The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 120 Quality is the last word

When the two disagreed, they fought immediately. For a moment, the sky was full of brilliance, and all kinds of roars were made because of their fight, which caught people's attention like fireworks.

"Five Elements Immortal Technique: Wood Spirit Jue!"

"Divine Art: Tear Space!"

"Five Elements Immortal Technique: Fire Spirit Jue!"

"Divine Art: Big Burst!"


The two of them continued to display their special skills, and released moves that were extremely powerful and close to Tao in the eyes of mortals.

This kind of ability after another seems inconceivable in the eyes of ordinary people, and it is difficult to achieve even in a lifetime, but it is as common as eating and drinking to the two of them.

Finally, after fighting it for a while, both of them realized that if the fight continued like this, neither could do anything to the other, even though the white-robed man suppressed Ryan in terms of his strength and skill.

But for the outcome of the entire battle, it is still difficult to decide. Of course, if the two of them keep fighting like this, they will fight for months and years. It is not impossible for the white-robed man to suppress God Ryan and even win by virtue of his rich experience and higher-level power.

But the problem is that the existence of the white-robed man has a time limit. Every time he volatilizes a power and stays for a period of time, he will consume the 100,000 luck points prepared by Zhong Yu, so how can he stand up to this consumption.

Therefore, realizing that there was no point in fighting like this, the white-robed man stopped and separated from the god again. After a distance, he confirmed that even if he faced his attack, he would have enough time to react.

"I didn't expect that you are such a god, you are so watery, and your strength is still quite strong. At least I want to take you down for a while now, but it is very difficult. It is beyond my expectation!"

"In that case, then I won't be bothered to continue playing with you. These useless little tricks are over. Let's directly have a duel as a fairy god!"

After finishing speaking, regardless of the expression on the other side, whether the somewhat ugly Rui En agreed or not, he directly released his strongest move.

"The law of the five elements: cyclic rotation, transformation of yin and yang, crush me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a five-color wheel appearing behind the white-robed man, forming a five-color jade plate, which is crystal clear and beautiful, but contains countless great truths, like the incarnation of Tao.

As soon as the jade plate was realized, it slammed directly at the opposite Ruien God, as if he wanted to buckle up Ruien God and put it directly into the disk to obliterate it.

Seeing the ferocious jade plate on the opposite side, Rui En's expression changed, it was extremely ugly. Originally in charge of the authority of the Dao of Heaven, he has practiced many Dao, and he can even be said to be the incarnation of Dao himself. And how can he not understand that the jade plate in front of him is the way that the strong man on the opposite side has comprehended.

And looking at this jade plate, it is perfect, and the whole body exudes gleaming waves under the sun, which is obviously an accomplished and extremely complete way.

However, he never imagined that the man in white robe who appeared from nowhere in front of him would have such a high level of cultivation in the Dao of Heaven, and he would have comprehended such a perfect Law of the Five Elements.

Can't help but make Ryan, who only comprehended the law of nobility, which is weaker among many laws, and even limited to the law of barbarians, be jealous, but there is deep fear in his heart.

Once this comprehension of the law fails, it will be a result of a complete fall, because every existence that can achieve such an extraordinary existence as a fairy god.

The lifespan is eternal and the power is endless.

All of this is based on their comprehension of the laws of the Dao of Heaven, and they can rely on this comprehension to obtain a certain authority of the power of the Dao of Heaven, borrow endless power from it, and at the same time entrust their true spirit to the Dao of Heaven, and have the same longevity as the Dao of Heaven. .

Therefore, for every fairy god, the laws they comprehend are everything to them. It is the source of their own strength and the maintenance of their own existence, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

But now the man in the white robe on the opposite side is engaged in a competition between two people, the law. Directly confronting one's own fundamentals, the existence of a person who can lose if he wins, directly erases him from the fundamental sense.

The gods are the incarnation of the law. Their own laws are defeated by the enemy, or even worn away. If the law disappears and is defeated, the god will no longer exist, and will directly descend to the altar and become a mortal.

"Who are you? You and I are incomparably noble existences, with a long lifespan and eternal power. The power in the world is up to our desires and desires. Why do you fight to the death like this? If you make a mistake, you will be doomed!"

Ryan couldn't help but panicked, and his tone was almost begging, obviously he didn't want to engage in this kind of battle where he didn't get any benefit if he won, but he lost everything when he lost.

"A courageous person, without a heart of diligence and bravery, who has the will to give everything in order to achieve progress, can go so far. It is my shame to be in the same realm as you. Needless to say, today either you will die or I will live , Saying these things will lose our identity!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly drove the jade plate and galloped towards God Ruien.

Seeing the man in the white robe behave so unkindly, as if he had a life-and-death enmity with him, he acted decisively.

God Ryan was also heartbroken, the glory of being a god, no matter how hard it was to make him make more concessions, he gritted his teeth and tried his best to release his noble law.

I saw the visions of knight kings accepting the worship of their subjects, condensed in the sky, and finally seemed to form real people, lifelike.

Suddenly, these nobles suddenly turned their heads, directed towards the jade plate flying towards them, turned their horses' heads in unison, and galloped it quickly.

In an instant, thousands of troops rushed forward, and a small jade plate seemed inconspicuous among these large numbers of people, and it would be submerged by the sea of ​​people at any time.

But after a burst of impact, one after another slowly dissipated, while the side was still standing there, seemingly without any loss, still so smooth and flawless, wave light!

People who watched their own laws become manifest, slowly disappeared in the process of hitting the jade plate. Ryan's originally majestic face gradually became pale and weak, and his body became a little more illusory.

"Stop, please, stop quickly! Do you want to help the king below you to take this plain? How about I give you this plain? I command the kingdom on the plain below, All my believers inside obey my orders and directly surrender the whole country without any resistance, how about this?"

There was a sound of begging for mercy with almost no lower limit. In order to reverse his fate of dying, God Ryan completely fell to the altar.

He did not hesitate to sell all the believers on the plain in exchange for a chance of his own survival. I just hope that I can maintain my current status as a god.

Otherwise, if his old enemies and opponents find out that he has been knocked down from the altar.

Then they, who have been grudges with themselves for a long time, will never let themselves and their believers in other places be spared. At that time, they really have no chance to turn back.

For this, what is it to beg for mercy with a mere servile face!

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