"General Huang Zhong, Guan Yu has already started to call for battle outside the city.

This battle is fully entrusted

to you! Remember, you don't want to be able to defeat that Guan Yu, as long as the general can hold him back, and wait for the other fronts to divide the victory and defeat, it is enough!"

Among the Chu army, only Huang Zhong can now be able to defeat Guan Yu.

According to Lu Meng's calculations, as long as Huang Zhong can block Guan Yu, then the Han army will be defeated in this battle

! Not for anything else!

Just because, Tan Xiong's side is really about to decide the winner.

As long as Tan Xiong wins, then the pressure on Chu generals on other fronts will be relieved.

At that time, no matter who Tan Xiong helps, it will give him an advantage, and finally the advantage will expand step by step until the Han army is completely defeated.

"Nanyang Huang Zhong!" got

Lu Meng's order, Huang Zhong had nothing to say.

Against Guan Yu, Huang Zhong has also been famous for a long time, but he has never been able to fight with him.

Now, when he entered the age of antiquity, he could still fight with such a famous general, and Huang Zhong was also blushing with excitement.

Both of them are generals, so naturally there is no need to follow those juniors to taunt each other to boost morale.

Seeing Huang Zhong fighting, Guan Yu also understood Lu Meng's plan.

In this regard, Guan Yu's only way to break the enemy was to defeat Huang Zhong as soon as possible.

At the very least, before the defeat of all sides, this Huang Zhong should be taken down.

Otherwise, this battle will completely drag the Jingzhou army into the grave of defeat.

Yes, Guan Yu has now completely guessed all of Lu Meng's plans.

This guy has a big appetite and wants to devour all the 250,000 Jingzhou troops in one bite.

Otherwise, Lu Meng would never lead the army to capture Jiangxia to cut off Guan Yu's back road.

This guy is just having a duke fight.

Du's is that before Guan Yu ran out of food, he couldn't conquer Shouchun at all.

Today, Lu Meng has won most of them.

Guan Yu is indeed going to run out of food.

As for Lu Meng's next plan, there is no need to guess at all.

This must be to block the way for Guan Yu to return in Jiangxia.

At that time, the morale will be low, and the combat strength of the Jingzhou army, which has been exhausted, will only continue to decline.

Don't forget that in Guan Yu's rear, there are still tens of thousands of Yangzhou troops, but there are still tens of thousands of Chu State sailors.

When Guan Yu's army ran out of food and grass and had no way to retreat, how could the Yangzhou army not come up to pick up the bargains, and how could it not come up to encircle Lu Meng?

Now, Guan Yu has fallen into Lu Meng's trap step by step.

Now the only way left for Guan Yu is to break it with force!

As long as Guan can defeat Huang Zhong in the shortest possible time, and then help the generals of the Han army to win this battle.

Then the Jingzhou army will inevitably take advantage of the situation to conquer Jiangxia in one fell swoop.

You know, morale is always a thing.

However, Guan Yu overestimated himself and underestimated Huang Zhong.

Rushing forward, Guan Yu used the essence of his life's knife technique in order to win quickly, and used the momentum trend knife momentum to hit the enemy in one blow.

Seeing Guan Yu's rushing sword, full of nirvana, Huang Zhong's face flushed, and the big knife in his hand did not show weakness, and he met the oncoming Qinglong knife.


the two knives met, and there was a loud bang.

Huang Zhong's flushed face became even more ruddy, as if he wanted to reach Guan Yu's natural red face.

On the other hand, Guan Yu, although his complexion did not change in the slightest, but looking at the surprised look in his Danfeng eyes, he could know that Guan Yu's heart was definitely not calm.

This is a blow from the essence of his life's sword technique!

Even if he is a fierce general, Wei Yan, if he wants to resist his own knife, I am afraid that he will have to pay a lot of price.

But this Huang Zhong blocked his blow without any hindrance.

My family knows my own business.

Although Huang Zhong's face was extremely flushed, Guan Yu knew it in his heart.

This blow of his own, did not take advantage of the score.

"Hahaha! Okay! It is worthy of Guan Yu! It is worthy of the sword technique of quick combat!

Now, it is also the turn of the old man!" The

surging qi and blood were replied, Huang Zhong's long knife swung sideways, and he used his own continuous offensive like a tide against Guan Yu.

This time, it was replaced by Guan Yu, who was uncomfortable.

Although Huang Zhong's sword technique was not too lethal, it was not difficult for Guan Yu to deal with it.


, now Guan Yu is rushing for time, just wanting to take down Huang Zhong quickly, and then release it to help his own generals.

But when Guan Yu was shrouded by Huang Zhong's knife momentum, he could only helplessly fall into this Huang Zhong's rhythm, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

Even, Guan Yu couldn't beat Huang Zhong if he wanted to fight with injuries.

You must know that Huang Zhong is now in his sixties, but he has been immersed in this sword technique all his life.

Its sword momentum has already reached the realm of perfection.

The more anxious Guan Yu wanted to get rid of Huang Zhong, the more he could only fall into the rhythm of Huang Zhong's attack.

Damn! If this goes on for a long time, something will inevitably happen to our army!

Before he went into battle, Liu Pan had already fallen into passivity, and if he dragged on, Guan Yu couldn't believe that after Tan Xiong defeated Liu Pan, he would have his hands free, how his own battle would be resisted.

You must know that at this time, although the generals of the Han army generally have a slight upper hand, it is only a balance of power, and it cannot break this deadlock

! It seems that the only way to do this is to use Guan's knife dragging!

The so-called knife dragging strategy is nothing more than a deception and fleeing, and when the enemy will chase after him, Guan Yu will instantly provoke the Qinglong knife that was dragging behind him, and take advantage of the situation to kill the pursuers.

The second technique, Guan Yu can be said to have tried and tested repeatedly.

Of course, there are no times when you miss a shot.

At least when facing Xiang Ji, Guan Yu would never dare to use this trick.

After all, the gap in strength is too large, and in the end, I am afraid that before the knife is dragged up, my head will be cut off.

Just do it when you think of it, Guan Yu didn't hesitate, and then when the two generals staggered the horses, they clamped their legs and frantically urged the war horses under their crotch to leave the battle group.

"Guan Yu is leaving!" Seeing

that Guan Yu wanted to get rid of his entanglement, Huang Zhong was naturally anxious.

Hmph, old man, you just chase it, as long as you chase it, that's when Guan Mou counterattacks!

Historically, Guan Yu's battle with Huang Zhong relied on the knife to win.

However, because of the arrival of Xiang Ji, history has changed.

Huang Zhong did have the heart to chase Guan Yu, but the war horse under his crotch was an old horse that had followed him for many years, and he had been fighting for a long time, and his physical strength had long been weak.

suddenly accelerated to catch up, but the result was not good, and he almost gave Huang Zhong a trick before the horse.

Looking at Guan Yu, who was running farther and farther, Huang Zhong was in a hurry.

Of course, it was not only Huang Zhong who was anxious, Guan Yu was also very anxious.

What the hell is this old man, why don't you hurry up and chase after him?

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