The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 113 Competition for the Ferry

The Chinese people are good at everything else, but one thing is that they care too much about their family, and they think that family is more important than the concept of the country, so how can they still be loyal to the country? What about Sun Jian, the coach!

Why did the enemy army on the opposite side follow Sun Jian? It's just that there was no retreat, no leader, and all the generals of about a hundred people were Sun Jian's confidantes.

As for the remaining ordinary soldiers, even if they have other ideas, without a leader with strong prestige to lead the action and form a certain scale, even if they rebel and launch a military coup, it will not be successful at all!

Therefore, all the troops under Sun Jian's command who returned their hearts to the imperial country, even if they had other thoughts at the moment, did not dare to say it out loud. They could only blindly follow Sun Jian to rebel together, heading for a road of no return!

This is also the right of the great emperors in ancient times to guard against the generals everywhere, for fear that they will come to rebel if they are unhappy.

Those soldiers have no idea, even if they want to support the emperor, there is no good way, they can only blindly follow the generals and do this treasonous thing!

Afterwards, Sun Jian was killed by the messenger, and he sent thousands of troops to attack tentatively.

However, he was directly prepared and supplied to Tian Feng's army, and he shot a burst of bows and crossbows indiscriminately, and was driven down the river in a desperate and embarrassing manner, becoming a drowned rat.

At this moment, Sun Jian only had about 30,000 troops under his command, but now he lost two or three thousand, he felt extremely regretful, no matter what he said, he dared not send any more troops to die.

These elites are the basic foundation for him to unify the various parts of the Imperial Kingdom and maintain his rule. Now that they have been completely destroyed, then he has not cultivated an extremely strong fighting spirit, and even an ordinary person who does not even have fighting spirit. What is the world where gods and demons manifest themselves?

I used to be proud of being able to match the force of dozens of people, but in this world where the water is very deep, I can't even make a bubble.

The reason why he was able to shake his prestige now, even suppressing that strength as high as Tier 4, and his combat power was even higher than before, was so fierce that he was not human-like, and Patriarch Wolf, who had killed thousands of his elite soldiers, couldn't hold his head up.

It is relying on the 30,000 brave men under his command, relying on their excellent equipment, discipline after strict training, and bloody spirit after killing the enemy.

Only in this way can arouse the awe and obedience of those barbarians who respect the strong, and guarantee their current glory and power!

After Sun Jian tried it out, he found that a strong attack was not advisable. Although he could still win such a small river beach without remembering the loss, this kind of loss is not something he can bear now!

Then we can only find other ways. The river is not long, only about fifty miles away. If our army turns around at this moment, walks along the river to the end, and then turns around, it is not impossible.

It's just that this journey is not short, and more than 100 miles is considered a relatively long distance. If a 30,000 army goes all the way, it will take him four or five days to reach the city of Pingyin!

This didn't even count how long it would take if the enemy troops harassed them on the way and made some small moves along the way to delay the marching speed.

Sun Jian did not forget that before he came, the cavalry troops divided into tens and hundreds of people were cruising around him.

Now that they came to the enemy's home field, there must be more cavalry ambushing around, just waiting for their army to show their flaws during the march, so that they can choose the opportunity to bite and bite off a piece of their own flesh!

Then again, even if I want to choose a safer method, time slowly rushing from the river to the other side, but my army rations are not enough to support such a long march!

If I insist on it for another ten days, it will be exhausted. How can I have so much time to spend on the way, I can only choose the method as soon as possible, which is more effective!

After much deliberation, Sun Jian still has no good solution, he can only choose the most stupid, but also the most direct and effective way to attack!

The order was given, and the army built bamboo rafts and some relatively strong boats, preparing to send out an army to forcefully cross this small river, and fight to the opposite side at the cost of losses, and seize a good river crossing.

The only thing that hurts his heart is that such a war of attrition with huge losses cannot send those stupid and low morale barbarians!

I was afraid that they would go straight halfway, because they did not know water, had low morale, and poor discipline, and were shot over by the crossbowmen on the other side and fell into Hanoi. Morale, lost another batch of useful cannon fodder!

Therefore, I can only reluctantly send the base of my subordinates, those elite soldiers with high morale and sufficient training, I just hope that they can take down the ferry on the other side as soon as possible with less loss, by the way, as much as possible Minimize your losses as much as possible!

A fierce battle for the ferry began. Sun Jian's army sent out together, and thousands of rafts crossed the river together. The momentum was huge, and they were connected with iron cables and wooden ropes to strengthen the stability of the rafts!

The river is not wide, the distance is not far, and there is no strong wind, so I am not afraid of the enemy on the other side who will come up with a series of fire schemes, which also avoids some unknown dangers!

Although the raft is small and carries few soldiers, the number is thousands. Looking from afar, it looks like thousands of sails competing for supremacy, full of majesty and grandeur!

Seeing the defenders on the other side of the river, they felt a little bit psychologically depressed, but they were immediately dismissed by their officers loudly, and they cheered up, raised their bows and crossbows and fired them all at once.

A shower of arrows rained down from the sky, and everyone who crossed the river on the other side turned their backs, screaming and running away with their heads in their hands.

He accidentally fell into the river again, struggling, shaking his hands and feet, grabbing the raft around him, shaking again, more people fell, and Sun Jun's army was in chaos.

However, as more generals restrained them, the scene slowly returned to calm, but it caused some confusion at the beginning, and then the soldiers who were already prepared slowly reacted and started to fight back!

Sun Jian's army also had bows and crossbows. Although he didn't have much experience, he could shoot a few rounds to counterattack.

As time went by, although Tian Feng and others tried their best to delay the time, they tried their best to think and defend.

However, Sun Jian still relied on his superiority in numbers and the fact that he had more elite soldiers, so he slowly reached the bank of the river, landed on the shore, and began to compete for the ferry!

After a fierce fight, the ferry was still seized by Sun Jian and others. It wasn't because Tian Feng and others refused to use their lives, but because Sun Jian and others knew that there was no way out, they were even more fearless of life and death.

At the end of the fight, even Sun Jian personally put on armor and went into battle, came to the front line of the battlefield, personally led his most elite soldiers, opened a gap, let his army have a breakthrough point, and captured the victory of this war Opportunity determines the tone of victory or defeat.

After holding on for three days, Tian Feng and others, who lost the ferry, led the remaining thousands of soldiers to retreat to Pingyin City, intending to rely on the ten-meter-high city wall on the ground floor to firmly hold Sun Jian's army here. He was dragged to His Majesty's army to help.

Sun Jian, on the other hand, led the remaining 20,000 soldiers under his command, and tightly surrounded Pingyin City, which had only 5,000 soldiers and horses left.

As for how many soldiers and horses will be lost, Sun Jian, who is already crazy at the moment, can't care anymore. He just wants to get through all the passes as soon as possible, and then grab cannon fodder in cities where there is no backhand power, and serve as soldiers and horses under his command up.

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