Late at night, it suddenly started snowing heavily.

Heavy snow fell, and the capital instantly turned into a vast expanse of white.

Liu Tao looked out the window. This kind of heavy snow scene was not easy to see in Panshan Machinery Factory.

Although Kunming will also experience snowfall in winter, there are at most 4-6 snow days per month, and it is not easy to experience heavy snowfall like in Beijing today.

It is said that auspicious snow heralds a good harvest and farmers will have a good harvest next year, but this is more or less self-consolation.

With the ice and snow outside, we don’t know how many domestic animals will freeze to death, and how many people will not be able to withstand such cold weather.

For cultural people, they will marvel at the beauty of the Forbidden City in the snow.

But for most people, they actually hate winter more. Not many people really like the coldness of ice and snow.

Liu Tao doesn't like winter either, he likes spring and autumn.

Summer is too hot and winter is too cold. Only spring and autumn are the best.

"Brother, if I go to college and study hard, will I have the opportunity to study abroad?" Liu Ziyu said softly, wrapped in a quilt.

Liu Tao said with certainty: "As long as you want to study abroad, my brother will definitely let you study abroad. However, the purpose of studying abroad is to learn advanced things, not to be greedy for the wealthy life in Europe and the United States. If you succeed in your studies, you must return home."

When the college entrance examination is resumed, studying abroad is also resumed.

On December 26, 1978, the first batch of 52 Chinese students studying abroad in the United States officially set off, thus opening a new page in the history of Chinese students studying abroad.

This group of people studying in the United States are not college students, but scholars from universities or scientific research institutions such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Only $50 total for 52 people!

Liu Tao has the ability to allow Liu Ziyu to study abroad in the future, and he is not opposed to studying abroad. After all, China's education level is indeed much worse than others. Studying abroad can learn other people's advanced concepts, advanced experiences, and advanced technologies!

"Is it really okay?" Liu Ziyu's tone was filled with excitement.

Liu Tao nodded: "Of course you can, but you must study hard first."

Seeing Liu Ziyu's longing expression, Liu Tao sighed secretly.

The spring breeze of reform and opening up is blowing across the land of China, and a lot of overseas information has also traveled across the ocean, which has a huge impact on the Chinese people of this era.

Last year, China's per capita GDP was 385 yuan, equivalent to 256.7 U.S. dollars, while the United States' per capita GDP was 10,600 U.S. dollars, 41.3 times that of China; Japan's per capita GDP was 8,820 U.S. dollars, 34.4 times that of China; the United Kingdom's per capita GDP was 5,976 U.S. dollars, 23.3 times that of China; France's per capita GDP was 9,299 The US dollar is 36.3 times that of China!

a very wide distance!

Coupled with the rich material, the impact is absolutely huge.

Especially with the subsequent sharp depreciation of the RMB, the gap has become even larger. The huge gap is absolutely disappointing.

This is why the 1980s and 1990s were the most advocating for foreign countries. Even in the first decade of the 21st century, wishing America the highest blessing in the next life.

But Liu Tao knows that China's development in the next forty years will be earth-shaking. This is a wild era that contains huge opportunities. Whether it is business or other aspects, it often gives more ordinary people more opportunities.

Furthermore, a golden nest or a silver nest is not as good as your own doghouse.

No matter how good Europe and the United States are, they belong to others, not yours!

However, Liu Tao also knows that this is because he is a reborn person and has such a vision and historical judgment. For people in this era, Europe and the United States will be paradise on earth, and he will try his best to go to Europe and the United States.

The two brothers and sisters were chatting, and Liu Tao was painting a picture of the prosperous China in 40 years for Liu Ziyu.

Liu Ziyu looked yearning.

For the Chinese people of this era, China forty years from now is the goal they are striving for, and they don’t even dare to think about it.

"Brother, do we in China really have such a day?" Liu Ziyu asked.

"Yes, it will definitely happen!" Liu Tao said firmly, "As long as we unite as one and work hard for thirty or forty years, all of this will be created in our hands, and China will definitely return to the top of the world and stand on the top of the world. At the center stage of the world!”

This road is difficult, tortuous, and full of ruggedness.

But history has proven that this path is feasible!

Liu Tao even believes that with his butterfly flapping its wings, China will develop faster and better!

At least with him, China will save a lot of costs in the research and development of weapons and equipment, and it can also gain more foreign exchange from exporting weapons and equipment.

With more money, more can be invested in economic construction.

Besides, the development of Panshan Machinery Factory, although it is a military factory and does not need to pay taxes, the local area cannot obtain tax revenue from Panshan Machinery Factory, but you must know that the construction and production of Panshan Machinery Factory require raw materials and supporting factories, which will stimulate many enterprises. of development.

Just like the money paid by Panshan Machinery Factory in the past year or so, it was nearly 200 million!

Similarly, in the new year, there will be bigger orders and production capacity will increase further. Liu Tao has no intention of keeping money in his account, but will further build factories and further increase production capacity.

In addition to military products, he also plans to involve civilian products.

Both hands must be grasped and both hands must be strong.

Relying on military products, you can only walk on one leg, and it is inevitable that you will walk unsteadily. Civilian products are the second leg you choose to walk on. Only walking on two legs can you walk steadily and fast!

"Brother, haven't you ever thought about going abroad for further study?" Liu Ziyu looked at Liu Tao.

She admires Liu Tao very much, especially knowing the achievements Liu Tao has made.

Also because of the huge changes Liu Tao brought to the family.

"Brother, my current technology can be said to be the most powerful in the world. There is no other firearms designer who can compare with me. Who can teach me if I go abroad for further study?" Liu Tao said with confidence.

It can be said that he now knows a lot about firearms and has very high attainments in this area.

If he were not limited by materials and processing levels, he could make better firearms!

Liu Tao smiled and said, "Maybe I will travel abroad in the future to see the scenery abroad!"

As for going abroad now, Liu Tao has not even thought about it.

In his current situation, he could not go abroad just because he wanted to. The procedures were quite cumbersome and had to be approved personally by the leaders above him.

Liu Tao himself didn't want to, because he had more things to do and didn't want to go abroad to waste time.

For example, when he returned to Panshan Machinery Factory, Liu Tao would immediately develop self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, and later even develop new armored vehicles and military off-road vehicles!

Liu Tao's heart is very big. His heart is not limited to firearms. He also wants to develop more advanced cannons and rocket launchers. He also wants China to use advanced third-generation tanks!

His time was valuable and he didn't want to waste it.

Liu Ziyu's eyes were bright. She found that her brother was different from others. Many people either yearned for Europe and the United States or the Soviet Union, but her brother did not. Instead, he was full of confidence and optimism in China.

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