The rise of great powers: starting from military industry

Chapter 771: Saddam is humble and submissive? (Seeking monthly votes at the end of the month)

Al returned to Iraq.

Saddam called him over immediately.

"Al, how are you?" Saddam asked impatiently.

With the end of the Gulf War, Saddam's pressure was greatly reduced and his mental state was much better than before.

Although there are many voices opposing him in Iraq, Saddam's status is still as stable as Mount Tai, and no one can shake his status.

Only Saddam can clean up the current mess in Iraq.

In addition, the military basically still supports Saddam, which makes Saddam feel at ease.

However, post-war reconstruction work still troubles the Iraqi government.

Although purchasing a large amount of daily necessities from China ensures that people do not have to worry about hunger, this is not a long-term solution.

If you sit back and have nothing, no matter how much money you have, it will be spent soon.

Now, Iraq needs to put out the oil field fires and produce oil as soon as possible.

As long as oil can be produced, money can be made, people will have jobs, and there will be hope for the post-war reconstruction of the entire country.

The Gulf War caused direct economic losses to Iraq exceeding US$250 billion, which is a very large fortune.

Even if Iraq resumes pre-war oil production, it will take at least more than ten years based on current oil prices.

However, as long as oil production can be restored and Iraq has abundant oil reserves, it will be easier for Iraq to find bank loans.

Under the current situation, it is difficult for Iraq to get a loan from a bank, and even if it gets a loan, the interest rate will be very high.

"It has been negotiated. They will not freeze our assets. We can withdraw them at any time and no one will set up obstacles. At the same time, in terms of materials, they will increase their security. They also took over the business of extinguishing oil field fires, and soon Their people will come to Iraq soon." Al reported, "They will continue to fulfill the contract for the warships and aircraft we ordered before, and they will be delivered to us later."

"As for loans, they are also willing to provide us with loans, but they hope that we will hand over more post-war reconstruction projects to Chinese companies." Al did not hide it, saying: "In addition, Panshan Group hopes to obtain Our three oil fields are paid as interest!”

Saddam nodded with satisfaction: "Although that arms dealer always sells arms to the long side, which makes me very dissatisfied, I have to say that their reputation is indeed very good."

"As long as they can extinguish the oil field fires, the money will be well spent. The sooner the fires are extinguished, the more money they give will be worth it!" Saddam said, "Recently, the prices charged by European and American consortiums to extinguish oil field fires are at least higher than this. Twice as high!”

During this time, European and American consortiums have already begun to take action.

Although European and American countries are generally hostile to Iraq, after all, the casualties in Europe and the United States this time were not small.

But this does not prevent European and American consortiums from eyeing the huge market for reconstruction in Iraq. Iraq is not other countries. Iraq has rich oil reserves. Oil is wealth!

With huge oil reserves, European and American consortiums are willing to lend money to Iraq.

Then as long as you make profits from the post-war reconstruction project, it is nothing more than left hand and right hand, and you will get huge profits every time you go out.

It's just that Saddam is very disgusted with Europe and the United States now and doesn't want to deal with Europe and the United States.

"It's worth spending money now. As long as oil production can be restored as soon as possible, we can make the money back soon!" Saddam said.

Oil is Iraq's biggest barrier.

As long as it can continue to produce oil, it will only take more than a decade for Iraq to rebuild again and surpass its previous national strength.

"Al, you go visit Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, etc. and borrow money from them. We need a lot of money for post-war reconstruction!" Saddam said to Al.

Countries such as Egypt and Syria do not need to visit abroad. These countries are too poor. They all rely on Saudi Arabia and other countries for support. They have no money to lend to Iraq.

But oil-producing countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are different. They are all extremely rich.

"When you go to Saudi Arabia, you can signal to King Fahd that we are willing to obey Saudi Arabia as the big brother of the Arab world, and we in Iraq are willing to send troops to join the Arab coalition!" Saddam ordered.

Logically speaking, it would be best for Saddam to come forward for this kind of thing, as his status is sufficient.

But the pride in Saddam's heart made him unable to let go of this face.

This is equivalent to being humble in front of King Fahd. This makes Saddam, who has always wanted to be like Nasser or even surpass Nasser, difficult to accept.

But now Iraq's post-war reconstruction does require a lot of money.

The more money we can get, the faster Iraq will be able to rebuild after the war and get on the right track and restore its national strength.

Saddam has decided to continue working hard for twenty years. By then, with his absolutely crushing power, he will push the entire Arab world flatly and unify the Arab world before the Americans have time to assemble their troops.

This time Saddam felt regretful and heartbroken.

If he hadn't listened to the Americans' deception and stepped into their trap, how could he have taken action against Kuwait so quickly.

After all, at that time, the Iran-Iraq war had just ended, and the Iraqi army had not yet been repaired.

If he had waited until the army was repaired and then summarized the Iran-Iraq war, maybe this war would have been different!

"Yes!" Al agreed.

Now Iraq does need a lot of money for post-war reconstruction, and it is not enough to rely solely on the 35 billion US dollars in China.

Al has deep feelings for Iraq.

Now, he has entered the core circle of Iraq, and naturally hopes that Iraq will get better and better. Only when Iraq is good can he and his family be good.

This time he went to China, there were both state affairs and private affairs.

After all, the interests involved were too great, and his family would definitely get a share of it.

In recent years, relying on his ability, his family has developed very fast, and now it is one of the largest families in Iraq.

But it is not among the top ten largest families.

However, he and Rashid joined forces, and that was different. It can be said that except for Saddam's family, they don't need to be afraid of anyone.

In this Gulf War, Rashid's performance was the most eye-catching, and coupled with the exploits of the Iran-Iraq War, this made Rashid have a tendency to become the first person in the military.

Even Saddam would not attack Rashid at will.

After all, now Rashid is a national hero of Iraq and has a high reputation in the entire Arab world.

Al was also willing to visit Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other countries, because this was a good opportunity for him to expand his network of contacts in the Arab world, and his entire family would benefit from it.

Al talked with Saddam again, and it was not until an hour later that Al left.

Saddam suddenly became much more relaxed.

The defeat in the Gulf War was a huge blow to Saddam's prestige, which put Saddam under great pressure.

Coupled with the burden of post-war reconstruction, Saddam was also overwhelmed.

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