The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 760: Kuwait's Restoration (asking for monthly pass at the end of the month)

At three o'clock in the morning.

The U.S. troops on the Kuwait-Iraqi border could no longer withstand the fierce attack of the Iraqi army.

They began to retreat across the board.

The desert plains of Kuwait are not easy to defend, which is conducive to the combat of mechanized troops.

It is not only conducive to the combat of the mechanized troops of the U.S. army, but also to the combat of the mechanized troops of the Iraqi army.

Facing the superior forces of the Iraqi army, the 50,000 U.S. troops were stunned from the beginning.

This U.S. army could not understand why they stepped on the mines, but the Iraqi army was not afraid of stepping on the mines.

The Iraqi army is so fierce?

But now, everything is too late!

The U.S. troops on this front were defeated.

Now the Iraqi army's armored forces are dividing and encircling this U.S. army.

It was only during the day that the coalition's air superiority was very obvious.

The Iraqi army had no choice but to passively take the beating and had to disperse, not to mention chasing the defeated U.S. troops.

It lasted for ten days. The Iraqi army withdrew from Kuwait, and the Arab coalition successfully took over Kuwait.

Kuwait City, as the capital of Kuwait.

This day seemed very lively.

The King of Kuwait led the royal family and various state institutions back to Kuwait and took over the power of various towns in Kuwait.

The King of Kuwait held a press conference in Kuwait City, announcing that the Kuwaiti government had taken over Kuwait again and Kuwait had officially restored its country.

The King of Kuwait thanked the Arab coalition and the Arab countries for their support for Kuwait, saying that it was because of their support for Kuwait's just cause that Kuwait could successfully restore its country. He also thanked the United States and other countries for their support.

The King of Kuwait held a victory parade in Kuwait City, and 50,000 Kuwaiti regular troops were fully armed to accept the inspection of the King of Kuwait.

This Kuwaiti regular army seemed much stronger than before the war.

One tank armored brigade after another, the soldiers were armed to the teeth.

Type 80 main battle tank, Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, Type 81 medium tank, Type 81 light tank, Type 81 infantry fighting vehicle, various self-propelled artillery.

The tank armored brigade is so powerful that it can even be said to be stronger than the Iraqi tank armored brigade just from the equipment.

The infantry holds the Type 78 automatic rifle in their hands, and the infantry is equipped with the Type 78 general-purpose machine gun, Type 78 heavy machine gun, Type 78 heavy sniper rifle and other weapons. They wear bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets on their heads.

The air defense force is equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns, Type 80 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and the "Aegis" air defense missile system, as well as the "Vanguard" individual air defense missile.

The King of Kuwait looked at the elite troops and was very satisfied.

Of course, what made him more satisfied was that the Iraqi army did not destroy Kuwait. Kuwait's towns, infrastructure, oil wells, refineries, etc. were basically intact.

Some of the bombings were not done by the Iraqi army, but by the bombing of the US and other air forces.

This is what the King of Kuwait is most satisfied with.

Otherwise, the Iraqi army would have to destroy everything, and Kuwait would have to spend at least $100 billion or $200 billion on post-war reconstruction. More importantly, post-war reconstruction takes time.

From this perspective alone, spending a lot of money on purchasing weapons and equipment is a huge profit.

Not to mention that the sense of security given to him by mercenaries is actually stronger than that of regular troops.

And the news of Kuwait's restoration soon spread throughout the world.

It can be said that the purpose of the Gulf War has been achieved!

Saudi Arabia, the capital of Riyadh.

Royal Palace!

Saudi King Fahd is meeting with Egyptian President Mubarak.

"Mubarak, I have to trouble you again this time to go to Baghdad and persuade Saddam!" King Fahd said.

Now Kuwait has been restored, but the Gulf War has not ended.

Because Saddam has not announced his acceptance of the ceasefire, the two sides have not reached a ceasefire agreement.

Only when a ceasefire agreement is reached can the Gulf War be considered over.

And to persuade Saddam, the most suitable person is undoubtedly Mubarak.

"Fahd, you know, in this situation, even if Saddam announces that he accepts a ceasefire, the Americans will not give up. Now the Americans are eager to destroy Iraq!" Mubarak said with a smile.

Although the ground forces fought briefly, the battle between the two sides was very fierce, causing huge losses to both sides.

The body bags prepared by the United States before were not enough.

So far, the United States and its allies have suffered heavy casualties. From the outbreak of the Gulf War to now, the US military alone has lost 38,000 people, and its allies have lost 5,000 people, which is much greater than the losses of the entire Arab coalition. The Arab coalition lost less than 1,000 people in total.

And the Iraqi army, in the direction of Kuwait alone, has lost more than 50,000 people, and there are probably tens of thousands of injured. The number of injured prisoners captured by the Arab coalition alone is as high as 40,000.

With such a huge loss, the US military will probably not easily accept the armistice agreement. Even if Saddam announces that he accepts a ceasefire, it will be useless if the US military does not accept it.

"Mubarak, as long as Saddam announces that he accepts the ceasefire, we have the moral right. We have 880,000 Arab coalition forces!" King Fahd said, "Tell Saddam that as long as he announces that he accepts the ceasefire, Iraq is still a member of our Arab world family, and we will also help Iraq with post-war reconstruction."

Mubarak said, "Fahd, what if the US military does not accept the ceasefire and insists on destroying Iraq?"

This situation is entirely possible.

Because the United States is now angry, its intentions in this regard are already very clear.

Even the United States itself did not expect that the loss would be so great!

You know, after 43 days of air strikes, Iraq was hit hard, and the coalition forces completely seized air supremacy. Under such circumstances, the US military and its allies suffered such a huge loss.

If the ground combat was carried out at the beginning, the US military would probably die more than 100,000 people!

It can be said that in the last battle, the US military was slapped hard.

"Don't worry about this, we naturally have a way to make the US military leave!" King Fahd said in a deep voice, "The Middle East is important to the United States, but Europe is more important to the United States. If you choose one of the two, Americans will definitely choose Europe first."

"Even if the United States wants to stay in the Middle East, its European allies will not agree!" King Fahd said.

"Okay, in that case, I'll go to Baghdad!" Mubarak said, "But now all the airports in Iraq have been bombed, how can I go to Baghdad?"

Now all the airports in Iraq, whether military or civilian, have been bombed.

Even the roads that can take off and land airplanes have been bombed.

From the current news reports, the ruins can show how badly Iraq was bombed.

And now the front line is so chaotic, it is too dangerous to drive to Iraq.

Who knows if he will be killed by the Americans.

The Americans have been trying to kill him for a long time.

Mubarak has to consider his own safety. In Iraq, Saddam can only detain him at most, but will not hurt his life. If the Americans know about it, they will destroy him.

Anyway, up to now, American planes are still dropping bombs, and the Americans say that it is not the first or second time that they have accidentally bombed.

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