The groundbreaking ceremony of the Type 094 nuclear submarine, like the groundbreaking ceremony of the Type 093 nuclear submarine, was very low-key.

Except for the nuclear submarine project team, few people know about it.

The total construction period of the Type 094 nuclear submarine, like the Type 093 nuclear submarine, will take 9 years to build the Type 094 nuclear submarine and deliver it to the troops for service.

In the future, the main force of China's underwater forces will be the Type 039 new conventional submarines, the Type 093 nuclear submarines, and the Type 094 nuclear submarines.

The Type 039 new conventional submarines are the main force, while the Type 093 nuclear submarines and the Type 094 nuclear submarines are the nuclear deterrent forces.

The Type 039 new conventional submarines have limited endurance, but the Type 093 nuclear submarines and the Type 094 nuclear submarines use nuclear power, and theoretically have unlimited endurance.

Moreover, the Type 093 nuclear submarines and the Type 094 nuclear submarines have longer underwater operation time!

Conventional submarines and nuclear submarines cooperate to build the future underwater forces of the Chinese Navy!

The day of the groundbreaking ceremony for the Type 094 nuclear submarine was very special, because it was the day when two Type 054 frigates and two Type 052 destroyers were launched.

Now, Yangcheng Shipyard has the ability to start construction of two Type 054 frigates and two Type 052 destroyers at the same time.

In a few years, Yangcheng Shipyard will have the ability to build warships at a high rate.

It only takes another five or six years for Yangcheng Shipyard to have the ability to start construction of 8 Type 054 frigates and 6 Type 052 destroyers at the same time.

From this, we can also see that the shipbuilding industry strength of Yangcheng Shipyard is rapidly improving.

After attending the groundbreaking ceremony for the Type 094 nuclear submarine, Liu Tao set off for Ludao.

That night, Zhao Guoping temporarily postponed a meeting to entertain Liu Tao, and the two tasted seafood at the Gulangyu Fisherman's Wharf.

Several kinds of seafood, each of which was freshly landed, were very fresh.

Fresh seafood like this only needs simple processing and cooking to be very delicious.

A plate of crab, a plate of strait, a fish, a plate of conch, and a plate of green vegetables. The two enjoyed the seafood feast while drinking.

On the other side is Ludao.

At this time, Ludao has become prosperous. At night, you can see the bright lights and the busy traffic.

In recent years, Ludao has developed very fast. It can be said to be the fastest-growing city in the entire Fujian Province.

After Zhao Guoping was transferred to Ludao, it can be said that he spent countless thoughts, energy and efforts on the development of Ludao.

When he first arrived at Ludao, Zhao Guoping was not familiar with Ludao, but now Zhao Guoping knows Ludao well.

The last time he left the headquarters of Panshan Group and returned to Ludao, Zhao Guoping went to Xiangjiang Bank and other banks and borrowed 30 billion yuan of funds at an interest rate of 1%.

With such a large sum of money, many things that could not be done before can be started one after another.

1% interest rate is already as low as it can be in Huaxia Bank's current loan interest rate. After all, it is normal for the loan interest rate to exceed 10% at this time.

Zhao Guoping is not afraid that Ludao will not be able to repay the loan and interest. With the increase in the output of the automobile production base, the employment and tax revenue driven by it are also rising rapidly. Moreover, the construction of Ludao Port is in full swing, and the annual cargo throughput is also increasing rapidly. The development of the entire Ludao is like flying, and it is the most active place for economic development in the entire Fujian Province.

"How is it, has the matter of going to Rongcheng been decided?" Liu Tao toasted Zhao Guoping with a glass of wine and asked.

"It's already decided. I will not stay in Ludao for more than two years!" Zhao Guoping nodded slightly.

Liu Tao calculated that it means that Zhao Guoping will go to Rongcheng before March 1993.

This seems to be just one step, but it is like climbing a ladder to heaven. One step away is like the difference between heaven and earth.

There are only about thirty provinces and cities in the country, and one carrot has a job.

By 1993, Zhao Guoping was only 40 years old, and it can be said that he had a promising future.

"Governing a place is completely different from managing a company. If you can form your own governance philosophy, your future prospects are limitless!" Liu Tao said.

Zhao Guoping nodded. He had been transferred from Panshan Group to Ludao for several years, so he naturally understood this very well.

In a company, you only need to make the company run in an orderly manner, and then make profits. As for personnel, it is relatively simple.

But the place is different. There are fakes and pearls in various industries and people, and the forces are complicated. For example, Ludao, each district is clearly divided. For people on Ludao, the island is Ludao, and other districts are outside the island.

As for personnel appointments and dismissals, the game involved is much more complicated.

At the beginning, Zhao Guoping wanted to follow the set of Huaxia Southern Ordnance Industry Group Corporation and put it on Ludao, but he encountered great resistance at the beginning, forcing Zhao Guoping to think of other ways to solve it.

Now, after several years, there are still many things that Zhao Guoping is not satisfied with, but he still has to be patient to wait and use time to solve the problem.

For example, this time, Zhao Guoping promoted environmental governance on the island, separated rainwater and sewage, built sewage treatment plants, and wanted to move factories on the island off the island, which caused fierce quarrels.

The two districts on the island were very strongly opposed. After all, whether these factories polluted or not was another matter. At this time, everyone's awareness of environmental protection was relatively weak. Everyone was thinking about making money and economic development. These factories meant GDP, and also meant where they sat in meetings. If they moved out of the island, which caused a sharp drop in GDP, they would have to sit at the back of the table in meetings.

And there were three districts outside the island. Which district to move to was also a matter of interest.

He spent a lot of effort and reluctantly pushed the factory to move out of the island.

Governing a place is obviously much more complicated. And it is even more difficult to form a concept of governing a place.

If everyone does the same thing, then they will not stand out.

Therefore, you must have your own concept of governing a place, and it must be ahead of the current era and be practical, so that you can stand out in the competition.

"Director, thank you for your support, otherwise, a good cook cannot cook without rice!" Zhao Guoping raised his glass to Liu Tao.

Liu Tao smiled, "You're welcome, but you have to pay back your loan!"

Some things can be known in your heart, and there is no need to say them out loud.

"You came here just to inspect the construction of Ludao Port this time?" Zhao Guoping asked about Liu Tao's trip.

The two biggest projects of Panshan Group in Ludao are the automobile production base and Ludao Port.

Especially Ludao Port. Once the entire Ludao Port project is completed, Ludao Port will become a world-class port, which will drive the economic development of the entire Ludao and the entire southern Fujian region.

The automobile production base is more of a short-term economic benefit.

This automobile production base is also the only automobile production base of Panshan Group in Fujian Province.

The original weapons system people in Fujian Province were arranged to the automobile production base during the reform.

The Panshan Hospital of the automobile production base is currently the best hospital in the entire Ludao. As soon as it opened to the public this year, it immediately caused a sensation and greatly solved the problem of difficulty in seeing a doctor in Ludao. Not only people from Ludao go to Panshan Hospital for medical treatment, but people from the other two places in southern Fujian also take a car to go to Panshan Hospital for medical treatment.

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