The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 742: Suffering a heavy blow (asking for monthly votes at the end of the month)

"Boom! Boom! Boom!~~~"

"Da Da Da~~~"

All the anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft machine guns and other close defense systems on all warships opened fire, and the sound of gunfire and gunfire rang out densely.

The anti-aircraft firepower dragged a red ballistic trajectory in the night sky and rushed towards the missiles attacking from the sky.


From time to time, missiles were blown up by the anti-aircraft guns on the warships and exploded in the air.

The fire produced by the explosion illuminated the surroundings.


However, there was no way to defend against the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles flying almost close to the sea level.

There were still warships hit by the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles.

There were also missiles that fell into the sea, causing huge waves.

The surging waves caused by the explosion made the surrounding warships shake constantly under the impact of the sea water.

"Woo woo woo~~~"

The air defense alarm did not stop, and it was still shrill.

All the commanders in the warships' combat command rooms became panicked.

No one expected that the Iraqis' revenge would be so fierce.

The 450 missiles in front consumed a large number of anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft guns, and anti-aircraft machine gun bullets of the fleet.

In addition, two missiles fell on the deck of the aircraft carrier. Damaging a few carrier-based aircraft was a small matter, but the problem was that the carrier-based aircraft could not take off in a short time.

It takes time for aircraft to take off from airports on land, and it also takes time for support.

The aircraft of the aircraft carrier formation 100 nautical miles away has already taken off and is rushing to support, but all of this takes time.

After the missiles, the Iraqi aircraft came fiercely.

Although the US military's fighter jets are advanced, they cannot withstand the large number of Iraqi aircraft.

Some Iraqi aircraft even crashed into warships without regard for their lives.

"Boom~~" Another missile fell on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and the shock wave generated by the explosion damaged many aircraft.

Even the violent shock wave lifted the carrier-based aircraft from the deck of the aircraft carrier into the sea.

Even if these carrier-based aircraft that fell into the sea were salvaged, they would be useless.

Aircraft are like this. Once they are flooded, they are difficult to repair.

Of the carrier-based aircraft that were salvaged, only the shell and some engine parts were usable.


Six "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles flew towards the USS America.

The violent explosion even caused the USS America to shake violently.

Three "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier, and three holes appeared on the deck. It can be said that the carrier-based aircraft could no longer take off.

Two "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles were interfered with and hit other parts of the aircraft carrier.

Only one "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missile hit the side of the aircraft carrier and tore a hole, but this hole was above the sea surface, so there was no backflow of seawater.

When all the "Eagle Strike" anti-ship missiles were launched, the commander of this operation issued an order to retreat.

Because the US military's air reinforcements were almost there.

Then, the J-5 and J-6 fighters followed, and the other aircraft returned.

When the U.S. Air Force reinforcements arrived, they saw flames burning everywhere on the sea surface below.

All the U.S. pilots were stunned.

It was only a short time, less than half an hour, how could it be so miserable!

"Chase, destroy this Iraqi Air Force!" The commander roared and issued orders.

The planes immediately chased the retreating Iraqi army.

The J-5 and J-6 fighters flying at the back were quickly killed.

When the U.S. planes chased into Iraq, they were greeted by the "Aegis" air defense missiles, and one plane after another was shot down by the "Aegis" air defense missiles.

Other planes were so scared that they quickly raised their altitude and left quickly to avoid being shot down by Iraqi air defense missiles.

The Iraqi planes returned to the air base and received heroic courtesy.

Although there were more than 200 planes, less than 100 returned, but they achieved brilliant results.

Compared with Iraq's jubilation, the U.S. military was much more miserable.

On the burning sea, the U.S. military was counting losses.

The soldiers who fell into the water are being rescued with lifebuoys and rubber boats.

Many soldiers are putting out fires and rescuing warships.

After all, if the fire is not put out, the burning warship may be gone.

The carrier-based aircraft cannot return to the aircraft carrier and can only fly towards Saudi Arabia and land on land.

When the statistics were calculated, the commander of this double-carrier formation had a dim look in his eyes and almost fainted.

One of the two aircraft carriers suffered a huge trauma, lost 60 carrier-based aircraft, and the deck was severely damaged. A large crack appeared on the side. The preliminary assessment showed that it was meaningless to repair it, which meant that when the aircraft carrier returned to the US shipyard, it would be time for it to retire.

Other aircraft carriers would be fine, but this aircraft carrier was the USS America.

Although this aircraft carrier was scheduled to be retired in 1996, after all, it has been in service for nearly 30 years since it was put into service in 1965.

But retiring safely and retiring with heavy damage are two different things.

The USS America is a symbol of American power!

Another aircraft carrier, the USS Saratoga, is a large aircraft carrier with a standard displacement of 60,000 tons and a full load displacement of 80,000 tons. Two holes appeared on the deck and many other parts were damaged.

Originally, this aircraft carrier was expected to be retired in 1994, but now it may have to be retired ahead of schedule. After all, this aircraft carrier can still be overhauled, but the cost of overhaul is not low, and it will not be in service for many years after the overhaul.

The aircraft carrier Saratoga lost 35 carrier-based aircraft.

In addition to the two aircraft carriers that were severely damaged, two Ticonderoga-class cruisers were sunk and one was severely damaged, four Spruce-class destroyers were sunk and two were severely damaged, seven Perry-class frigates were sunk and four were severely damaged, and 13 other warships were sunk and seven were severely damaged.

Since World War II, the US Navy has not suffered such a heavy blow.

In just this battle, the loss exceeded 10 billion US dollars.

Originally, this double aircraft carrier formation had been far away from the coastline of Iraq and Kuwait, and out of the range of the Eagle Strike anti-ship missile, but who could have thought that Iraq would play so unconventionally.

First, they used Scud missiles and Hussein missiles to consume the anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft shells, and anti-aircraft machine gun bullets of the aircraft carrier formation, and then sent out two hundred aircraft at a time, and even some of the backward aircraft were not intended to fight at all, but to be cannon fodder.

Aircraft such as MiG-29 flew almost close to the sea level, avoiding the search of American radars, causing such a huge damage to American warships.

In addition to US warships, the US allies also suffered heavy losses, with 9 warships and more than 10 other ships sunk.

It can be said that this time, the loss was really huge.

"Report the situation to the commander-in-chief!" The fleet commander said weakly with a pale face.

Then he walked to the room, and only five minutes later, a loud voice came from the room.

The officers rushed in and saw the commander fell backwards to the ground, but he committed suicide with his pistol to apologize.

Everyone couldn't help but show sadness, after all, this was their superior.

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