The live broadcast on TV was also explaining the DF-3.

All the people watching the live broadcast in Saudi Arabia were shocked.

"Missile? Our country actually has such a big missile?"

"Damn Saddam, I was always worried that the bastard would invade our Saudi Arabia. Seeing this DF-3, I feel safe and at ease now. I can sleep well at night and no longer have to worry about the invasion of Iraq!"

"Our country actually has such a powerful missile to protect us! Now I am extremely safe!"

"We should launch it to Baghdad to warn the damn Iraqis!"

"I'm just curious, will it be a nuclear warhead?"

"It's very powerful and cool! If you have this thing, why don't you take it out for a walk earlier? It made me sleep poorly during this period."

"If Iraq dares to invade us, let this big guy bomb Baghdad!"

Countless Saudis were boiling at this time.

Since the situation became tense, Saudi Arabia has also felt tremendous pressure.

Especially the Iraqis occupied the entire territory of Kuwait in just a few days, which made the Saudis even more scared.

I don't know how many Saudis are nervous and afraid, ready to escape at any time.

But now, this nervousness and fear have disappeared in an instant.

With DF-3, Saudi Arabia has such a killer weapon, and there is no need to fear the invasion of Iraq!

King Fahd gave a speech to the Saudi people with high spirits, "Our army has the ability to maintain national security and protect the lives and property of the people. Once the country faces an invasion, these killer weapons will be launched at the first time and fly to the capital of our enemy."

At this moment, King Fahd felt that it was really worth buying these DF-3s!

It is cheap and has strong deterrence!

They also do a good job in after-sales service, teach hand in hand, and then build a strategic missile base. After the whole set, they have been there for several years without complaining.

Even at critical times, they will help.

Now at a critical time, it is a sword of Damocles hanging over the enemy's head.

The news soon spread to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq.

In the luxurious royal palace.

"What!? Damn it, they actually sold such a killer weapon to Saudi Arabia!?" Saddam roared in anger after hearing the report from the intelligence department.

According to his plan, after defeating the coalition forces led by the United States, the Iraqi army will rush into Saudi Arabia with the power of a great victory. At that time, Saudi Arabia will surely surrender and be easily taken down.

As long as Saudi Arabia is taken down, other Arab countries will not be able to make a difference and will inevitably change their ways.

His Babylonian Empire will be established.

By then, relying on the world's largest oil reserves and the world's largest oil production, the Babylonian Empire will surely become a superpower, standing on equal footing with the United States and the Soviet Union.

But now, Saudi Arabia actually has a killer weapon like DF-3.

This is simply fatal!

For a time, Saddam was terrified.

He felt a huge threat, which was an instinctive reaction to a threat to his life.

He is a human being, and he is also afraid of death!

Baghdad's air defense force is very strong and has intercepted Persian planes and missiles, but the speed of planes is no match for the speed of missiles. Persian missiles are only backward missiles, short-range missiles.

DF-3 is a medium-range ballistic missile with a very fast speed. Can Iraq's air defense force intercept it?

Even Saddam has no confidence in this point.

If it cannot be intercepted, it means that he is not safe anywhere in Iraq, unless he stays in the underground command center.

But how is that possible!

The Iraqi army suddenly calmed down and stopped provoking on the Saudi-Iraqi border.

The Kuwait Restoration Army and the Saudi army are expanding their training, and the weapons that are arriving continuously are arming these armies.

The wealthy Saudi Arabia and Kuwait even armed the armies of Arab brother countries such as Egypt and Syria to form the Arab coalition.

The entire Arab coalition expanded rapidly.

Including 500,000 troops from Saudi Arabia, 100,000 troops from Kuwait, 100,000 troops from Oman, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, etc., 50,000 troops from Egypt, 35,000 troops from Syria, 15,000 troops from Pakistan, in addition to 80,000 mercenaries from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, the entire Arab coalition has as many as 880,000 troops.

The Arab coalition is armed to the teeth, with 2,500 tanks of various types, 4,500 armored vehicles of various types, and more than 2,000 combat aircraft. Although there are many tanks and armored vehicles with relatively backward performance such as the Type 59 tank, as well as some outdated fighters such as the J-5, J-6, and J-7, it is better to have them than not. Countries like Egypt and Syria are very jealous.

As long as it is the Arab coalition, after the war, these tanks, armored vehicles, and aircraft will be their gifts as a gift for their troops.

This is why countries such as Egypt, Syria, and Pakistan are very actively involved and are willing to listen to Saudi Arabia's command.

The entire Arab coalition is dominated by Saudi Arabia.

The entire Arab coalition is armed to the teeth by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Middle Eastern oil-producing and wealthy countries, and every soldier wears a bulletproof vest and a bulletproof helmet.

At this time, the US military also arrived, with a total of 527,000 troops from the four major services, including 295,000 from the Army, 82,000 from the Navy, 56,000 from the Air Force, and 94,000 from the Marine Corps.

More than 2,000 tanks were deployed, mainly the Emrams M1A1, which is one of the proud land warfare equipment of the US Army. It is equipped with an M-256 120mm tank gun that can fire depleted uranium armor-piercing shells. In addition, the M1A1 itself is also equipped with depleted uranium armor, which has outstanding protection.

There are more than 2,200 armored personnel carriers in the US Army and Marine Corps, such as the Army's Bradley M2 series tracked infantry fighting vehicles, the Marine Corps' LAV-25 wheeled infantry fighting vehicles, and the AAV7A1 tracked amphibious personnel carriers.

In addition, there are thousands of "Humvee" assault vehicles equipped by each infantry squad.

The Marine Corps and the Army have more than 1,700 combat helicopters. The Army's main helicopters are AH64 Apache attack helicopters, CH47 Chinook transport helicopters, MD-530 Defender series small helicopters, and HH-60 Black Hawk multi-purpose helicopters. The Marine Corps has AH-1 Cobra attack helicopters, H-53 Sea Stallion transport helicopters, and UH-1 Huey medium-sized general-purpose helicopters.

The Navy has dispatched more than 200 warships, including 9 aircraft carriers, including the famous "Kennedy", "Raider", "Eisenhower", "America" ​​and "Lincoln" aircraft carriers, carrying F/A-18 "Hornet", F-14 "Bearcat", etc.

The Air Force has more than 1,300 combat aircraft. These include A-10 attack aircraft, F16 series multi-purpose fighters, F15 series fighters and the world's most advanced F-117 stealth fighter. In addition to fighters, there are also B-52 strategic bombers, B-1B strategic bombers and the world's most advanced B-2 stealth strategic bombers.

The UK has deployed a total of 37,000 troops, more than 100 combat aircraft, 16 warships, 220 main battle tanks and 170 infantry fighting vehicles. Most of the combat aircraft are the "Tornado" series fighters jointly developed by Europe. This fighter was jointly developed in the early 1970s and put into use in the 1980s. The combat tanks are mainly the "Challenger"-1 type, which is one of the main land combat equipment of the British Army. It came out in the early 1980s and is equipped with an L11A5 120mm smoothbore gun and two 7.62mm machine guns. The body is also equipped with draped ceramic composite armor. The infantry fighting vehicles are mainly the "Warrior" series tracked infantry fighting vehicles, which were developed by the United Kingdom in the 1970s and equipped with the army in 1986.

As for France, the total force is 12,000, with 14 warships, 3 fighter squadrons, and dozens of tanks. The warships also include the "Clemenceau" aircraft carrier and other supply ships. The combat aircraft are mainly "Jaguar" multi-purpose attack aircraft. The "Jaguar" attack aircraft is a twin-engine multi-purpose attack fighter jointly developed by Britain and France in the late 1960s. It was equipped with the French Air Force in the late 1970s. This aircraft can perform various air combat missions or ground attack missions.

The remaining participating countries do not have many troops, ranging from a few thousand to a few hundred, which can be almost ignored.

The total number of army sent by the other countries is only 20,000.

In addition, there are only naval and air forces. Among them, Italy sent 3 frigates, 1 support ship, 2 cruisers and 10 fighter-bombers; Belgium dispatched 2 minesweepers, 1 supply ship, 4 military transport aircraft and 18 fighters; the Netherlands sent 2 frigates and 1 combat supply ship; Spain sent 2 large destroyers; Australia sent 1 missile destroyer, 1 frigate and 1 combat supply ship; Portugal only sent a supply ship to the rear, mainly to transport supplies and equipment for the British Navy.

The remaining Denmark, Greece and Norway, each of the three countries sent a combat ship.

The total strength of the entire joint army is as high as 1.476 million, and the weapons and equipment are generally advanced.

The entire Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf are particularly crowded because hundreds of warships gather here.

This can be said to be the first time that so many warships have appeared since World War II!

The entire "Desert Shield Operation" was perfectly completed, allowing the coalition forces to gather without any attack.

Live broadcast every day.

The news has always been the focus of the world's biggest news, and the world's attention has been attracted here.

Some media used helicopters to take aerial photos, which was spectacular. Hundreds of warships of various types were incredible.

At this time, no country would be optimistic about Iraq, after all, the coalition forces were too powerful, so powerful that it was incredible.

Except for the Soviet Union, there was probably no country in the world that could resist the coalition forces.

Any rational person would think that the Iraqis had better withdraw from Kuwait within the deadline to avoid this war, otherwise what awaits the Iraqis will be a complete failure.

Iraq is known as the world's third largest military power, and its military strength is very strong, but it is still far behind the military strength of the Soviet Union and the United States.

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