Huo Wenyao looked at them, curled up the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Let's go."

Huo Wenyao spoke, and everyone nodded.

Shaqiang, Airplane, Paohui, and Huozi walked quickly towards the parking spot.

After a while, three Mercedes-Benz and a Bentley drove over and parked at Huo Wenyao's , Zhan Mi and others.

Huo Wenyao, Zhan Mi and others got into the car.

The car started, passed through Artillery Street, and drove towards the main road.

After driving out of Artillery Street and waiting for the traffic light, Huo Wenyao looked out through the car window. Looking over, I suddenly saw two groups of teenagers appearing in a slightly remote alley not far away.

They said they were two groups, but in fact they were just two, plus eight others!

Yes, this was a fight between eight and two..While running, eight young-looking guys quickly surrounded the other two.


Huo Wen's dazzling eyes flashed with surprise.

He saw: one of the two teenagers who was beaten was frightened to death and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably, but the other one did not show any panic on his face and was very calm.

Then His posture is old-fashioned, very much like his own style back then.

"Hit the streets!"

The leader's face was full of arrogance, and his companions were also very proud, laughing unscrupulously as if they were sure of victory.

The leader yelled and cursed:"Lei Yuting, I'll attack your mother!"


"Why don't you just keep running?——" boom!

Before he finished speaking, a young man named Lei Yuting suddenly took action. He ran quickly and punched the leader in the face.

The others looked astonished and a little surprised, and did not react at all.

They never expected that in this situation, Lei Yuting would dare to take the initiative without kneeling down to beg for mercy!

The guy who was yelling and scolding was punched in the face without reservation, and he fell straight backwards.

The bridge of his nose was also broken, and the blood was flowing violently!


The poor guy let out a wailing cry like a slaughtering pig, and shouted viciously:"Kill you!"

"Lei Yuting!!"

"You bastard who has a mother but no father, I will definitely kill you!"

"I'm holding your mother in my arms——"

Before the poor guy could scold him any more, Lei Yuting pounced on him again. boom!

The poor guy responded with another heavy punch from Lei Yuting.

Right on the bridge of the nose!


Okay now, the blood flow is even crazier.

Bang, bang, bang - the poor guy said"bastard with a mother and no father", which completely angered Lei Yuting.

Lei Yuting's face was livid, and he rushed towards the guy on the ground crazily Punch.

The fists are like raindrops, crackling on the poor guy's face, and the blood is like raindrops, crackling and splashing in all directions.


This is Lei Yuting's reverse scale, just like his mother, it is also his bottom line.

Who? He dared to fight anyone who dared to talk about this!

Lei Yuting beat him wildly for more than ten seconds before the others reacted, yelling and cursing while surrounding Lei Yuting.

What followed was a one-on-eight chaos.

The result was quite unexpected..

Lei Yuting had obviously learned it specially. His moves were all signature moves of Taekwondo and Sanda. The moves were extremely professional, fierce and vicious! It only took two minutes to kill all eight guys.

It was as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

The eight poor people who were tortured by him were all stunned, wailing and screaming, looking up at him in disbelief.

It was obvious that they did not expect it.

Even the friends next to Lei Yuting also Stunned.

He looked at Lei Yuting in surprise, not knowing what to say.

From beginning to end, he made no effort, and in the end... ha, the battle was over.

No one expected it!

This is the secret of young Lei Yuting , and had been planning for the battle in front of him for a long time.

For him, the hard work and courage in the past half a year finally bore fruit and was rewarded!

Someone was lying on the ground, looking at Lei Yuting in fear, and couldn't help but exclaimed: :"leave! is this possible?!"

"Lei Yuting, when did you learn Kung Fu?!"

"Depend on!!"

Lei Yuting had no expression on his face and didn't answer at all. Instead, he walked quickly towards the leader.

The poor guy's face was covered with blood. He had been beaten to the ground and was lying on the ground. At this time, Lei Yuting's eyes were filled with tears. The others came straight towards him, almost frightened to death.

He was like a stick insect, rubbing his back on the ground and retreating, while trembling in his mouth:"Don't, don't, don't come here!""

"Don't come over here!"

Lei Yuting still passed.

When he came to the man, Lei Yuting squatted down, his expressionless face suddenly turned fierce, and said:"Diaojie, I will attack your mother!"

"Now you know who is the boss? The poor guy couldn't help but nodded and said:"Yes, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never trouble you again!""

"loser! Lei

Yuting cursed fiercely and then said:"Although I am poor and ignorant, Mr. Huo was still the same more than ten years ago?""

"What now?!"

"Let me tell you, Mr. Huo can fight all the way from East Tsim Sha Tsui to become known to the whole world, and I, Lei Yuting, can do the same!"

The words are full of youthful vigor, which is completely different from the old age before.

Lei Yuting now looks a bit like a teenager.

A teenager has great ambitions.

He has not experienced society, has not been beaten by society, and always has it in his mind. There will be many illusions.

Many of them are very unrealistic.

Only after being severely beaten by society will they realize how ridiculous their previous ambitions were. It is extremely difficult to achieve the ambitions they once set. , and how difficult it is to reach the sky!

Just like the 14-year-old Lei Yuting kid.

He said that he wanted to be like Huo Wenyao, with a pair of fists, starting from Omen!

He also said that he wanted to be like Huo Wenyao. , until the whole world knows about it!


Seeing this scene, Huo Wenyao curled up his lips and couldn't help but smile, saying:"Interesting"

"Probably, this is the back wave."

After a pause.

Huo Wenyao smiled at the corner of his mouth, his eyes still stayed on the young man named Lei Yuting, but he said to Zhan Mi:"Zhan Mi, do you see the shadow of us in them?"

"More than ten years ago, we were also teenagers."

There is some emotion in the words, but it is not sadness, it is just nostalgia or remembrance.

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