Many gods who were bound by their freedom and blocked all escape directions turned their eyes to Zhong Yu in horror, but found even more horrified that at this moment, the god Edel beside Zhong Yu had completely lost his life.

All that was left was a body as black as coke, emitting black smoke that shouldn't have appeared, and his body was still sizzling, as if it had been roasted.

Seeing that God Edel, who was considered to be among the top group of people like himself, ended up like this, many gods couldn't help but feel sad.

A body that should have been aloof, worshiped by many mortals and ants, and whose life lasted forever, is like a hunted beast, roasted and scorched alive, not even a complete body, and a decent way to die , could not help but let them feel a sense of sadness in their hearts.

But before they felt sad, they continued to feel sad. Finally, they sighed well, saddened the spring and autumn, and expressed their hearts that had become empty of emotion due to too long a period of time. A taste of emotion.

Zhong Yu turned his head, waved his hands in the air again, and once again a blank purple-gold imperial decree appeared, which was equally illusory but cohesive, full of supreme majesty!

And Zhong Yu also spit out the order in his mouth under the fear and panic eyes of all the gods, but at this moment, there is no need to arouse the vision of heaven and earth, just read the order!

"The emperor's edict said: Execute!"

There are only four short words, and there is only one word about the sentencing, but no one can ignore the weight of it. It means that under one command line, all the ten demigods trapped in the sky will be in the sky. This fall.

So many living beings who become immortals and gods, dream of immortality, and the mighty power of moving mountains and filling seas, how can they not feel a burst of disappointment in their hearts, and the despair of their dreams being shattered.

Don't talk about others, just talk about people like Cao Cao. They saw their original world, the Three Kingdoms World, disappeared and collapsed under Zhong Yu's incomparable power.

A world would be ruined just like that. It was absolutely impossible for them to say in their hearts that they were not afraid or resentful. They said it just to show their loyalty to His Majesty the Emperor!

However, they are deeply afraid of the incomparable power of their emperor, and the dread of the hole cards that seem to never be exhausted.

All the emotions that shouldn't be there are deeply buried in their hearts, as if they have never appeared before, and they are unwilling to dig out and mention them.

But what followed was their deep desire for that kind of power, that kind of desire to have power under their own control, to be able to control their own destiny.

Even beyond one's own life, the desire to reach another level of existence is unavoidable for any creature, and it is buried in the instinct and ambition deeply rooted in the deepest part of their hearts since their birth.

Now, following a word or a single word from His Majesty the emperor, the existence they pursued so hard and easily was easily erased, as if it was not without any strength.

Directly let the hearts that are ready to move because of seeing these gods appear directly into the abyss, and it is difficult to raise any resistance.

The group of gods were also full of despair, seeing Zhong Yu's last word, the Eye of Heaven slowly turned its gaze to this group of demigods, and the tribulation thunder kept flashing in their eyes, as if they were once again accumulating strength to kill the demigods. These demigods were wiped out.

Finally, the Eye of Heaven gained momentum for a while. , It seemed that enough tribulation thunder had been accumulated, and it struck down again suddenly, one after another, purple-black robbery thunder, continuously slashing towards the positions where the gods were.

It only caused the screams of the gods and the anxious sound of the god's body crackling, and bursts of black smoke rose, which was the appearance of the god's body being baked dry.

And the manifestation of the human will that wrapped those demigods was also a flash of golden light, and then tightly increased his binding force, and used his aggressive human power to continuously attack the group of demigods, making their bodies The degree of vitality disappears faster.

After a while, all the demigods in the sky were wiped out, leaving only the dark bodies on the ground, and one after another roasted meat full of strange fragrance. These meats roasted from the bodies of gods, Presumably mortals should be able to benefit endlessly after eating it!

Based on the principle of not being wasted, Zhong Yu directly received these corpses into his own system space, and prepared to have a feast for the gods after everything was over!

With the demise of all the gods, it seems that Zhong Yu is on this plain, and there is no power that can stop him. His ambition to unify the entire plain seems to be within reach without the obstruction of the gods!

On the entire plain, all the demigods were wiped out by him, including not only the demigods of the Edel tribe, but also the demigods of another major force, the Kuleer Alliance, and the kingdom of Ryan, except for the true god. All the demigods of all come.

But it was because the true god did not come that Zhong Yu felt flustered for a while. He knew very well that his authority could induce the power of heaven and the blessing of humanity, so as to suppress and punish these demigods to a certain extent!

But for the true gods who have achieved a certain level of cultivation of the law of heaven, have a certain base of human faith, and have completely fundamentally differed from all mortals, they are not comparable to those half-gods and demigods. .

Although Zhong Yu's emperor's blessing told him that it had a certain effect, it was not very big, at most it would offset his superiority in divine power.

After all, although Zhong Yu is said to be an emperor, the places he rules and the people under his rule are too few. The place he ruled was only a thousand miles away, and his people had millions of people. In ancient China, it was just a province.

What's more, the rule of this province is still in jeopardy now, with wars raging everywhere, how can he really hurt a true god with the Taoism he brought?

Therefore, Zhong Yu didn't have the slightest confidence in whether he could deal with the real god, and he didn't even have any confidence or hope in whether he could escape from his attack.

However, he really came here for whatever he was afraid of, just now Zhong Yu was worried about the arrival of that god, and in the blink of an eye, that real god had already appeared!

"Hehehe, good, very good, let me enjoy a very rare, even never heard of, a mortal king who can hunt and kill demigods!" A scene full of playfulness and murderous intent Words came from above the sky.

Zhong Yu and the others suddenly looked up, only to see a golden brilliance as dazzling as the sun appeared above the sky, shining his brilliance on the earth, directly tempting Zhong Yu and the others to surrender and worship, thus becoming his one devout believers!

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