Liu Tao personally developed the ‘001-type’ light aircraft carrier and related carrier-based aircraft. He is very clear about the advantages and disadvantages of the ‘001-type’ light aircraft carrier.

The advantages are low cost and short construction period!

The disadvantages are small displacement, carrier-based aircraft can only be carrier-based helicopters and short-range/vertical take-off and landing fighters, the performance of short-range/vertical take-off and landing fighters is greatly restricted, and the number of carrier-based aircraft is limited.

In his opinion, a 20,000-ton light aircraft carrier like the ‘001-type’ is just a transitional aircraft carrier for small or large countries.

Any country with dreams and strength should develop large and medium-sized aircraft carriers!

But it seems that he can’t refuse to agree, and he feels annoyed.

As for the money, the Navy should pay as much as it should. There is no money now, and it will be made up later.

After all, brothers should settle accounts clearly.

Otherwise, people will think that Panshan Group should do whatever it wants.

Therefore, Liu Tao agreed to build a '001-type' light aircraft carrier for the navy, and the two sides also agreed on the construction cost.

In the afternoon, Liu Tao took off directly from the Yangcheng Shipyard in his exclusive helicopter and headed for Hong Kong.

This time he came to Hong Kong to deal with the affairs of the company in Hong Kong. Many of the top leaders of the companies here are under Liu Tao.

After staying in Hong Kong for a week, Liu Tao drove a helicopter directly from Hong Kong back to the headquarters of Panshan Group.

Saudi Arabia, a city not far from Kuwait.

King Jaber of the Kuwaiti royal family established the Kuwaiti government in exile here. Because almost the entire Kuwait was transferred to Saudi Arabia, all organizations and functional departments are operating normally.

With more than one million people, a steady stream of supplies arrived here to ensure that the city has sufficient supplies and operates normally.

Prince Fahd was brought back here by mercenaries. After being severely scolded by the king, he extinguished his will to die for his country and cheered up again. On the basis of the surviving Kuwaiti army, he re-established the Kuwait Restoration Army.

A steady stream of weapons and equipment arrived here to equip the troops.

In just a few days, Prince Fahd expanded the army to 50,000 people, organized into five armored brigades, five mechanized infantry brigades, and one tank brigade.

The armored brigade has 5,000 people, including 1,000 people directly under the armored brigade, including the brigade headquarters, engineering squadron, communication squadron, support and repair squadron, and automobile transport squadron; the armored brigade combat assault force has 2,500 people, including 1 reconnaissance battalion of 500 people, 1 mechanized infantry battalion of 500 people, 1 tank company, 1 mechanized infantry company, 1 artillery company, 1 anti-tank company, 3 armored infantry companies, and 3 armored battalions (each battalion has 1 tank company, 1 mechanized infantry company, and 1 artillery company ); The armored brigade has 1,500 fire support troops, including 1 howitzer battalion (3 howitzer companies, with a total of 24 155mm self-propelled howitzers), 1 rocket battalion (3 rocket companies, with a total of 24 122mm rockets), and 1 air defense battalion (3 air defense companies, with a total of 24 self-propelled artillery combined air defense systems.)

The mechanized infantry brigade has a staff of 3,654 people, including 5 battalions, including 2 tank battalions, 2 mechanized infantry battalions and 1 firepower battalion. Each tank battalion has 650 personnel, each mechanized infantry battalion has 730 personnel, and the firepower battalion has 814 personnel.

The tank brigade has a staff of 4,000 people, including 4 tank battalions, 1 armored infantry battalion, 1 artillery battalion, and 1 air defense battalion.

Mercenaries are training the Kuwait Restoration Army.

After all, most of them are new recruits, and they need to be trained. Fortunately, there is still about half a year before the battle begins.

"Turn left~~ Turn right~~ Turn back~~"


Even though the mercenaries are quite helpless, they have to work hard to train the Kuwaiti Restoration Army.

In the eyes of the mercenaries, the Kuwaitis are simply unreasonable. They have been destroyed by the Iraqis, but they can enjoy themselves without working hard.

Even though the training intensity is much stronger than before, they can only train for 4 hours a day, 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. The soldiers will not do more training.

And they have to be well fed and well provided.

No scolding or corporal punishment!

If this were in the past, if the new recruits dared to make such a request, the old soldiers would have to be disciplined first.

The mercenaries have a consensus that training these young soldiers is much more difficult than the military training of college students.

"Pang, thank you for your hard work!" Prince Fahd came to the barracks, watched the troops training, and thanked Pang Hu.

He also knew that it was not an easy task to train these soldiers.

And what Kuwait could rely on were mercenaries.

"Your Highness, since we have accepted your commission, we will do our best to help you!" Pang Hu said sincerely: "Please believe in our credibility, we are absolutely professional in this regard! Even without the Americans, we can eventually help you drive the Iraqis out of Kuwait and help you restore your country!"

Prince Fahd said: "I believe this too. Your mercenaries have strong combat effectiveness. Under the same military strength, the Iraqis are not your opponents!"

Prince Fahd knew that 5,000 mercenaries only suffered small casualties and annihilated an Iraqi armored division.

They could even rescue them and prevent the Iraqis from chasing quickly.

They retreated safely into Saudi Arabia, and it can be said that these mercenaries played a great role.

For example, the organization of the Kuwaiti Restoration Army this time was directly based on the suggestions of mercenaries, and the training was also handed over to mercenaries.

Pang Hu took Prince Fahd to inspect various military camps. The 50,000 Kuwaiti Restoration Army was divided into two camps, each with 25,000 troops.

The two camps have strong air defense capabilities to guard against Iraqi aircraft and missiles.

After walking around, Prince Fahd was very satisfied with the training of the mercenaries.

He was holding back a rage in his heart. Ever since Saddam exposed the video and audio recordings of his communication with the United States before the war, he hated the Americans very much and did not expect the Americans to help Kuwait restore its country. He wanted to lead the Kuwaiti Restoration Army to drive away the Iraqis and conquer Kuwait.

He believed that with the Kuwaiti Restoration Army and the Saudi army, plus mercenaries, he was fully capable of achieving it.

They were going to hire 80,000 mercenaries in total!

Saudi Arabia is also actively expanding its military, increasing its military strength from 150,000 to 500,000.

With the help of other Arab countries, Prince Fahd is full of confidence.

It is for this reason that Kuwait has strongly rejected the conditions proposed by the Americans, and even stated that Kuwait can drive out the Iraqis without the US military.

But the United States immediately changed its face and stopped proposing conditions.

During this period, the Americans have encountered many setbacks in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and the Arabs do not welcome the Americans.

Even like a dead pig, facing the pressure of the Americans many times, they threatened the Americans instead, saying that if the Americans proposed conditions again, there would be no need to mention them again. The Arab coalition could fight the Iraqis themselves, drive the Iraqis out of Kuwait, or simply join Iraq.

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