Not only Saudi Arabia, Kuwait also wants to buy fuel-air bombs.

Seeing the fire in Iraq's oil fields, Kuwait couldn't help but think of Saddam's order to destroy Kuwait's infrastructure and oil fields when the Iraqi army withdrew from Kuwait.

This made Kuwait full of a sense of crisis.

If it weren't for finding someone to prevent Kuwait from suffering large-scale damage, I'm afraid that after the Gulf War, Kuwait would have to invest at least 200 billion US dollars in post-war reconstruction.

Although Kuwait has money, 200 billion US dollars is still a very large number.

The real life of oil-producing countries has become rich. It can be traced back to the fourth Middle East War in 1973. Saudi Arabia and others were dissatisfied with the United States' favoritism towards Israel and united to impose an oil embargo on Europe and the United States, which caused oil prices to rise. From then on, the life of oil-producing countries has improved.

Counting to now, it has been less than 20 years.

This time, Kuwait was occupied by Iraq, and it was also full of a sense of crisis. If the money is not invested in military construction and does not have the power to protect itself, it will sooner or later become someone else's.

Therefore, when Saudi Arabia advocated the Arab coalition, Kuwait was the most active in responding.

With the Arab coalition, security has been improved by more than one level.

Like Saudi Arabia, in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the army, Kuwait also used favorable conditions to attract a group of mercenaries to join Kuwait.

After seeing the fire-fighting power of fuel-air explosive bombs this time, Kuwait also wanted to purchase a batch of fuel-air explosive bombs as a killer.

Kuwait has a small land area, and it is unrealistic to have medium-range ballistic missiles. Just building a base will take up a lot of space, plus the strike range, it is difficult to be like Saudi Arabia.

But fuel-air explosive bombs are different. Anyone who wants to invade Kuwait must weigh it.

And this thing has a miraculous effect in extinguishing fires.

There are so many oil fields in Kuwait, and fires are inevitable. With this fuel-air explosive bomb, the fire can be extinguished quickly.

Liu Tao also watched the news the next day, and he was very proud of it.

After all, this is a great achievement made by China. It is amazing that the fires in two oil fields can be extinguished so quickly.

According to this progress, all the oil field fires in Iraq can be extinguished in half a year at most.

Although it is difficult for the Iraqis to settle the contract payment in a short time, this comes at a price. The Iraqis need the price of five oil fields as interest.

In addition to the three oil fields loaned, this means that Panshan Group will have twelve oil fields in Iraq in the future. When they are all put into production, these twelve oil fields can produce a lot of oil every year.

The importance of oil is self-evident.

In the future, the overall oil price will continue to increase.

Now China Petroleum Group is building strategic reserve oil depots on a large scale. It is expected that by the year 2000, China Petroleum Group's strategic reserve oil depots will reach 1 billion barrels, that is, 136.43 million tons of crude oil.

And China's crude oil imports this year are expected to reach 200 million tons, that is, 1.23144 billion barrels. Although some of them are exported to Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, the United States and Europe, China's oil consumption is very fast.

In this market supply and demand relationship, it is destined that the price of crude oil will not return to below $20.

In recent years, Panshan Group has actively developed overseas energy business. Because of this, China's oil consumption has grown rapidly. China's own oil production alone is not enough to meet China's oil consumption. China must have a stable oil import channel.

Among them, the Middle East is naturally the first choice, because the Middle East's oil is of high quality, large supply, and price advantages.

Panshan Group invested in ports such as Gwadar Port, opened the Kra Canal, and developed shipping on the Mekong River and Chao Phraya River, largely out of considerations for energy security.

In Gwadar Port, oil and natural gas can be transported to the Western Regions through oil pipelines and natural gas pipelines, or by land transportation by train or oil tanker.

In Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia, it can be transported to the southwest.

Now in the north, China is negotiating an oil pipeline project, but it may take several years to implement it.

The Soviets were calculating loudly and asking for too high a price.

Liu Tao went to Southwest Associated University.

It is the new batch of college students who are about to start military training. If we say that the most lively time of the year in Kun City is this time, it is no other.

The freshmen of primary school, junior high school, high school and university will have military training on the same day. The primary school will have military training for one week, the junior high school will have military training for two weeks, the high school will have military training for three weeks, and the college students will have military training for four weeks, which will not end until the eve of National Day, when they will have a National Day holiday.

As a frontier province and a pilot area for military training, Yunnan Province attaches great importance to military training.

The military training of Southwest Associated University is directly conducted in school. In the early stage, it is military posture and formation training, and national defense construction ideological education is carried out at night. In the middle and late stages, it is a long-distance march to the military camp, where shooting training and battlefield simulation are carried out.

Every year, the army will send meritorious soldiers to Southwest Associated University for military training. Only those military medals can suppress these proud sons of heaven without temper.

After all, there are many instructors who have won first-class merits for military training, and even one person has won first-class merits many times.

Those military medals are enough to convince the proud chosen ones.

At the same time, when the army is conducting military training, it will also recruit students from schools. The army will welcome all college students who are willing to join the army, and the preferential policies for college students to join the army are very strong. Once they enter the army, they will be treated as company-level soldiers. After one or two years of training, they will become company commanders or company instructors, and they will be the key cadres trained by the army.

With the increasing number of advanced weapons and equipment, the army also needs a group of highly educated people to join the army, and college students are undoubtedly the best choice.

It is not enough to rely solely on military academies for training. Another supplement is that college students join the army.

Liu Tao also supports this. All walks of life in society need talents to flow in, and national defense construction also needs talents to enter.

In fact, many technical arms are difficult for soldiers with junior high school education to be competent. Soldiers with high education are needed.

For example, informationized combat troops need high-quality talents in computer majors who are proficient in computers.

For example, test pilots now have higher and higher academic requirements for test pilots, because test pilots need to test aircraft and need to explore the combat power of aircraft as much as possible. At the same time, they often need to participate in aircraft improvement work. Without a relatively high academic degree, it is difficult to master enough knowledge.

In the future, the military will definitely continue to increase the value of academic qualifications, thereby improving the specialization, high technology, and informationization of the troops!

Of course, providing an average level of academic qualifications is not only done by the military, but also by all walks of life in society, including government agencies, state-owned enterprises, and private enterprises.

This is the trend of social development as a whole. After all, everyone hopes that their industry will have more talents and thus be more competitive.

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