The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 748 Soviet imported chips (please subscribe to monthly tickets)

The Eagle Strike anti-ship missile played a major role in the Falklands War and achieved brilliant results, which naturally attracted the attention of the whole world.

Not long after, the Soviet Union obtained three Eagle Strike anti-ship missiles through channels and conducted research on the Eagle Strike anti-ship missiles.

Now, the Soviet Union has developed its own new generation of anti-ship missiles on this basis, but the performance of the new generation of anti-ship missiles developed by the Soviet Union is only 90% of the same type of Eagle Strike anti-ship missiles.

This 10% difference is because the Soviet Union is relatively backward in the electronics industry.

As for the satellite navigation system, the Soviet Union is very powerful in aerospace. The United States is developing GPS satellite navigation, and the Soviet Union is also developing its own GNAS satellite navigation system.

The Soviet Union's GNAS satellite navigation system was launched in 1982 and has 12 satellites so far.

According to the Soviet Union's plan, it will take 20 years to launch 76 GNAS satellites.

Satellite guidance is also a development focus of the Soviet Union.

"We need advanced chips to import chips from China!" said a general.

The Soviet Union considered that the future war mode would be nuclear war. In that environment, transistors would be more stable, so the Soviet Union developed transistors.

Many people think that the Soviet Union's electronics industry is very backward, but in fact, the Soviet Union's electronics industry is still developing well. It is relatively backward.

In 1984, the Soviet supercomputer M-13 came out of nowhere and won the 1984 global supercomputer championship. So far, the M-13 supercomputer is still serving the Soviet Gabala long-range early warning radar station and is fully operational.

The Soviet Union is unparalleled in exploring the technology of miniaturization of vacuum tubes. In 1950, the Soviet Union developed its first transistor. In 1961, the Soviet Union developed a large computer with all transistors. In 1970, the Soviet Union successfully excited the excimer laser for the first time in the world, and then the Soviet Union manufactured a stepper lithography machine. At the same time, the Soviet Union was also the first country to develop a ternary computer. In 1959, the Soviet Union developed the world's first fully automatic mobile phone communication system "Altai" and won the gold medal at the Brussels World Expo that year.

The Soviet Union's computer theory is also ahead of most European countries, which can be seen from the Soviet Union's papers in the field of computers.

Even now, China's papers published in the field of computers, whether in quantity or overall quality, are still not as good as the Soviet Union.

"Are they willing to export chips to us?" someone wondered.

The relationship between the two sides tends to be normalized. In recent years, the economic and trade growth between the two sides has been very fast, and many Chinese products have appeared in the Soviet Union.

But it is difficult to say whether they are willing to export chips, especially advanced chips.

"We always have to give it a try. Now we are no longer enemies!" Someone said: "They are willing to export even advanced weapons and equipment, and they are likely to agree to export chips."

"They are crazy because of poverty. They don't know how to reduce the configuration of those advanced weapons before exporting them. Crazy!" A general complained.

In recent years, the reputation of T72 has gradually declined. One very important reason is that the T72 main battle tank was completely at a disadvantage in the Iran-Iraq War against the Type 80 main battle tank.

Many military professional magazines have listed the Type 80 main battle tank as the world's first main battle tank.

The second largest main battle tank in the world is the German Leopard 2 main battle tank.

In the eyes of the Soviets, this is not fair, because the T72 main battle tank exported by the Soviet Union is a monkey version, and the monkey version is not comparable to the self-use version.

"We can talk about chip imports. If they are willing to export chips, our personal computers will usher in great development!" Someone said in a deep voice: "Their reform and opening-up policy has achieved great success. It has made rapid progress in just over ten years. We can no longer look at them with the same eyes as before."

"In terms of weapons and equipment, many of their weapons and equipment have reached the world's leading level, and their market share in the world arms market has exceeded ours. In the civilian field, there are also many competitive products. They are now a world computer manufacturing power, and the computers they produce account for more than half of the world market share."

"There is also a global satellite navigation system, which is more advanced than the American GPS and our GNAS. We have to face them."

Once upon a time, China was a little brother to the Soviet Union.

When the two sides were in the honeymoon period, the Soviet Union was the master, and almost all Soviet technicians who assisted China brought a few Chinese apprentices to teach them hand in hand.

At that time, China was a post-war ruin, with everything to be rebuilt and extremely poor. Even the army was made of various brands, and there was no uniformity in weapons, equipment, and uniforms.

But now China is considered by the Soviet Union to be the third most powerful military country in the world.

The army, air force, and navy are all developing very fast.

But the military budget announced by China every year is very low, not even one-tenth of that of the Soviet Union.

Now the power of the Soviet reformists is growing rapidly, and a very important reason is the successful case of its neighbors.

Look at China now. After more than ten years of reform and opening up, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Even China exports a large number of goods to the Soviet Union every year.

However, it is precisely because many of China's light industrial products have greatly made up for the shortcomings of the Soviet Union that the goods in the Soviet market are relatively rich and the contradictions are not too sharp.

"Damn it, if the nuclear power plant hadn't had an accident, the Americans would have been bleeding heavily this time." Some generals were very unwilling.

At the critical moment, such a big thing happened, and the focus of the entire Soviet Union shifted to the country, solving the nuclear power plant problem, inspecting nuclear power plants across the country, and strengthening the training of staff.

In order to eliminate external influences, the Soviet Union had to compromise with Europe and the United States, no longer exporting weapons to Iraq, and withdrawing military advisers and technical experts in Iraq.

Otherwise, the Americans would never be able to mobilize so many troops.

Because that means that Europe is empty!

Even if the Americans want to do this, the European allies of the United States will dissuade the Americans and stop them from doing so.

Because no one dared to believe that the Soviet army's steel torrent would push the whole of Europe.

Others smiled bitterly. They even drew up a battle plan before, but all this was ruined.

The current Soviet Union has no ability to carry out large-scale operations.

Because all the energy is on nuclear power plants.

It can only be said that the Americans encountered a good opportunity.

"There is a long time to come, and there will always be opportunities in the future. If you miss it this time, there will always be opportunities in the future!" An old general said in a deep voice, "The competition between us is not a one-day or one-night thing, but a long-term one!"

Since the US-Soviet hegemony, it has lasted for more than half a century.

Most of the time and in most areas, the two sides compete, and sometimes and in a small part, they cooperate.

Competition is the main tone, and cooperation is the regulator.

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