashing. The orders issued by the Ministry of Defense were not carried out by the troops below.

The only ones who carried out were the 5,000 mercenaries!

This made Prince Fahd desperate.

How can these regular troops of Kuwait fight!

For such a long time, the regular troops of Kuwait have not even built decent fortifications.

The best fortifications along the entire border line were built by those mercenaries!

And the words of the generals below answered Prince Fahd almost made Prince Fahd angry to death.

The regular troops of Kuwait believed that the tanks and armored forces of the Iraqi army on the opposite side were too powerful, and building fortifications could not stop their attacks, so they simply did not build them.

"Your Highness, don't worry, the Iraqis are just scaring us," said Lieutenant Colonel Salim nonchalantly.

Prince Fahd rolled his eyes.

The war was about to come, but these people still believed that the war would not come and the Iraqis were just trying to scare them.

"The Iraqis will launch an attack today, and we must prepare for war immediately!" Prince Fahd said in a deep voice.

Salim was shocked: "Is the news confirmed?"

"Absolutely true!" Prince Fahd nodded solemnly.

Prince Fahd knew that the Kuwaiti royal family had all evacuated to Saudi Arabia, and other important officials and their families in Kuwait had almost evacuated, and the wealth had almost been transferred.

Basically, everything that could be taken away was taken away, and what could not be taken away was hidden, waiting to drive the Iraqis away in the future and take it out.

He no longer had any worries. Now his task was to teach the Iraqis a lesson and let them understand that it was impossible to make Kuwait lose its sovereignty.

After this battle, it didn't matter whether they were alive or dead.

He believed that his family would not be treated unfairly by the king.

"Woo woo woo~~~"

An hour later, a shrill alarm sounded on the border.

Reconnaissance satellites and aircraft detected that the Iraqis were coming!

On the border, a Type 80 tank unit was advancing rapidly from an Iraqi camp several kilometers away from the border to the Kuwaiti border.

Not only that, a T72 tank unit also came out of another camp and headed towards the border.

There was also a Type 81 medium tank unit that pounced on them like a hungry wolf.

The tank tracks rolled rapidly as it advanced at high speed, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Behind the tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored vehicles also advanced rapidly along with the tanks, stirring up more dust.

The border between the two sides is a desert area with almost no vegetation and flat terrain, making it easy to see the situation on the other side.

Because there was a specific time, Kuwaiti and Saudi reconnaissance aircraft strengthened reconnaissance, radars were turned on, and there were also rented reconnaissance satellites, so they learned about Iraq's actions at the first time.

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